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I think I had a mini-breakdown..

wriggsy's picture you all know-our main issue of late has been SD/SS's failing grades. I have been in contact with teachers for both skids and yesterday, sent out emails to all the teachers that each skid is failing a class in. Monday is parent/teacher conference and the teacher usually sends home a note requesting a conference. Well...knowing how the skids are, I took the lead and sent the teachers an email asking them to contact DH directly to set up the conferences. Earlier this week, we found out that SD lied to us saying that she had taken a certain reading test, and her reading teacher said that she had not. When DH brought this up to SD yesterday (DH is on call this week and so this is the first time we had the ability to confront SD about this). Anyhow...when DH confronted her...she stuck to her story. She just kept saying that she had taken the test. Then, DH spoke to her about using her cell phone late (she had been on her cell texting until 11:30 the last two nights--while at her mothers). She stood there and said that she didn't. I told her to let me see her phone so that I can see what time the last text went out. "It's at my moms". So, I tell her..."Look SD..I go online every day and am able to see everyones by phone. And you were texting last night until 11:30." Then she says "I was texting my mom". I had noticed that she had called her mom at about 11:00 (apparently mom had a date), but she was sending texts to a different number. So, I tell her just that " called your mom around 11:00...twice. But you were texting to a different number until 11:30." She still wanted to argue, so I told her that I would be happy to print out what is on my account and she started yelling that she didn't want to look at anything. I told her that this could be solved really easily. Bring the phone home, I will print out what is on my account online and we can compare the times for her texting.

After this, I start getting that feeling of being hot faced, ears ringing and my insides are shaking, so I step into the kitchen to make some tea (is that like an anxiety attack or something?). I hear DH talking to SD about how she will not speak to me that way...and I was proud of him. But, next thing I know SD's in there doing her crying thing and I hear DH consoling her "I know you think I am so mean and it seems like am being hard on you". I had to go outside before I could hear the apology that I knew was coming. I was outside watering the same 2 feet of the backyard, my hands literally shaking and talking to myself. I know I should be proud of DH but, when he goes and consoles SD because she is upset, and she's upset because we aren't "just accepting" her lies anymore-it makes me so angry. So, he is basically consoling her because I am calling her on her lies. When he came outside to me, I told him that I felt like he was throwing me under the bus. The skids already know that I am in contact with their teachers and SD knows that I am the one looking at cell phone use, so even if dad is the one to talk to them, they blame me for it all. I am only trying to hand them a decent life and they can't stand me, but AM can treat them like shit and they adore her.

Oh...and because I was starting to doubt myself (why do I let her do that to me?!) I got online when I got home and rechecked my cell phone account. When I was going back through the list of texts, I notice a incoming text (to SD's cell) for yesterday morning at 6:45 in the morning. It was from her mother. So...apparently, AM went out on a date the night before and didn't come home. I immediately called DH and told him. Yes, the kids are probably old enough to stay home on their own (SDstb14 and SS12), but the main issue is it's 6 weeks testing this week and AM does not make them study (or go to bed at a reasonable time, take showers, etc), and if she wasn't going to be home, the skids should have just stayed at DH's so that he could make sure they did what they needed to do. DH was pissed. He said he guesses he is just going to have to start enforcing the visitation schedule. Because of AM being a nurse with an any shift kind of schedule (also includes the fact that she could be out of town for weeks at a time to work at another location), he has always allowed the skids to stay with her when she wanted them, but he is realizing that they need more structure. He had already put the foot down and insisted that they let me pick them up so that they come home after school...instead of going straight to AM's house. This allows us to make sure homework is done and also makes sure that AM isn't taking them out of class early (AM had a habit of showing up right as the last class of the day was starting, signing the kids out and taking them home.)



MaGoose2010's picture

"I start getting that feeling of being hot faced, ears ringing and my insides are shaking"

I have this on a daily basis with SS14 and as a result, and so that I can be 'normal' to the rest of the world, I take tranquillisers which calm me down immediately. While he was on holiday at BM lately, I didn't need them...funny hey? There are natural use giving yourself a stroke or something over this BS!

Why not take away the cellphone until the grades improve..let her phone AM on your phones when she really has to speak to least in that way you can control it better. But don't let it get out of hand...give her a budget. Make her earn the right to have a cellphone.

As for the lying...that definitely needs punishment...again take away something that is her 'currency' and make her earn it back by showing you she can be honest. But DH has to be on board as well for this to work.

Just my humble opinion... Good luck!

wriggsy's picture

When she is at DH's house...we have no probem with her minding curfew. AM keeps promising to take the cell phone from SD by curfew (and did...once...I think). If she knows that she is going to lose the phone, she will leave it at her mom's. In the past, DH has taken the cell away, but, IMO, it is never long enough. I think the longest it's been was almost 2 weeks (for bad grades last school year), but that time, he gave it back even though we had just found out that same day, that SD was still failing a certain class. (I do have to say, SD was at AM's last night and was off her cell by the 9 o'clock curfew!!!)

I am really hoping that DH is starting to shake off the "fear of parenting" issues that he has had and will start taking discipline more seriously.

As for the lying, we are really struggling with that. How do you make someone admit they are lying? You can't really. You can confront them with your "proof", but if they stick to their story, there's really no way to force them to admit it. AM is a pathological liar and if she says the sky is green and the grass is blue and is outside looking at your proof that it isn't, she would still say that it is. I guess as long as I can stand next to DH and say "Yep...this is the way it is", it really shouldn't matter if SD agrees or won't change. If SD sits there and says she made a 100 on something that she didn't even turn in...I guess the grades will still speak for themselves. It's really complicated, because while I believe you should pick your battles, you should also be consistent in the battles you choose. So, even if it does no good to argue about a lie with someone like SD, we still should, in order to drive home the fact that lying is unacceptable. I guess once we tackle the bigger issues and learn how to get consistent with discipline, we will be able to deal with the lying, too.

wriggsy's picture

I WISH DH would do something extreme like that! I think I would actually get turned on if he did! (tee hee!)

SD is only on our (my...actually as it's all in my name)phone plan is because AM couldn't keep hers turned on or with the same number for more than a month or two at a time. Earlier this year, when it happened yet again, DH and I decided to get SD on our plan, but with the same rules that DD has, as she was already on our plan. Over the summer, SD, AM and I had a dust up that ended with AM telling SD to pack her shit because she was never coming back to our house again. I told SD to leave her phone since it belonged to me, which she didn't do. I had the line suspended the next morning, but AM had it turned on in her name. I told DH to give her an option. Either we turn it back on in our name and our rules, or AM can keep her on the her plan, but will have to pay us for the cost of the phone (over $100 phone!) or we will report it stolen to the police (and yes...we have a couple buds in the local PD, they would have been glad to take care of it for us!) We got the phone back in our name. (and SD was only out of our house for two days before AM dropped her off for us to take care of getting her to summer school!)

DH and I have already discussed it and if SD continues to go against our cell rules..SD will be forced to give us her phone and we will have it permanently turned off. And we will never get her another cell phone again, let AM take care of it.

Irene H.'s picture

I've had a feeling with SS14, of being so angry I get dizzy. In my whole life, it's never happened in any situation, with any other person. And I get along with her, better than I do with one of her brothers. Never had that reaction to him, only her. I literally handle other people's conflicts for a living, am quite good at it, and never had that reaction to anyone but her.

But I will tell you: you're doing too much. Don't monitor their grades. Don't monitor their phone use (unless too much phone use costs YOU extra). They have two parents for that. Let/make them do their jobs. If they don't, and the kids train wreck, let/make their parents deal with it. You're making yourself crazy, when even their actual parents won't put forth that kind of effort. Back away, for your own health and sanity.

Irene H.'s picture

I've had a feeling with SS14, of being so angry I get dizzy. In my whole life, it's never happened in any situation, with any other person. And I get along with her, better than I do with one of her brothers. Never had that reaction to him, only her. I literally handle other people's conflicts for a living, am quite good at it, and never had that reaction to anyone but her.

But I will tell you: you're doing too much. Don't monitor their grades. Don't monitor their phone use (unless too much phone use costs YOU extra). They have two parents for that. Let/make them do their jobs. If they don't, and the kids train wreck, let/make their parents deal with it. You're making yourself crazy, when even their actual parents won't put forth that kind of effort. Back away, for your own health and sanity.