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In case you wondered...

Last-Wife's picture

My kitchen isn't totally spotless yet, but Loghead has been hounding at PITA all weekend to clean it up. There are SO MANY dirty dishes, PITA can't even have room to wash them by hand. He has been loading the dishwasher with smaller things and trying to get that caught up so he can have room in the sink to wash the bigger stuff.

And in my other recent post, you know I was gone most of Friday and Saturday. When I got home Saturday night, loghead had spent the day with Gibby and they had done some yard work. several loads of laundy and were baking banana bread when I got home. While it was in the oven, Loghead told me to relax, and he sent Gibby off to clean the living room while he cleaned the skids' bathroom.

It's official. Hell must be getting ready to freeze over...


imagr8tma's picture

:jawdrop: LOL, i know what you mean....... enjoy while it lasts!