BM and BF's love life story.
I'm new to this site i been looking for some where to vent and i found this site! Thank God!
Ok lets start from 10-30-00 my SD was born, Mommy(SD10 & SS6's BM)lives with her parents and Daddy(BD my BF) lived with his parents do to the fact that Mommy and Daddy were young(BM16 & BF17). Daddy started working at Del Taco when he found out Mommy was pregnant, he bust his butt for this job because he was only 17 and had to be 18 to work. Daddy loses Del Taco jod and Mommy calls it quits with Daddy until he got a job so Daddy get hired at Wal-mart at 18, that same year Daddy propose to Mommy and Mommy said,"yes"and Mommy started working at Mc Donald's at 18. Time passes by and nothing changed Mommy lived with parents and Daddy did too. They were making discent money and Daddy bought a truck a ford f150. Daddy says move in with me Mommy and Mommy says, "no" Daddy feels lonely with out Mommy and SD to come home too, having to go to Mommy's parents house everyday to see his baby girl(SD)and Mommy. Daddy bought everything you needed even though you didn't live with him. A year passes by and Daddy buys Mommy a Toyota Corola for Mommy's 19 birthday Mommy and Daddy fought alot because Mommy didn't want to move in with Daddywhich that mad him really sad. Mommy gets a job at the Wal-mart Daddy is working at, at the age 20 and so now they'ere making good money. Still Mommy doesn't want to move in or get married with Daddy so both of them begin to fight over that fact that Mommy doesn't want to move in, so Mommy gets mad and calls it quits with Daddy agian. Two weeks pass by and Daddy and Mommy only talk about SD over the phone and he only picks up SD to go out and not Mommy.A month passes and Mommy tells Daddy, "I'm pregnant" Daddy say "I don't belive you bring me proof" so Mommy goes to a clinic and yes sure enough Mommy and Daddy are pregnant agian, so Mommy and Daddy try to work it out for they'ere two kids. Mommy moves in with Daddy a week after she told Daddy she was pregnant agian, Daddy gets a second job doing graveyard being a securty. So Mommy and Daddy are living together at Daddy's parent's house, Mommy had alot off bills she had to pay because she went crazy on her cards and Daddy had his car, Mommy's car and the engagment ring he bought and he paid for everything SD and Mommy needed and wanted, both he's girls where spoild by Daddy. Daddy starts to notice Mommy was lazy, she didn't clean the room Daddy did she didn't cook at all, Mommy would go to her parents house ever day after work and would eat whatever her mom made for dinner. 3-27-04 SS was born by that time Daddy wanted to move out but Mommy said, "no" because they saved alot of money at Daddy's parents house, Daddy agreed. Daddy and Mommy are fighting more often about, money, Daddy not wanting to go to Mommy's parents house because Mommy's mom didn't like Daddy, Daddy's mom would complian about Mommy not cleaning or helping clean the bathroom Mommy used everyday. So one of Daddy's older sister told Mommy "You have to help my mom clean the house and the restroom you use, and cook for my brother everyday, don't go stuff your face at your mom's and leave my mom the job to attend him and make him food after work because you are always at your parents house." Mommy got mad at Daddy's sister and she would call Daddy's sister names to Daddy, Daddy didn't like it because that was Daddy's favorite sister. SD is 5 and SS is a year, Daddy goes to sister's house after work and doesn;t tell Mommy, Mommy calls Daddy and Daddy says, "I'm at my sisters house" and Mommy goes nuts saying, "I told you i don't want you going to that b*tches house!" Daddy hangs up on her and stops answering Mommy's calls, Mommy leaves him a message saying, "When you come back don't be expecting for me and my children to be here when you get home!" So she took everything and left only his clothes and the band new bedroom set they bought under Mommy's name, Mommy never came back for itand Mommy has gone back to her parents house with both SD and SS. Mommy was mean to Daddy not letting Daddy see his kids, Daddy started drinking alot and got really depressed because his little family feel apart and Daddy missed his kids alot.
Daddy got better and stronger and Daddy's sisters helped him take Mommy to court and so he did, he ended up winning he got everyday from after school until 6 o'clock and every weekend. Daddy always had the kids and Mommy loved it since she could go out every weekend but Daddy didn't care what Mommy did anymore, he was happy he got to see his kids everyday. Daddy found himself a new GF and Mommy went crazy, coming by Daddy's house to see if she would catch Daddy with GF and when Mommy would find them together she would get off her car and start fighting with Daddy and GF and Daddy would kick Mommy out of his house. Mommy then started wanting Daddy back, everytime she would pick up the kidsw she would invite herself in Daddy's house and she would tell him "Lets try to work things out for the kids." And Daddy would tell Mommy "I'm sorry i just don't love you anymore." Mommy saw Daddy had moved on so she left him alone after trying for almost a year.
- A STEP ahead of you's blog
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OK, I read it all. So, are
OK, I read it all. So, are you asking a question at all or just telling us your background?
Letting you know my
Letting you know my background, today I'll be posting how i met my BF.
lol, I was thinking the EXACT
lol, I was thinking the EXACT same thing but I love the: run forest run part.
Don't judge. For someone with
Don't judge. For someone with no degree and who may or may not have a high school diploma (poster didn't say) and for being only 20...yes walmart is 'good' money. It helped provide for the guy's family, which he did even at a young age. And believe it or not, walmart can have some good benefits and room to move up. So give them a break. I read all the time on here how adult skids don't work yadda yadda. Here a 'kid' does work and you make fun of his job. Nice.
As for the OP, idk if you are just stating your story or needing advice. I'd just be careful if you are the 1st relationship after bm.
I'm not his frist
I'm not his frist relationship but I am his frist live in GF since BM.
Sad, I wonder if he still
Sad, I wonder if he still works at Walmart?
Nope, but he still works two
Nope, but he still works two fulltime jobs Lowes and Wells Fargo.
BM in the other hand still works at Wal-mart.
Sad, I wonder if he still
Sad, I wonder if he still works at Walmart?
I hope you don't get
I hope you don't get discouraged by people posting rude comments or comments that may upset you. If your going to post something people are going to give you their honest opinions. Its nice to be able to vent and thats what you did, my first post was all about my history with my fiance and his crazy ex too. I am in a scary similar situation only my story involves one child(3yrs) and my fiance, the father(21yrs) having a job managing an adult care home, and also running two of his own businesses. The BM only sees her son every other weekend. She still lives at home with her parents and she used to work at mc donalds but quit there to work as a housekeeper in the local hotel.
Hopefully this site will help you. Keep posting, its a really great place to get advise and opinions. But liked I said, some people don't feel any sympathy for you and will respond with some pretty harsh things. Thats what this site is all about though. Use it often. Even if you just come on to read whats going on in other peoples lives its refreshing to know your not the only one dealing with step kids and crazy ex's. Welcome!
Thank you Krenee, Yea
Thank you Krenee,

Yea people can judge but i can take it!
Like i say "Don't bite me, i bite back." lol!
I will bite back without a doubt!
Thanks for being a friend, and welcoming me in with open arms!!