O/T Hell's Kitchen, anyone?
I haven't watched for a few seasons but the premiere tonight was enjoyable (as far as reality TV goes, anyway).
He was a little douchey for mocking Chef Ramsay but I like Boris best from the men's team so far. What's up with this Raj guy? He's got to be an actor.
From the ladies side, I'm kind of favouring the girl with the tattooed eyebrows. Not really loving Boobs McGee, though. Sabrina's kind of an uppity bitch, too - what was with those gang signs when she was telling off that other girl when they were choosing nominees for elimination?
I'm kind of indifferent on everyone else at this point.
I miss Jean Phillipe (the usual maitre d') very much.
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I didn't realize until after
I didn't realize until after I posted but there's actually two episodes tonight.
I'm watching the second one now.
I think Ramsay kept Raj in
I think Ramsay kept Raj in just to bugger up the guys for awhile. Next week looks interesting
lol Probably! That guy is
lol Probably! That guy is nuts.
Yeah, you're probably
Yeah, you're probably right.
My favourites tend to change over the course of the season but as much as I was annoyed by Sabrina at the end of the first episode, by the end of the second I wanted to smack her. What a self-righteous, immature whiner.
I think she bothers me as much as she does because I've worked in kitchens and she reminds me of a girl I worked with once.
Moment of silence for JP.
I have to admit, I laughed
I have to admit, I laughed out loud in the first episode when GR announced something, may have been the men's reward and everyone else was quiet but Raj started clapping and looking around blankly until GR was like, "Raj..."