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Dilemma with non-biological "step daughter"

SteppingUp's picture

Recap of our situation: My fiance met BM when she had a 3 month old daughter. BM turned him into automatic "Daddy", as my DF was willing to take on that role from the start. He fell in love with his stepdaughter and now admits she was the reason why he stayed with BM so long (3 years). BM got pregnant, had an abortion (against DF's wishes) and they broke up. He got back together with her mostly for SD's sake...they tried and tried, and broke up again. Only to find out BM was pregnant again -- the result: son. Got back together, broke up for good when his son was just 6 months or so.

When they broke up, they agreed to keep the siblings together. DF was looking at it as being less traumatic for his stepdaughter, and now we realize it was BM wanting to have her free time. They went through lawyers and court to settle the dispute for custody of his son. They settled on 50/50 and the "silent agreement" was that SD would also be in his care for those times too..."to keep the kids together".

Now I LOVE "SD" just as much as I love DF's biological son. However, I fear this will cause a lot of problems down the road. The problems have been minimal so far, but I am starting to feel more and more resentful towards BM and the fact that she is USING us. She goes out on almost every weeknight she doesn't have the kids. SD has no idea that DF is not her "daddy". But we are feeling the strain as we have to do all of her caretaking and parenting and we get absolutely nothing for it. If we were swimming in cash it wouldn't be an issue because both DF and I have huge hearts and like I said, we truly love her. Her real dad pays BM child's almost like BM should be paying US child support or a daycare/babysitter pay in order to take her! Am I right? But how on earth would we ever do this when the precedence has been set?

DF is considering contacting SD's real father and asking him if he'd be willing to sign over his parental rights, letting DF adopt her. Should we even attempt it? My fear is that financially we'll be in a bigger hole because then DF might need to pay BM MORE child support because it will be for 2 kids rather than 1????

And here's where it gets more complicated...or where I can see it growing to be worse. I am having my baby in March. SD 5 started kindergarten this week, which adds a lot of stuff to the mix. When the baby comes, I will have to get up 3-4 days a week, wake up my pseudo-stepdaughter to get ready for school, deal with newborn, get myself ready, wake up stepson to get ready, put all 3 kids in the car, drive stepdaughter to her bus stop (it's right by daycare), then SS to daycare, then take my child back home or to its own daycare (the stepkids daycare won't take infants).

My fiance works at 5am every morning, and until now it's never been a problem for me to bring the skids to daycare. It just gets so much more complicated with bringing stepdaughter to her bus 30 minutes before stepson has to be at daycare, and an hour before I have to be at work...and then add in that I will have a newborn to take to its own daycare and then go to work. I don't know how I will feasibly be able to do this!! So the solution would be to stop taking step daughter overnights during the week...but we are afraid of crushing her, and that BM will not be kindly honest with her but instead will cause all kinds of parental alienation out of the situation so that stepdaughter thinks we don't love her at all anymore and never want to see her!

Such a hard situation...any suggestions? Basically, is there any way that you all can see that we could get some recognition from BM that we are raising her child more often than she is and that we should be compensated SOMEHOW? Or get her to understand the predicament we WILL be in after the baby is born and that it just won't be possible to take SD all the time during the weeks?


wriggsy's picture

It is very hard getting kids going in the morning...I agree. But, what if all three kids were all yours? You would just deal with it. It's going to be very hard on everyone when DF tries to get one can say where that will go. The best thing to do is just try to make the best of every day (and pregnant, too...bless your sweet caring heart!)

DH and I have 3 kids (2 his, 1 mine) and have been together since the youngest was still in diapers. We both also have to be at work early, and have learned some valuable lessons about getting as much ready the night before as you can. Literally. Clothes ironed and laid out, socks and shoes right by the clothes, diaper and wipes ready for the first change of the morning, diaper bag packed for daycare, school bag packed and either by the door or in the car, bottles made, lunches made, baths the night before. Toothbrushes and hairbrushes in the bathroom-ready to be used. We really did get this down to an art and even though the kids are now in junior high, I still do a lot of this (I now have to be at work even earlier than I used to), so all I have to do is roll out of bed, hair, makeup, get dressed--out the door! I get up at 3:45, I am waking my BD up at 4:15 and we are out the door by 4:30!!

SteppingUp's picture

I do see your point about the kids being all mine, and even if we did have full custody I would see it through and make it work. However it would be a lot different if we had full custody and could work things around our schedule, SD could go to the bus stop two houses down from our house, and the kids would go to a daycare closer to my house too. It would be a different ballgame.

What I'm saying too though is that BM uses us to take care of her daughter so she gets her free time. If we were to take that away, BM would be so mad at us -- not for her daughter's sake, but for hers. If you read through my posts you'd see that BM thinks only of herself...never, EVER, puts her kids first. So I think a lot of this is just my boiling resentment towards this whole thing. We never get any sort of recognition for taking SD as much as we do although everyone around us thinks it's very strange and always asks us why we do it.

Thank you for the suggestions's pretty much how I do run the show in the morning becuase otherwise I'd go crazy Smile I just have a lot of new-mom worries though to add to it now.

anita...sigh's picture

We have a similar situation

My DH met BM when she was pregnant and he fell in love with SD. SD has been a handful (she's grown now Smile ) but DH would never have considered not keeping her with her sibling group (DH has two daughters from his relationship with BM).

I know what you are going through is very hard and managing a house-full of kids and getting everyone where they need to be is challenging. For myself, I found the easiest to be private daycare with a caregiver who is willing to take care of a baby, ss and get SD to and from school.

Maybe you have a family member needing some extra cash who would be willing to do this for you.

Are you planning on going back to work right after the baby is born? I went back to work when my youngest was 5 months and I was still breast feeding and not sleeping through the night yet. Ugh,

SteppingUp's picture

I do need to go back to work fairly soon after having the baby. I'm really bummed about it but I have no choice financially. And on that note, paying a nanny to come (which definitely would be the easiest) would cost me about as much money as I make in a week, so it really wouldn't be worth it.

Also, BM has family in town but we don't...and we wouldn't trust any of her family to provide constant daycare anyway. The skids go to a really good private day care (SS full time and SD after school now) and we love her. But she won't take under 18 months, so no matter what we'll have to find child care for our baby for that time frame. We would never want to change the skids day care because we finally found one that everyone loves.

It will definitely be an adjustment. Thanks for your input!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Agree with wriggsy. I have 3 bios- 6mths, stb4 and 5. When he baby was born I had to do it all myself. I have no friends in town and no family that could help. So I did and still do what I need to do to get things done. As a newborn I had to wake up the baby, load all 3 kids inthe car, take dd5 to school, then back home to nurse baby. Then a few hours later dothe same to pick up dd. On top ofthat dd also had dance class we would all have to go to. This school year same thing- I have to load all 3 kids, take the older 2 to 2 different schools, back home then pick up both kids at 2 different times as well as to their activities after school- all with a nursing baby! So, I can be done and you can find a way for it to work.

However, as far as the entire sd situation her bd paying cs for her? Does he ever see her or does she visit him? I don't understand why he would pay cs for her but never see her. Sounds like bm has it made- 2 checks and no kids! I think that if dh wants to change things then he needs to do it. The resentment might build up and when she's older it will be harder on her. Yeah, if he adopts her the cs would go up. If he totally denies her then it will cut off any responsibility he has but hurt the little girl. However she does have a dad who might want to see her.... Eventually thetruth will all come out and dh has to figure out what his role will be now and then. If dh wants to contact the bd maybe he should and find out if he wants to have a relationship with his own daughter. Also, I know you said you loved sd as much as your real step but you do have different feelings towards sd otherwise you wouldn't be so willing to cut off her visits & not the other's visits. Maybe dh feels the same and is ready to get out of his 'duty'? I know some people will say he needs to be there since he made that committment in the beginning but the more I think about it, I think having sd bein raised in a home where the parents resent her & feel it is their 'duty' to takecare of her might be more harmful. Just thinking out loud.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Yeah, but what do you tell her when she finds out he isn't her real dad and that perhaps they not knowingly prevented her from knowing her real dad? Or what do you tell her when she notices she gets treated differently than the 'real' skid? If she is already viewed as different now then what about down the road when resentmnt has set in and even grown? (well if we didn't have to support her then we could afford this or whatever might come up later.) I'm just asking- not curing down your answer. To me either way is tough.

SteppingUp's picture

I guess an exasperating "I know" is my answer to both of you... It is a very difficult situation all around. I think when the time comes where she finds out the truth, it's going to be hard for her to wrap her mind around the fact that her mom gives her up for half the week and her real dad doesn't really care either.

Her real dad's mother tried to tell her about a year ago. This just brought up confusion, and SD told my fiance, "Grandma ___ says that you aren't my real dad so I don't have to listen to you!"

UGH. That was one time when BM actually was on our side. She had a "talk" with SD but still didn't think she was old enough to understand. SD had just turned 4 at the time. BM also talked to SD's grandmother (the one who said that) and told her it was inappropriate to tell her that at her age and that when the time comes we'd tell her all together. She doesn't know what "real dad", she only sees her "real" dad once a month, so it's not like that would click in her head.

Anyway, it's difficult all around and I do agree with you I don't want to hurt her at all.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I do applaud your dh though. I know my dh wouldn't have taken someone else's kid like that. And I can barely deal with dh's own son, so don't think I could handle a kid if it wasn't 'really' his. Both of you and anyone who raises any unrelated kid as their own deserves a medal at least!

charlene bool's picture

what a difficult situation! but i must say, you are already treating your stepdaughter differently...
i think in this situation, even though you are in the midst of a pregnancy (i worried about finances, logistics, everything during my pregnancy, i think it was partially the hormones to blame), you really need to adjust your perspective to that of your stepdaughter. if she has been raised by your husband her whole life as his daughter (which was his choice as well), her place in your family should be exactly as important as your unborn child. if you really want this child to feel accepted and loved, you must simply forget about things like acknowledgement and/or compensation from anybody, especially your husband's ex wife. and just accept the step daughter as a full-fledged family member.
the fact that people think it is strange that you take your step daughter, shows that you don't have a clear position on where she stands in your family. if you were clear on this and accepted her as a member of your family, there would not be either room or interest for this kind of conversation in your life.
although it sounds like a very complicated mix of family, and it must be incredibly stressful, i think it is important to remember that SD was considered your husband's daughter before you came into the picture. in all fairness, it would be incredibly traumatic for this to change now for her because for her because she has a new step sibling herself.
good luck!

charlene bool's picture

i completely disagree as well, fabumom. if the husband's children become a source of "emotional math", where the equation of driving SD to school two days a week becomes equated with "detracting time" from newborn, the result is that the SD is viewed as a liability, not a member of the family. if it is already established that the BM is lazy, then husband needs to step in to provide more support. but as husband works at 5am, the mornings will be a bit difficult for a while. but why should the SD be punished for all of this? i don't understand....

SteppingUp's picture

I see both of your sides, which is ALWAYS my "tragic flaw"...

Side A) I guess my darker more selfish side rears its head and thinks about all the parenting that DF and I do for BM's kid(s)...constantly picking up BM's slack in every way....and BM thinks she's just entitled to it and that there's nothing wrong. But then she'll pull the "you're not her father" card whenever she wants. DF certainly IS her father in all but the biological sense of the word. It gets frustrating when he is seen as her father in social situations yet he doesn't get a say in where she goes to school, where she gets on the bus, whether he can pick her up at school, doctor appointments, or anything like that, because BM simply says in those decisions that he's NOT the father so he doesn't get a say. This is why I mentioned seeing if he could adopt her and take on the 'parental' rights of her very non-parental biological father. PLUS, because of our schedule, we see our stepdaughter MORE than BM sees her own daughter. I think that with other people saying how strange they think it is, is more that they believe it's strange that BM 'lets' someone else take care of her daughter and actually sees her less than those 'other parents' (me and DF)...and she doesn't HAVE to. Most mothers I know would never want to give up their kid for that much time if they weren't court-ordered to. Because stepdaughter's BIO father takes her every other Saturday, and his mom takes her on Monday evenings, StepDaughter spends only 3 days a week in her own mother's care.

Side Dirol I hope I didn't make it sound like I don't love her as much as I love DF's biological son....which it sounds like I did a little bit. I was more in the moment of venting than making sure I got the point across about how much I (and we) love her. She and I have a very special bond and DF has said that he believes she and I have a 'soul-bond'. Our families see it too. We have a very loving relationship and I would never want to hurt her and even though I may play with the idea of making changes to our schedule, we'd never be able to go through with it. We've talked about when she's older and knows the truth and is able to make decisions that we'll just go with it.

I am definitely in worry-mode about becoming a new mother and all the intricacies that will go along with our entire situation and bringing in a newborn into that equation. I really appreciate everyone's will most likely be something that I just need to work through and figure out.