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OMG - Really BM

imagr8tma's picture


BM is still facing contempt charges on 13 Sept. She asked for a continuance back in July for lack of having a lawyer. At any rate. . . the judge gave DH the majority of his time she had denied at that time back in July during that court case. So ever since DH has gotten to exercise the time back in August... BM has been back to being a idiot.

So DH enrolled SD in an extracurricular activity here in VA (children's track) that she will only participate in on his weekends and court ordered time. SO he informs BM like the court order states.

She sends an email telling him she does not support him doing anything with SD in VA. He then tells her that SD will only participate on his weekends and he is not requiring anything from her. Basically that having SD active here is ok and that he would not do anything to hurt SD. He then asks her to do the same. That when she schedules extracurricular activities in NC to make sure they are on her weekends and not take his court ordered weekends.

(She has been taking visitation for months - she attempted to take the summer visitation but the judge saw through the lie and awarded him even more visitation.)

So she sends him an email last night..... stating," If you want your visitation taken into consideration then you need to email or call the dance company and get them to make the change.."

Huh, she is the parent and schedules her daughter's events. A 7 almost 8 year old can not drive herself anywhere. But at any rate this email shows that she is not going to facilitate a positive relationship between DH and SD no matter what happens.

Geez..... Why would you send an email like that just before court when you are facing a "Contempt Trial". The trial is scheduled for 13 September for denial of visitation and continued parental alienation. This case is one year after the last case..... last year 9 Sept 2009.... she had filed a bogus custody case and the judge ordered her to stop alienating DH and SD and gave him more visitation.

She has been doing worse since that case and even know that it went from a contempt hearing to a trial she is still pulling this crap.

I am beginning to wonder if she has some type of mental illness or something.


pat's picture

Yeah her illness is a A$$hole. I just don't get it. She sounds like my ex. She puts the kids in activities and expects me to play taxi on my time with them. I don't do it to her, so, why do that to me ? I have a very limited time with them being the non-custodial parent. So why not try to encourage contact and let me have my kids in peace ? She blows up my cell when they are with me, leaves stupid messages, I just don't get it. I think she really needs a boyfriend or someone. I have limited my days with my kids thinking she would get tired and stop with all her evilness, but so far it has been a uphill battle. Can't wait for my kids to drive , then she can't pull all this garbage. I refuse to spend thousands to go back to court with her. So pathetic. :jawdrop:

newtoshare's picture

i wonder if my DH and your DH were married to the same crazy loon. our BM situation is the same except she is IN the state. sigh. i wish we had more space. who was the judge? obviously not the one my DH got... he had custody but then a social worker butted in and said the kids "needed" their BM... now everything is messed up. she is liar and theif and we end up suffering the most trying to keep life normal. i cant wait til 2019. they will be in college and it wont be AS bad i hope.
dont expect the BM in your situation to ever be normal or care about your schedule or even the child's. sad but true... it is all about the BM in their heads. they are the victims in life and as long as someone will listen to their sob stories they are happiest.

happymostly's picture

gosh this is just awful for your sd Sad poor little girl to have an awful mother like that. What is so wrong with your dh being in sd's life?? i hope some real changes come from the contempt case for yall.

Angel72's picture

Unfortunately the worst part in all this, is that this SD will hate her mother later on. She's at a vulnerable age where it will only confuse her but later on, when thelight bulb goes off.....her mother will be in deep water.
My sd went through alot of alienation, stupid tactics on her mothers part. She now hates her mother. She's told me, i love her but i hate the person she is. BUT, here's another ugly perception on her part, the BM has put so much poison in this girls mind about her father, so much doubt, that she also doesn't like him either. At times, will call up her dad , call him names.etc...
She's now old enough, in her teens to be spoken to. I've set her aside. Firmly, and nicely told her, 'you know who your mother is now, what she has done, the games etc..etc....i cannot change what you think of both your parents, But know this, i will not tolerate you calling in my home , on my time, calling my husband names. He maybe your father, he's my husband and i will protect him like you protect your boyfriend, Because we love our mates right? i could see she understood. I told her, i can understand your anger at both your parents, but you shooting off your mouth and acting disrespectful will only worsen things.
I do not have alot of problems anymore from sd or bm anymore...we have kept alot of distance and it honestly helps my sanity. But the damage has been done to both his kids due to alienation tactics due to BM selfishness, jealousy and insecurities.
The only thing we can all do, is hope when these kids grow up, and finally have their license, their heads ontheir shoulders, they're realize their fathers honestly do love them and want them in their lives. Going to court is veyr expensive....and not an option for all of us. Best thing is to never talk ill about their mother when visitation comes, have fun, dont involve kids with problems, money , clothes , items fights...petty know what i mean.
Some BMs, like the one i had, honeslty look for something to fight with dh and make him look 'bad' in front of have them on her side...its childish. Very damaging.
Stick to your gutt feelings, keep in contact with sd, keep telling you love her and keep placing bm in her place. When the court hearing pops up, add this incident in, dont change the activities for sd on account of her BM. Is she happy when she's at your house? That is what counts.

imagr8tma's picture

Angel - that is my fear. I don't want my SD to hate her mom. I want them to have a great relationship. I think between DH and BM they should both have good relationship with SD. Even though BM is doing the wrong things - i just wish she would get it together and move in with her life. Geez they split a couple of months before SD was born...... SD is 7 now almost 8. Get over it........