will they do the dishes??
I got home last night to a sink full of dishes. DH was in the kitchen talking to me as I fed and watered my dog - (my child i love!!) I pointed to the sink and said i'm not cleaning those dishes and I don't understand what's so hard about washing the leftover food off the plates. DH went and called ss17 into the room and said learn to wash off your plates. I asked DH if he and his boys would be doing anything helpful around the house this week. DH took the week off and his kids are there. DH said that he would rather throw dishes away and buy new instead of washing dishes. I said that's an option - they call those paper plates....he didn't see the humor. I filled the sink up with water and dish soap this morning and threw in all the dishes that have piled up so far when i left to go to work. I figure when I get home they will either have done the dishes - not holding my breath, or they'll still be sitting there - most likely. I have decided I'm going to zip tie the dish/cup cabinets shut every time the kids come and leave only paper plates and dixie cups available. I'm tired of cleaning up their mess. DH said that if they haven't wanted to do the dishes yet they're not going to start. Fine. I'm just going to find a new way around it. am i going too far??
- dakotamom's blog
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'If they haven't wanted to do
'If they haven't wanted to do the dishes....'?
Um, who asked what the kids 'want' to do?
edit: I'm sorry, I really meant to say 'Um, who -cares- what the kids 'want' to do?'
Meh, take your pick. Either sentence works.
Ya, that stuck out for me
Ya, that stuck out for me too. Hell, I've never 'wanted' to do the dishes, but somehow, I've managed ... seems like most days of my life to do them.
Wait. You said... DH said
Wait. You said... DH said that if they haven't wanted to do the dishes yet they're not going to start. ...
WTF? If they haven't WANTED to? They should have no choice but to clean up after themselves!
LOL sounds like my
LOL sounds like my house....DH hates doing dishes and actually said he didn't like his kids having to do dishes during their EOW visits. He didn't feel that they should have to do chores for the short time they were here.
He regretted saying that to me....I got pissed off and refused to do any dishes from that point on. I kindly reminded him that cleaning house, doing dishes, cleaning up after yourself where ALL LIFE SKILLS. If they didn't learn these things now, how the hell could they function as adults in their own homes. And that I was NOT THE EFFING MAID FOR HIS KIDS.
yep MrsFrustrated- that's why
yep MrsFrustrated- that's why they have nothing at our house. he wants them to have a break from being ordered around at their bms house. If DH cleaned up after them it'd be on thing but he doesn't until lately when I won't do their laundry unless they politely ask and bring it to the washer. that happened once and now DH does it then gives me shit for being able to do our laundry but i leave his kids out. i reminded him of me stating what had to be done for them to have laundry...i'm not going to go search it out, they must not want clean clothes that bad.
I just don't know how to make it any clearer that i'm not the maid and i don't think it's fair to have to spend my weekend cleaning up after the skids. i haven't heard from DH to know what he thought of the sink.... }:)
Our rule is if you dirty a
Our rule is if you dirty a dish, you rinse it off really good and put it in the dishwasher. SS "forgets" this rule about 2-3 times a week.
When ever I notice dirty dishes, I go get DH and he will either load them or make SS do it. I am not a maid. Hell, I don't clean up after my kids or husband, I am sure not going to to it for SS.
And I HAVE to have a clean house. It is not pretty if this is not done.
skids don't have an option at
skids don't have an option at my house ~~ paper plates, paper bowls, plastic knives/spoons/forks and drinks come in a can/juice box or pouch and desert comes in a little debbie wrapper.
zip tie the cabinets and drawers if possible or put all the knives and scissors in the zip tied cabinet ~~ easier to use the paper stuff then go look for something to cut the ties with...
yea - the skids wouldn't go
yea - the skids wouldn't go to the effort of searching for scissors. I have my own pair that i keep because when i want the pair that's supposed to be in the kitchen they're never there. I know a tie can easily be cut, it's the point that it will cause them to maybe/hopefully think that paper plates and dixie cups suck and they'll take care to rinse their stuff off. i hate doing chores around the house. who likes to do dishes, dust, clean the sinks, windex the windows, vacuum??? I sure as hell don't and i get pissed when I'm the only one doing it and the 2 skids and DH sit on their asses. Dh will say we'll do it together later, but that never happens....i can't live in a mess, but i'm tired of cleaning dishes that have food stuck to them. there is a sponge that sits by the faucet - use the thing to go over your plate and i would be fine. they cant' even be troubled to turn the water on little lone pick up the sponge...
"Back in the day" my mom made
"Back in the day" my mom made us clean our room, take our turn doing dishes (we didn't have a dishwasher, oh horror), rake leaves, mow the lawn, wash the cars, make our beds and clean up our rooms. I didn't treat my parents or babysitter or any other adult in my home as household help. THAT's the problem. Nothing to do with marriage, divorce, step, or bio. If four people live in a house, it takes four people to keep the home functioning.
A.Deville, I hope I didn't
A.Deville, I hope I didn't come across as attacking. Just took off from the "back and the day" phrase! So sorry if I sounded bitchy!
Sounds like my house. They
Sounds like my house. They don't do anything. They would rather use paper plates then wash a dish ? What is the issue here ? How hard is that to do ? I just don't get the kids today. :?
It took me 3 years to finally
It took me 3 years to finally get the paper plates out of the kitchen. The expense, the waste, all for what? Too lazy to put dish in dishwasher. They used 3-4 plates at a time too & put in microwave which causes cancers. I bought new dishes when I moved in & insisted they be utilized. I got alot of resistance! They still ask: Dad where's the paper plates?
Oh, I kind of like that one.
Oh, I kind of like that one. I'm not sure how it will go trying to enforce it with half-grown kids who are used to being lazy, but I think I'll steal this for when I have my own children.
I don't think I'd lock anything up, though. I'm pretty much against keeping kids from doing things by locking stuff up, hiding it, etc...you'll do what I say because you are a child, and I am an adult. Thats how my parents did it.
I would take a more rude
I would take a more rude approach to this, however, that is just me. I would take the dishes, divide them among the amount of people that made the mess and go stack them on their beds. Then maybe they would get the hint, though if they ended up back in my sink still dirty I would continue to move them to their beds.
Kids these days are becoming horrible with chores. I can't say that about my skids though. All three of them love to help me clean up (except for their own room figure that one out). My 7yo ss bugs me when they are here to let him vaccum, who am I to begrudge him
lol. My 3 and 4yo Sd's help load and unload the dishwasher and ask when do we get to scrub walls again?!? They truely are awesome kids at that age I would have crawled in a whole before I asked to clean something!! One other thing cause I think it is funny, my 4yo SD refuses to let anyone here put away her clothes, she is so nit picky to which drawer they go in and which order it cracks me up!
I'm not trying to be
I'm not trying to be judgmental. I'm really not. But I think it's important that you ask yourself what you goal is before you start locking up the cabinets or going on strike.
Is your goal to teach the kids responsibility? Refusing to do the dishes isn't going to accomplish that. If you want them to do the dishes, then tell them to do the dishes. If they don't, then tell them that no one gets to use the kitchen nor get any food out of the kitchen until it is clean.
Getting paper plates simply encourages them to be lazy. "Excellent! I don't have to do the dishes!"
Going on strike simply lowers you to their level. Adults don't behave like that. I don't see how any women could stand to live in a house with dirty dishes....even for a couple of hours.
I've never gone on strike. And I've never had kids refuse to do something that I ask them to do. Granted, my kids have very few chores. But I do expect them to make their beds in the morning and keep their rooms clean. My boys mow the lawn and take out the trash. My girls help with their younger brother and help me in the kitchen sometimes. Other than that, I consider school their "job". I'm not suggesting my way is "right". However, I do know that allowing the house to fall into disarray to prove a point is childish. And it certainly won't accomplish the goal.
If it was me, I would do the dishes. But there would be a consequence. I would certainly be less likely to hand out money or chauffeur kids around for example.
Me too, Winehead. As a kid -
Me too, Winehead.
As a kid - I had chores and if I didn't do them - there were consequences. No allowance, being grounded and my personal favorite: my mother would add to the chore if I didn't do them on time. Like making my bed in the morning - if I didn't make my bed I would come home from school and have to make my bed and my parent's bed.
I agree with Mom2five - there needs to be consequences for not doing a simple household chore. The problem is Dakota - your DH is not supporting you. You need to get him on your side, set up some daily chores that must be done, assign them to who needs to do them and enforce them.
If DH won't support you - you'll need to make a choice if you can live with the mess, take care of it yourself, hire some help, etc.
1 More Option I made my DH
1 More Option
I made my DH responsible for his daughter's mess. If she didn't clean it up - it was his responsiblity to take care of. That worked for me - he didn't want to clean it up so he made her do it and I wasn't the bad guy.
I love all the opinions but
I love all the opinions but my DH won't tolerate if i make him responsible for their messes. He won't clean up after them either and it becomes a battle of the bigger asshole. the kids leave and the mess is still there. I thought that by filling up the sink and letting the shit that hopefully one of the 3 would do something about it but as it's 1:30 and i haven't heard anything good or bad about it i'm sure they're still there. I figured i'd get a "did you start something and forget about it this morning" at least...
There really is no point to prove, i'm not trying to teach them responsibility because I have had several issues that lead me to think they're just morons. I'm wanting to lock up the dishes that need to be washed because I'm tired of doing the dishes every time ss15 and ss17 invade my house. they will literally go through ALL the cups and a good portion of the plates in the house. I'm not doing that many dishes while they all do nothing - it pisses me off. when it's just DH and i at the house i can easily cook a meal and do dishes in 10 minutes because theres 2 plates, 2 forks and whatever dish for the meal. i set everything to soak after it's been cleaned out so in between tv shows or whatever i can clean them quick and move on. What pisses me off is when i come home the first day they're there and both sides of the sink are overflowing with cups adn plates. REUSE THE FUCKING CUP!!!! wash it out and you can reuse it - all they're drinking is water.
i will see what happened with the dishes when i get home tonight and talk to DH again on skids cleaning the dishes off before sitting in sink at least. if there is no improvement after that it's dixie cups and paper plates.
if it costs more but saves my sanity it's well worth it.
LOL!!!! Did you mean that as
LOL!!!! Did you mean that as a southern "bless your Heart"?
So funny. My DH is a southern
So funny. My DH is a southern boy. Whenever I start a conversation, "Bless your heart, Honey," he knows he's in deep poo with me.
Family meeting time!! If you
Family meeting time!! If you eat-you clean. If you won't clean- you won't eat.
We assigned kitchen days to each kid. They have total kitchen duty for the entire day. If by the end of the day they forget to turn on the dishwasher, wipe counters, stove, sweep, etc ... they have duty the next day also---this is so the next kid doesn't get screwed cleaning yesterday's mess. Another rule: No trading dish nights, or paying others. Dishes will wait until they get home from work, or no going out until they are done. If not done by morning--they get another dish night.
At first there was a lot of fighting and shenanigans--like making a huge mess with pancakes, daytime baking, and lunches just to pizz off another. They went so far to over-set the table when it wasn't their night. I said nothing and let the social experiment work itself out. It did with 4/5 of the kids. When SD continued with this tactic, I stepped in to put a stop to it by turning her day into MY cooking day. Told her to look around... you are on the losing end of this gig--knock it off, or you will have dishes every night.
Today everyone is much more mindful of their kitchen and dish usage. I no longer have to call a kid back to clean up better... the kid who has the dishes the next day does. Whoever doesn't have kitchen duty sets the table--my called out choice. Everyone clears the table of food and dishes. (Oh, and we all now wait for SD who hides out in the bathroom until we finish! ha! That got "fixed" by the other kids that noticed she hid in the bathroom when it came time to clear the table. So at the beginning of dinner they asked her if she had to go to the bathroom before we started... No? Good, then you should be able to hold until we are done with clearing the table, if not we will wait for your help.)
The entire idea was risky in that we did not want skids ganging up on each other (more than they did). As it turned out it is the blood lines that keep each other in check and ensure teamwork. One less thing we have to nag about.
oh no - DH is not one that
oh no - DH is not one that you try to bully into doing something. I've tried to do this ONCE. Never again. He won't tolerate me trying to make him the bad guy by telling his kids what to do and if i try to do it he'll ask right infront of them why i have to be a bitch about everything. I'm sure i've brought this on myself as i tried to do everything i can for DH since day one when my money situation sucked and he was stuck paying most of the bills so that i could get a handle on mine. I spoiled him basically by doing EVERYTHING and just kept doing it when skids were there until i felt just run over and expected to clean up after their dumbasses. now when the kids are there i back off because they're teenagers and can clean up after themselves. the skids were bitching about having to do their chores at their moms and i told DH that it sounds like a good idea having them clean up after themselves and he didn't agree. "those are my boys and they come to me to get away from the nagging and the stress of being pushed into growing up early" whatever.....
DH has no relationship with his children. they come to get away from BM and stepdad, DH buys them as much as he can in an attempt to buy their love because he doesn't know how to be there for both of them. he and ss15 (the shadow) grrrrrr will watch tv together or ss15 will sit with him while he works on vehicles or bikes or whatever but ss17 wants nothing to do with anything outside. he is on the computer or playing with legos from teh time he walks in the house until he leaves.
by me wanting to have help doing shit around the house that they dirty or whatever i'm sure DH is afraid they'll quit coming over. Not sure what the fear is because they don't do anything together anyway and i'd be a hell of a lot happier without ss15.
Paper dishes sound like a
Paper dishes sound like a great idea but if your situation is anything like mine you'll just be picking up paper plates all over. The issue at hand needs to be addressed and that is everyone needs to pitch in and help clean up you are not a maid.
I'm laughing at the diapers
I'm laughing at the diapers and helmets comment i know it's so wrong but they're more capable then these two idiots!!!!
I like mystierys comment ....
I like mystierys comment ....
Not just boundaries, but
Not just boundaries, but respect. It dosent sound like he has a lot of respect for you DM. It sounds like he treats you like the hired help. Well at the very least, I'd make sure he wasn't getting any lovi'n anytime soon...I know that you aren't supposed to 'with hold', but then again he isn't supposed to disrespect you.
Dh and i are awesome when the
Dh and i are awesome when the skids aren't there, loving, laughing, just everything is so easy - i wish DH would just realize they're what makes me a bitch because i'm fine without them
yep, skids make me a bitch,
yep, skids make me a bitch, too! with out their cry baby asses, it's a happy home front!!
well i figured from your
well i figured from your previous days of stalking me you would realize that it is ASS GNAT wednesday..... and if you would read before running your fucking recorded statements over and over and over again.... you would see skids make me a bitch and with them here i'm not happy it's without them here i am happy...
i wasn't going to take your bait, but i figured your life is so empty & sad and apparently you're not allowed to use the computer when dh is home, so i thought it would be thoughtful to throw your poor pathetic loser ass a bone..
did i answer your question?
ps --- why are you here?? nobody likes you, probably like in real life for you.
glad you liked it steperg
glad you liked it steperg (and i truly believe it is true and sad), apparently it hit a nerve or close to home or some bs blended likes to say when it is being condescending to a fellow speep!
it's just not fair. I can't
it's just not fair. I can't win any way....pick up paper plates or just do the stupid dishes...
it's just so hard to try to deal with skids when DH won't back me up because he wants his boys to be babied so they come see him.
I could give a shit less and would prefer they dont' come over but that won't happen.
Dh adn i need to talk about this because there are so many issues like this that just piss me off....just when i think i've found a way to get around it (doing dishes) there is a new problem (pick up the stupid paper plates!)
But the Skids aren't the ones
But the Skids aren't the ones to blame
It's your DH, Dakota. It's up to the parents to make the kids behave: do chores, clean up after themselves, become a responsible part of the family. Your DH is parenting by guilt - he doesn't want to make them mad or cause problems. Believe me - I have been there and I know how angry and resentful you can become towards the kids - but really this is the parent's responsilbity.
Unless you're willing to continue to put up with this - you need to talk with DH. Running a household and a family is a shared responsibility - your DH needs to step up.
No judgement here - just my opinion and my empathy.
neither does my DH and that's
neither does my DH and that's what is so hard!!! Even DH's own parents tell him that a little sternness and having them take care of their own things isn't going to kill the skids, he just doesnt' listen. I've asked before about where are the boundaries in parenting kids that aren't yours adn the general concensus was to just stay out of it, it's better for the mind...
It's never easy. When SD was
It's never easy.
When SD was living with us I tried lots of things. I ignored the mess hoping that DH or SD would clean it up, I nagged SD constantly, I boycotted SD and DH and I finally confronted DH. Not fun. But I was not going to be the maid in the house. DH finally started cleaning up after SD and later made her responsible (to a point). So glad she has her own apartment now.
If DH refuses to help you in
If DH refuses to help you in getting the kids on board with chores, then he needs to be the one cleaning up after his dear little piggies. Disengage from it. Let him throw the dishes away, but don't buy more. In fact, don't buy any more food either. Go on strike completely.
Then again, I also like the suggestion that you hire a cleaning service and pay it for it out of DH's account.
You seem to have a great idea of what HE won't tolerate you need to have a serious discussion with him about what YOU won't TOLERATE.
I've been wondering what
I've been wondering what would happen if I go on strike when the skids are there. But then i wonder how bad it will kick me in the ass too. I dont' want anything that deals with the skids to lap into happy world when it's just DH and I. when the skids aren't with us they aren't even mentioned.
I would love to get a cleaning service to come in after the skids have been there. I will do during the week when it's us and the service can come in and do it after them
thanks for all your comments.
thanks for all your comments.
do the dishes and move on....
do the dishes and move on.... but be the kitchen/dishes police and go fucking nuts when you see a new dirty dish in the sink... }:)
i say paper plates.... or quit buying any food that isn't self contained (pop tarts/tv dinners) so they have no need for dishes... then you'll have silverware ending up in the garbage, go buy the $ store cheap shit and when they run out too bad too sad.
Save your money and buy a
Save your money and buy a dishwasher and that will solve a lot of problems!