Stepmom to the rescue!
I'm not even sure where to begin on this one...and some people might view this as overstepping or trying to hard.
So this last Saturday morning we get an email from BM saying "I have misplaced all the school info for SD6. I have no idea what I need to get, or when school starts". (Keep in mind, this is SD6's first year...Kindergarden...b/c BM held her back) But whatever, not a huge deal. I had put our copies of everything in a safe place, so I copied and printed them out for her. (FDH was at work and was unable to do this...some might think this is backwards, but in my house the school stuff was always "moms" job and we kind of fell into that pattern. I am mom at our house.) Anyways, I call BM and let her know I made her copies and wanted to come drop them off so they could do their school shopping. She says "we're at my mom's house (grandma) and we'll be here for another 40 minutes". Awesome, I tell her i'm on my way! I live in a big city, it was Saturday so there was a ton of traffic...i'm a little over a mile away and I text her to let her know i'm close (it had only been 20 minutes at this point). Stupid cow sends back "we already left". I'm doing HER a favor, and she has the nerve to be that rude?! Grrr.
Like I said, that part was irritating, but not horrible. But later that night I got to thinking...if she lost her paperwork from pre-enrollment, then I wonder if she completed the enrollment process (back in April). So here it is, 20 days before school starts, and I'm calling the school to see if SD6 is enrolled. NOPE! They have no record of her! ACK! So I get a list of what all needs to happen to get this taken care of and call FDH. Needless to say he is livid! BM is currently sole custody parent (based on her crazy ass lies), we are in the middle of fighting for joint custody. But since she has sole custody, CO states that she is 100% responsible for schooling...and she can't even get the enrollment part completed!!
FDH calls her that night, and they get into a battle-royal. She starts off by saying "it'd be nice if FDH had offered to help instead of yell at her"...1: we did offer, several times, and we continue to want to help that's why we want joint custody 2: you have sole custody of YOUR kid, it's your responsibility! Nothing was resolved, we told her what documents she needed, where to take them, and on what date. Of course we haven't heard anything back from her, so who knows if she'll actually follow through.
Don't get me wrong, I know BM loves her daughter...but sometimes love isn't enough. As a parent you have responsibilities! BM "usually" (and I use that word lightly) does a decent job...but she has a new boytoy BF. Whenever she has a new man it's like she completely disregards the responsibilities she has towards her daughter.
I just feel really bad for my SD6...I know BM is enjoying holding all this over FDH's head...but in the end the only person she is hurting is SD6.
- luckykell's blog
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Not a BM yet! I'm just
Not a BM yet! I'm just organized and responsible by nature (I'm 27, with the maturity of a 40 year old
) It also just helps b/c I'm alumni of the school system that SD6 is going into, so I know a few of the ropes.
You do have a lot on your plate! And sounds like you're handling it fine! Sadly, our BM just refuses to do it. She only works PT, she already owns her house and car, and doesn't really have many other responsibilites. I don't want her butt in jail either, so I think that's probably why i'm doing everything possible on my side!
She's not my favorite person by any means, but if she ended up in jail due to her own stupidity then we'd be left to pick up the pieces. No thank you!
I also have overstepped the
I also have overstepped the role of stepmom MANY times in 12 years, simply because I'm the "organized" one. I think you did the right thing. My opinion has always been to do what was in the best interest of the CHILD. And i'll admit, sometimes it was the opposite of what bio-mom or bio-dad wanted. but the skids lived with me, and as the woman in the house, that made me "mom." I did "mom" things. And in the end, everyone usually agreed I had made the right moves...