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i just don't know anymore

coltsmom5's picture

I'm 21 and have 2 step daughters 6 and 10 and 2 kids with my husbend 2 and 3mo. i married him when i was 16 and love him vary much, i just don't know what to do about the 6 year old, she has fits and says shes going to hurt us, the other day she tryed to choke my 3 mo. thats just now 5lbs. she's mean to the dog and her older sister, she pushes my 2 year old into walls, i just don't know what to do. Sad


stepkate's picture

Just doing some math here, and I hope I don't sound judgmental, because I'm just trying to get some more facts. How old is your husband? What kind of relationship does your husband have with his children's mother(s) (do they have the same mother)? Do you get along with their mother(s)? How often do you see your stepdaughters?

coltsmom5's picture

he will be 31, him an his ex don't get along at all, never have both kids are hers, her and i don't get along and its not cuz i havent tryed its her she insane, and the step kids live with my husbend and i she's not aload to have them beacuse she had problems.

stepkate's picture

I was kind of hoping you'd say the relationship between you, your husband and the mother was cordial, because you could kind of tag-team the kids. I don't have any advice, but its sounds like the other posters here do.

StepX2's picture

More questions: When did the 6 year old start acting this way?
Your 3 mo old is evidently a preemie...what kind of special care does your baby need right now, if any?

coltsmom5's picture

the 6 year old have been doing this sence she was almost 3. the baby dosnt need any special care except to go to the dr. once a week, my husbend and i have tryed everything from time out, spanking to leting her go.

coltsmom5's picture

she was born at 27 weeks and was 1 lb 7 oz, she was in the nicu for 2 mo. and came home on o2 and monitor but she just came off all that stuff last week

Jsmom's picture

My son was born on time and only weighed 3.5 lbs. No problems. I had toxemia so he didn't grow. He was completely fine and at 2 years caught up. People always thought he was a preemie but, he wasnt. I don't think you should imply anything.

mom2five's picture

Spanking won't work. She's angry and spanking her will just make her angrier. Obviously, you have to make sure she is never around that baby unsupervised. Not even for a moment.

If she is mean to animals, I would see that as a huge red flag. She needs therapy. Have you talked to the pediatrician about this?

coltsmom5's picture

we'v tryed every thing from spanking to time out, now we are trying grounding for the day

coltsmom5's picture

we just did talk to her dr. the other day and she has a frist consaling opt. tomarrow, oh sh never ever alone with the baby anymore ever. i'm to the point tha i dont want to be around her. i don't sleep cuz im worried she will get up in the middle of the night and hurt some one(my 2 year old has his own room). my husbend says its just a thing she going through, he finley realized the other day hen she tryed to choke the baby thats its bad, really bad. she would have hur the baby if not for the 10 year old, she stoped her

Rags's picture

Blister her ass with a belt every time she hurts someone then stand her ass with her nose firmly pressed in a corner for about 4hrs. That ought to get the message accross that her behavior is unacceptable.

When she has finised her corner standing time sit her down and let her know that it is an older siblings job to protect younger children and that if she chooses to continue to hurt her sibs she can get used to having her ass stinging and her nose being triangle shaped from standing in corners all day.

Discipline is not abuse and this kid needs some corporal discipline.

IMHO of course.

Good luck and best regards.

Chavez's picture

Um Rags? Are you sure you're not MY dad? LOL

Serious corporal punishment worked well in my house growing up!

Rags's picture

I don't know. Where was your mom in the early 80's? Wink

As far as I know I have no bio kids but since I was HS and college in the late 70's and early 80's at the tale end of the sexual revolution and right before Aids took off I can't say for sure that there are no Rags Spawn out there somewhere.

Just kidding and no offense intended.

My own parents were not averse to applying some motivation to our bare butt cheeks with a belt or paddle when my brother or I stepped out of line. My own son has had his ass lit up a few times by his mom or I.

For my bro and I the lead up to the actual swats was far worse than the actual spanking. Though he applied adequate force to the belt to get our attention my dad was a master of building the tension during the pre swat lecture.

Best regards.

MrsFrustrated's picture

Yeah! Go Rags! Why the hell are so many parents today AFRAID of corporal punishment!

I keep telling my DH that those hammies on the back of those legs are for swatting when the SD8's little hummingbird ass overrides her alligator mouth!

Unfortunately, DH refuses to lay a hand on his little monsters. Hence why I am here... :?

StepX2's picture

Glad to hear you have a counseling appt. set up for her. Don't let your husband downplay the seriousness of her behavior with the Dr.
Please give us an update after the appt. tomorrow.

Rags's picture

Though 16 is certainly pretty young to marry don't sweat the age difference between you and your DH. Other than the devil spawn Skid it sounds to me that you and your DH are doing pretty well as a couple.

My wife was 16 when our son was born. I was 28.

Before anyone calls the perv police on me ..... our kid is my SS. We met when she was 18 and I was 29 and married when she was 18 and I was 30.

Our 16th anniversary is next Friday.

Good luck and best regards.

coltsmom5's picture

thank's, just last night my husbend came to me and ask we were "ok", I told him we were and he's still scared i'm going to leave him. but thank's.