Child Support Is a Joke No Matter Where You Are Or What Side Your On!!!
I was just reading a forum about child support. I don't care where you live or what side you are on, the Child Support system is flawed. I don't have any kids, I can just go on what I've experienced with my Mom and Dad and DH.
I didn't know any of this until I was an adult. My Mom didnt receive child support on a regular basis. She would receive chunks from my Dad when my Dad could afford to pay. My brother and I did go without at times. My Mom didn't even have to call child support, if my Dad didn't pay, they suspended his license immediately and threatened jail right away.
My DH used to have to pay child support when he had joint custody. He had to pay $320 a month. We had SS every weekend except the last weekend of each month and every Tuesday. DH didn't have wages garnished because he was paying BM $200 a month even though he wasn't ordered to. On top of it, BEFORE there was a custody arrangement we had SS every Friday-Monday and every Tuesday, so 16 nights a month and DH was paying when he didn't have to. Instead of the judge just keeping it how it was, he lowered DH's visitation and raised the child support. Makes sense right? NOT.
DH was awarded Full Custody, BM is ordered to pay $523 a month. She didn't pay for 2 years ($12,552 in arrears). DH spoke to child support and wrote them letters monthly. He didn't receive help at all. They suspended her license the first year, but even that took 6 months for them to put in. He finally had to go pay to press contempt for himself. The first contempt hearing got postponed, the second hearing the judge told BM she had to pay 3 months in a row on time + $1500 to go to arrears. She didn't pay on time, she paid the full amount the day before court. So she basically wasted everyone's time, the judge decided to keep her out of jail since she at least paid, then ordered her to pay $600 a month until she was caught up completely. She has paid on time for the last 6 months and her court date was cancelled last week since she's been paying. She told DH last week that she had to work to pay child support and that it wasn't fair that she had to work and take SS, nice, I know. Its all going to happen again. She isn't going to pay and Child Support isn't goint to help DH. They can't garnish her wages since she is paid in cash.
No matter what side of the Child Support Spectrum your on, its all screwed up. I feel bad for the kids.
- Pantera's blog
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Unbelievable!!! The whole
Unbelievable!!! The whole thing makes me sick, and like I said, I've been on all ends.
I wasn't a poor kid and I didn't have a bad childhood, but we did go without things that other kids had. We ALWAYS had neccessities though.
Right on sister! In
Right on sister! In principle cs seems right, but in reality all parties feel slighted regardless of the amount pd or rec.
This is the first time I have
This is the first time I have ever wholeheartedly agreed with your entire post.
CPS is an agency not
CPS is an agency not interested in pursuing real child abuse as that is too dangerous. They are middle class NCP biodad and stepmom harassment specialists. :sick: The truth hurts!!! You are right on this one 100%
Cheers to Crayon! I raised
Cheers to Crayon! I raised THREE, count them THREE boys without A PENNY in CS! Should I have done it alone? Of course not, but what's the point of taking something from someone by force? How is that HELPFUL to my boys? My boys KNOW that their dad never paid a dime and because of that they have no relationship with him. THEIR choice. NOT in any way instigated by me. My youngest BS12 doesn't get a dime either, but he speaks to his daddy EVERY night, he sees him as often as his dad wants (it isn't often) and he ADORES his father. THAT is more priceless to me than ANY amount of money that I could force out of his pockets. Or any amount of badmouthing that I could ever do.
While I have breath in my lungs I will WORK to support myself and my children. If I didn't EXPECT to do it alone, I shouldn't have had them.
Don't get me started. When BM
Don't get me started. When BM moved an hour away six years ago and left SD with us, DH chose not to go after CS to keep things civil. But when SD decided to live with BM two years ago, BM filed for CS before she even took custody. In fact, she delayed taking custody of SD for SIX months because the CS agreement wasn't yet in place. We will never see a penny of CS but now have to pay CS to that evil wench. Boy was I mad! And to top that off, BM falsely filed with CS saying DH was 1400 in arrears when he really was only about 400 (because his work changed payroll companies and they missed taking out the first payment after the transition). CS enforcement jumped right on DH like a duck on a bug, threatening to report his arrearages to credit reporting agencies. We got it straightened out, and when they realized BM lied the agency really changed its tune. But we still had to jump through hoops to get that done. I think BM was hoping we'd write her a big check. Oh, and the first check DH wrote to BM after the CS order was signed, she conveniently failed to report, then tried to get us to pay that amount to her AGAIN. People should go to jail for falsifying CS claims, the same way people have to go to jail (eventually) when they don't pay CS.
I agree with you, Pantera,
I agree with you, Pantera, the CS system is definitely, definitely flawed. I think some reworking and reprioritizing is in order.
I realize that you CAN raise children without receiving it, but I feel in most scenarios a parent shouldn't have to. Before I get jumped on for that, let me clairfy that that doesn't mean the NCP should be extorted like the system currently seems to promote - it just means holding both people who created a child responsible for that child's wellbeing. More balance is what I think the CS needs most, and less favoritism towards the sympathetic figure that is the single mohter that most judges seem to show.
Absolutely flawed on so many
Absolutely flawed on so many levels!
When DH was paying CS for SS20, his mother got that (not court ordered and every month) plus 1/2 of everything else--sports fees, clothing, dr. bill, orthodontics, on and on. No problem, he paid it. However, the problems arose when she kept her hand out for the money yet kept DH from participating in any major child raising decisions. She, on her own, decided to put him in a very high cost tuition private school w/o discussing it with DH and then sent him a bill--yes, she got that too. Then when he turned 18 and out of high school requested the child support continue plus 1/2 of college tuition, 1/2 of books and 1/2 of SS20's car insurance. That did not work out for her. Had she included him a bit more, Im sure he would have cooperated in her demands after he turned 18 where in GA nothing more is required from a non-custodial.
However, I know it costs a lot to raise a child and personally, CS is a necessity. BUT--excluding any bio parent from major decisions in that child's life is robbery in itself. Robbery from the other parent and from the child.
Amen..... CS is a total
Amen..... CS is a total joke.
The problem is two fold in my
The problem is two fold in my opinion.
First is that the system has no desire to provide for the best interests of the kids and exists only to provide employement for the otherwise unemployable. (Family Law Judges, Attorneys, clerks, CSE, CPS, etc.....) These people are interested only in assuring their own employement and do so by screwing contributing members of society.
Second, Family Law Judges are incapable of making a logical or reasoned decision. This is primarily due to family law judges comming from what can only be the bottom 10% of the legal profession.
Certainly there a few in the Family Law profession that are exceptions to this but I believe them to be few and very far between.
All IMHO of course.
Best regards.
" No matter what side of the
" No matter what side of the Child Support Spectrum your on, its all screwed up. I feel bad for the kids."
Yep, the child support system
Yep, the child support system is totally FUBAR!
My wife had the first of the
My wife had the first of the SpermIdiot's 4 out-of-wedlock spawn. She is the only of his 3 baby mamas that made anything of herself. Is your experience similar when compared to your kid's BioDad's other baby mamas?
Best regards,
Hindi jokes Shayari makes it
Hindi jokes Shayari makes it so simple, fill your emotions into it and guess what your love accepts you whole heartedly.In todays fast paced and stressful lifes,it is important to seek some sort of entertainment or stressbuster. are an easy way of releving Stress.
I have many times felt very
I have many times felt very sorry for my situation because it seems like CSE screws over my H AND me - same state!!
When it comes to H's court dealings with BM and her never-ending quest for more money, it has always seemed like the court was pro-BM when it came to CS. [Of course, we have always won everything WE'VE asked for: child tax deductions, visitation, contempt, etc]
But then when I look at it from MY perspective as a BM, I feel like I am the one getting the shaft. Even though I told CSE where my son's father (or SpermIdiot as Rags would call him!) fled to when my son was only 4, it still took them until my son was almost 10 until they got CS ordered and a wage withholding order done. THEN the state forgot to check the box to file for Back Support. This caused me all sorts of issues and I had to fight to get back support which I am STILL fighting to get this day!
SI owes over $23,000 in back support and they are only taking $50 a month - even though he is finished paying for TWO children's CS and could EASILY afford to pay more. The CO states he is to pay a minimum of $168 a month. CSE says they don't know where he is at - even though I have given them his new address TWICE. CSE says I should be happy I am getting ANYTHING and they really don't seem to want to work for me at all. Isn't that their job??????????? My "case worker" said that she wouldn't blame me if I got private legal counsel. WHAT??? Why the HELL should I have to PAY to get the services I am supposed to be afforded from your agency?????
I a fully agree with child
I a fully agree with child support. I receive and DH pays. Me ex has been on time and with the exception of a one year period that his now exwife thought moving out of state was a fun thing to do and DH followed her (they were not married at the time) and for the better part of a year was 6 weeks behind. I included him in every major decision that we would have made together if we were married: so daycare decisions- and I did call with the various options and asked his opinion and any questions he thought I might need to ask, ear piercings, make-up, private school vs public, orthodontist, prom dress $$, cell phones, driver license, and yes college now that she is 18. We were divorced/separated before she was a year. Visitation was set upon my discretion- since he is out of state we would sit down with her schedule and do whatever was possible to maximize as much time to ensure her being with him.
My mother's comment to me at that time- treat him like you want to be treated, you never know when the shoe will be on the other foot. So I everything I did I did from the view point of- if I didn't have full custody what would I want.
I never have taken him for an adjustment and I never will (he pays support through college). Needless to say, he goes over his support and buys her a ton of clothes, and helps out with all most everything I have asked help for (usually major expenditures like the BIG class trip, the class ring, the braces and some of the dr bills). DD also has total control of her support money and a list of things that she is responsible for paying for- to help teach her money management.
DH has never missed a support payment, we have to dig for information by going to school websites or when SD was younger by dropping off pre-stamped envelopes to the school for news letters and information from the school. We have no idea when doctor appt's happen let alone what is said in them. DH couldn't even really talk to skids pre-cell phone era. WE have been called everything in the book. We have had to beg for extended visits or go into "high" negotiations. The information then we get is skids don't want to come there, they have agreed to only come for this period of time, it is based on what "they" want- and that has happened since 2 years into our marriage- . Every decision has been made by BM- and then we get the email that says, oh I want your money. When we say No she criticized that we think only in terms of money and not the welfare of the kids. yep your treat me like a bank, then it all becomes a business dealing.
I agree with the calculations, I agree with the amount of support DH is paying currently, I agree that he should have to help pay or provide insurance.
But I don't agree with paying for stupidity.
Respect me and Dh and I would have gone thru Hell and back for those skids.
My momma raised no fool I
My momma raised no fool
I was a single mom, making minimum wage while going to school full time. 20 yrs ago, my weekly support check was greater than my pay check, I lived with my parents, and tried very hard not to ask for extra but I did have to and I thanked him for his help and you know what he said to me........glad to help you out, you are working to better yourself, which will in turn better our daughter's life. WOW, for two people that couldn't be married and sucked at the husband and wife roll....we've made a helluva team raising a kid. It makes me sad that so many NCP and CP will never experience what I have. It makes me sad that DH will never have a child call him and say.....OMG get on line and check out these shoes I just found, or Dad help me chose my class ring. My DD spent 2.5 hours with her dad on the phone (he is a long distant NCP), clicking through choices and designing her class ring with him. On another occasion she spent 2-3 hours making out her Christmas wish list on the internet clicking through websites and pages one by one discussing various items. It was fun to see as the CP that even though he is 20 hrs away and has been since she was 2, that she is excited to see him, that she talks to him on a regular basis, that it isn't about money. She found her prom dress, called her dad and said "oh dad i just found my prom dress, were you serious about buying it. IT is more than I thought initially, I will go half with you. I didn't ask if I could pay half in cash and rest on the CC at the store, but if they won't let me do that I will get you a money order and send it to you or hold it back until I see you this summer. Whatever you want to do." She never thought he would buy the WHOLE thing and neither did I. But it goes along way when a kid calls like that. He bought the dress and as soon as we were allowed to take the pictures we sent them to him.....
It makes me sad that soo many of you will never have that.
I will post later about my experience as a BM and the "new" SM.
reading all these comments
reading all these comments are making me :sick: to my stomach, guess if i ever want to see the end of the tunnel, i need to get a second job and pray like hell that x does'nt become a deadbeat.
seeing first on what i HAVE seen me hopeful that the state will do something to help me
i cannot believe he's getting off so easy like this
My daughters father is almost 14,000 behind. He hasn't worked, so I won't recieve his taxes. She is 6. His payments are 313 a month. He was in jail last year, for something not related to child support...when I called the child support office, they just thanked me and told me they will update the system. When I asked what they would do....she just told me there was nothing they could do until he got out.
The state got their money though....that's all that matters.
Regardless, I'm doing it. But, when I struggle....I start thinking about things not being fair. I guess it takes two to have a child...but that doesnt mean it takes two to raise a child.
I wonder what the child support people are really there for? They dont enforce....I just need a little help at times...but this world can be so cruel.
I'm no victim.