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do anything to gain BM's attention

violetforest's picture

Do all 16 year old boys act like this> I can not believe that ss16 sat here tonight telling us that he did not want to say anything to his BM or brother 13 who is being withheld from visitation again. She is so far in contempt it is just stupid. He does not want to make her MAD and he does not want to hurt her feelings. Took everything in me to scream at him and to not say are you just f***in stupid, you will allow her to hurt this family and your father but oh ya, because we have court in a week, she is being nice, calling all the time, giving him money,gift - sent in the mail, etc.

Ya honey, its for "real this time". It will be horrible next week after court gets done because he will end up in a deep depression because she will drop off the face of the earth again and I am supposed to be there to pick up the pcs.

no mind that ss16 told us that he did not tell the GAL that he knows and has overheard BM telling ss13 how he will refuse to go with BF or he will be grounded for the two weeks that he get home, or how when ss16 said that I hap purchased him some really nice clothing that she "burned" them because I had gotten them at a 2nd hand store - tags still on them!!!!!. He did not want to make his mom look bad, because she would find out that he told the GAL and then she would not want anything else to do with him.

I really do not know if I can take anymore of this!!!


herewegoagain's picture

He's 16...I don't care what a loser his BM is he should not be put in a position to judge or attempt to correct or pick one side or the other.

violetforest's picture

I didnt say a word to ss16. that is why I came here to vent. So frustrating that he has information about the interactions of his BM but because he doesn't want her to look bad he continues to not say anything. He even commented that he knew that I was strong enough to "take it". I have been encouraging him to talk to the therapist on the case but he refuses saying that he knows that if mom finds out that he told that she wouldnt have anything else to do with him.

It is so frustrating to not be able to protect him and to continue to put up with the harm that she is doing.

kiwihelen's picture

Your poor SS is trying his best to find a middle ground between his two living situations which doesn't exist.

Just remind him you care for him, and that you are there for him. He sounds like a good kid, but as the BM from hell manipulating him.