I am, I want, I wish
I did this as a healing excercise and wanted to share... and wanted others to share:
I Am: a beautiful disaster
I Want: to love without loss
I Wish: I was healthier in my mind and body
I Hate: when I talk too much
I Miss: my Grandma's sweet rolls
I Fear: more than I thought
I Hear: that I'm more than I think I am
I Wonder: where the path I'm on is going
I Regret: not paying more attention to the sweet sounds of my babies
I Am Not: as lost as I used to be
I Dance: when the music is right
I Sing: loudly whenever Dave Matthews is on
I Cry: as a sweet release
I Am Not Always: strong
I Write: to help heal my soul
I Confuse: what defines me and what that means
I Need: to pay more attention to the now
I Should: listen more
I Start: with today
I Finish: rarely what I start.
- Colorado Girl's blog
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I want to hear yours!!! I
I want to hear yours!!!
I Am:
I Want:
I Wish:
I Hate:
I Miss:
I Fear:
I Hear:
I Wonder:
I Regret:
I Am Not:
I Dance:
I Sing:
I Cry:
I Am Not Always:
I Write:
I Confuse:
I Need:
I Should:
I Start:
I Finish:
Wow, I love this!! Do you
Wow, I love this!! Do you think my BF would do this with me? I'd like to know his response.. And truth be told, I'm nervous to see what my own would be! This is a great exercise, thanks for sharing yours!
I bet he would... Don't
I bet he would...
Don't think about it too much though, you have to let the thoughts pour out.
Awesome. I just love what
I just love what you wrote.
SEE!!! Healing!!
As a maintenance management
As a maintenance management consultant I recommend that you set up a maintenace program for those pesky eye leaks!
Congrats on finding your emotions.
They make life that much more incredible.
Best regards.
I Am: more emotionally
I Am: more emotionally independent than I thought I'd be.
I Want: kids.
I Wish: higher education was less expensive.
I Hate: passive aggressive drama.
I Miss: my French horn teacher.
I Fear: having to make medical decisions for my parents.
I Hear: myself talk more constructively in my head than I used to.
I Wonder: if I'll get a joint appointment some day.
I Regret: losing my patience sometimes.
I Am Not: perfect, but I don't want to be.
I Dance: in the car all the time.
I Sing: when I'm dancing and at the top of my lungs.
I Cry: from overwhelming emotions. Lately, these haven't been bad ones.
I Am Not Always: on time.
I Write: when I need a little pep talk.
I Confuse: people who think they have me pegged.
I Need: to keep checking things off the list of things I want to do.
I Should: start looking into grad school and getting my CCRN.
I Start: many projects.
I Finish: everything I start except for those projects involving yarn.
I just adore you so my
I just adore you so my friend.
I have to admit that I've
I have to admit that I've come a long way with a few of your quotes floating around in my head.
I head that way a week from Sunday. Let me know if you have time.
A resounding YES!!! Call me.
A resounding YES!!! Call me.
I will this weekend. It's
I will this weekend.
It's been too long.
CG, As usual you are an
As usual you are an inspiration.
Best regards.
C'mon old buddy. Fill it out
C'mon old buddy.
Fill it out too.
I Confuse: being loved for
I Confuse: being loved for being me and being "loved" for what I give.
I get that. A hundred times over do I get that one.
Okay CG. As you
Okay CG.
As you requested.
But, as usual I am incapable of a short few words.
I Am: a person that I like being ... mostly.
I Want: to live my life with those I love.
I Wish: I was about 70lbs lighter and my A1C was always in the normal range.
I Hate: when people refuse to be accountable for their actions ... even when I do it.
I Miss: all of the things that I have yet to experience. Bring it on!
I Fear: loosing one minute with my family ...... and erectile disfunction.
I Hear: opportunity knocking.
I Wonder: how I ended up with an amazing woman to share my life with and how to bottle the incredible marriage, life and career I have to share it with those who want it.... for free!
I Regret: not keeping my mouth shut .... some times.
I Am Not: as good as I am capable of being or as good as I am going to be.
I Dance: when the spirit moves me and like it may be my last dance.
I Sing: in the shower, in the car and when I sing it is obviouse that the music industry does not know what it is missing. But mostly I sing to my wife. Sometimes she cries when I sing. Hopefully because she feels what I am feeling and not because her eardrums are in revolt.
I Cry: as often as I can. The emotion is a joy to celebrate life.
I Am Not Always: as dedicated as I should be to doing what I should be doing when I should be doing it.
I Write: because I can't turn off my bull shit generator. And because somewhere along the line someone told me I was decent at it.
I Confuse: being who I am and who I want to be. Hopefully I will never be who I want to be. To stop striving is to stop living. Who wants to do that?
I Need: to invest more in my health.
I Should: tell the people I love how awesome they are more often.
I Start: slowly and finish strong. Procrastination is my greatest fault and pressure is my strongest ally.
I Finish: almost always after my wife has finished at least once.
Best regards.
I have to say that I am
I have to say that I am highly impressed.
I thought you'd be a smartass from start to finish not missing a beat in between.
You pleasantly surprise me sometimes.
I am glad I can throw you a
I am glad I can throw you a curve ball occassionally.
How is things in the Colorado? I enjyed my 5yrs there. (74-78 and 79-80).
Best regards.
Gawd, you're old. Things are
Gawd, you're old.
Things are fantastic and beautiful as always.
The weather, the clean air, the mountains ... the elevation that keeps us closer to the heavens.
I am old only in reality. In
I am old only in reality. In my mind I am in my teens and look like the underwear model I used to be.
Enjoy the beauty.
Best regards.
Trust me... I need to stop
Trust me...
I need to stop wearing sweat pants that have something plastered across the butt.
I need to grow up, I'm just not ready yet.
I love it Rags! And all this
I love it Rags! And all this from a dude too. I wish my DH would do this!
I Am: strong. I Want: to be
I Am: strong.
I Want: to be successful.
I Wish: that I could win the Super Lotto.
I Hate: nuts.
I Miss: Dewey.
I Fear: that life will always be complicated.
I Hear: too much, but I need to listen more often.
I Wonder: how all of this will go?
I Regret: very few moments.
I Am Not: going to be weak.
I Dance: in my dreams.
I Sing: when I am happy.
I Cry: but not enough.
I Am Not Always: right.
I Write: to listen to my feelings.
I Confuse: others.
I Need: to be strong.
I Should: quit smoking.
I Start: thinking too much.
I Finish: what I start.
Thanks for sharing this
I Hear: too much, but I need
I Hear: too much, but I need to listen more often.
I like this one. I need to listen more also... and talk less.
I Am: stronger than I give
I Am: stronger than I give myself credit for
I Want: to be loved unconditionally
I Wish: I were less self aware
I Hate: that I allow hurt to control me
I Miss: my mother
I Fear: my future
I Hear: my inner voice telling me not to let things get to me so much
I Wonder: where I will be in 10yrs
I Regret: not being more cautious
I Am Not: a talker
I Dance: when noones looking
I Sing: when noones looking
I Cry: too often because I wear my heart on my sleeve
I Am Not Always: perfect, but it feels like everyone around me expects me to be
I Write: as a release
I Confuse: falling in lust, and falling in love
I Need: a shoulder to lay my head on
I Should: stand up for myself more
I Start: everything
I Finish: little
You sound really sad... and
You sound really sad... and hard on yourself.
Maybe I'm not seeing it right, but I can literally feel the pain and sadness in your words.
I Am:Incredible I Want: a
I Am:Incredible
I Want: a life with my husband
I Wish: his children would respect him
I Hate: children with entitlement issues
I Miss: my alone time
I Fear:The Unknown
I Hear:the thoughts I won't speak
I Wonder: If it ever gets easier
I Regret: not having more children
I Am Not: selfish
I Dance: ridiculously
I Sing: like a true country girl
I Cry: to release frustration
I Am Not Always: strong
I Write: notes to show my emotions
I Confuse: wants for needs
I Need: myself to be strong
I Should: rely on others more
I Start: feeling frustrated when my thoughts are ignored
I Finish most things I start just not on a timeframe
this was harder than I thought,lol.
Goodness Gracious. I relate
Goodness Gracious.
I relate to every single reply. (Well except the country girl singin'
I love, love, love your repsonses.
I Am: trying to be a better
I Am: trying to be a better wife and mother
I Want: to be loved unconditionally
I Wish: that things were easy
I Hate: that I get irritated and annoyed about everything
I Miss: my first husband's family - they were so nice and were like my own
I Fear: that I cannot change
I Hear: what I want to hear
I Wonder: why I am the way I am
I Regret: not being closer to my family
I Am Not: strong
I Dance: like no one's watching
I Sing: a LOT - in the car, to my son, karaoke, you name it!
I Cry: at sappy movies, love songs, when I am sad
I Am Not Always: right, even though I think I am
I Write: to try and remember
I Confuse: things a lot
I Need: to be positive
I Should: be nicer to my husband - he tries so hard to make everyone happy
I Start: to realize that I don't like who I have become, how can I expect everyone else to?
I Finish: pretty much everything I start
I Fear: that I cannot
I Fear: that I cannot change
I can't help but comment on this one.
Change sucks.
I heard a really cool thing the other day when I was talking to a friend and my sense that I need to "fix" my brain.
She really helped me when she told me "I believe we have to accept where we are, who we are, before we can make a shift." Then she told me about a song that she wrote several years ago... and it's first verse was "Isn't it freeing when you learn you weren't meant to be somebody else"
Perhaps it can help you find a little peace in that fear of yours... like it did me.
I have to disagree on the
I have to disagree on the premise that "change sucks".
It is the fruit of life and I for one LOVE IT!
Who wants to ride the merri-go-round life when you can have the thrilling life of the roller coaster?
There are several free internet tools out there to assess how averse you are to change and provide some guidance on how to effectively manage it.
Best regards.
Hmmmmm.... I have a really
Hmmmmm.... I have a really good therapist helping me with my management of such things.
I strive to see it more like you, Rags.
CG, Sorry to be so, as my
Sorry to be so, as my wife refers to it, "Engineeric".
Have fun. You are doing great from what I can see.
As for change .... you are a woman. You change clothes how many times a day?
You all love changing clothes so don't tell me that you don't like change.
So pratical and so smart. I
So pratical and so smart.
I say screw it... lets have some wine and go dancing. }:)
As long as it isn't that
As long as it isn't that B*tch wine. That was horrible. Mommy's Time Out isn't much better.
I Am: restless and peaceful
I Am: restless and peaceful all at the same time
I Want: to be whole without the help of someone else
I Wish: for the ability to be vulnerable and sweet
I Hate: as little as I can
I Miss: my size 4 figure
I Fear: losing myself to my roles
I Hear:my inner voice telling me it's ok to let things go
I Wonder: if my efforts to stop looking at my husband for my happiness will pay off in the end
I Regret: nothing
I Am Not: as soft as I'd like to be
I Dance: with my husband to no music as often as possible
I Sing: when i want a reminder to be calm
I Cry:because screaming wakes the neighborhood
I Am Not Always:the most understanding wife
I Write:when i'm inspired
I Confuse:vulnerability with my husband with being weak or weak-minded
I Need:silence at least twice a day
I Should:hug my husband more
I Start:many things I'll never have time to complete
I Finish:my evenings with a kiss from my husband
I Hear:my inner voice telling
I Hear:my inner voice telling me it's ok to let things go
I think she's talking to me too.
I Am: Lost at sea most
I Am: Lost at sea most days.
I Want: To be a more confident person.
I Wish: I had made a lot of different decisions in my life.
I Hate: My many regrets.
I Miss: My home… my family… my friends… my job… my car… my cat and my security.
I Fear: Tomorrow and the next day.
I Hear: Lots of good intentions but few practical solutions.
I Wonder: If it will ever get better.
I Regret: More than I could ever write down.
I Am Not: “Trying” to be miserable.
I Dance: In my past.
I Sing: When I hear the right song.
I Cry: More now than ever before.
I Am Not Always: Right. But I have very strong opinions.
I Write: To clear the demons in my head.
I Confuse: Peoples “life” frustrations with frustration directed at “me”.
I Need: Some sense of security in my life.
I Should: Try harder to accept what “is” and stop
morning what “isn’t” any more.
I Start: Falling down the rabbit hole and have a hard time crawling back out.
I Finish: My days with a glass of wine and a heavy sigh.
Thank you for the exercise Colorado Girl… I think I have a lot to work on!
Here it goes:I am,I want, I
Here it goes:I am,I want, I wish.....
I AM: A stronger person then I think.
I WANT: Many thing I will never have.
I WISH: I had a child of my own before my hysterectomy.
I HATE: Liars.
I MISS: The way my Mom used to be before her illness got the best of her..
I FEAR: That I will die before I live my dreams.
I HEAR: Children calling their parents "mom and dad" and wish I had kids to call me mom.
I WONDER: If I will ever be a succesful as I hope to be.
I REGRET: Not forgiving my friend before he passed last year.
I AM NOT: Perfect.
I DANCE: When I'm in the shower or had a few drinks.
I SING; When I'm driving or had a few drinks.
I CRY: Often.. To let out emotions, happy, angry or sad, or when lifetime is playing a good movie.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: Forgiving.
I WRITE: What I feel inside.
I CONFUSE: the past with the present.
I NEED: To be able to look at myself, and like what I see.
I SHOULD: Not let others bring me down.
I START: each day being thankful for what I do have.
I FINISH: My day with prayers.
I Am: complicated,
I Am: complicated, independent and stubborn to the core.
I Want: to explore more of me and the inner cravings that I desire.
I Wish: for a lot that I know is not reality.
I Hate: drama
I Miss: being who I was and smiling and having that peace within.
I Fear: never knowing the unknowing.
I Hear: my heart telling me one thing and my mind telling me another.
I Wonder: what the future will hold.
I Regret: nothing
I Am Not: that social butterfly that people think I am.
I Dance: whenever a good song comes on and I feel the music pull me in.
I Sing: in the car almost daily
I Cry: to much.. Im a sappy emotional person.
I Am Not Always: the best person I should be and I find myself struggling with that.
I Write: my feelings and concerns because sometimes its hard for me to talk about them.
I Confuse: myself in analyzing every situation and every detail instead of allowing things to be what they are.
I Need: to determine what it is that keeps tugging at my happiness.
I Should: take my paralegal exam in September and stop putting it off.
I Start: things and don’t stop until Im finished.
I Finish: almost everything that I start (exceptions to paralegal exam-I hated school and studying) because I cant stand not having an uncompleted task. And I will stress out until its done.
You are not a sappy person.
You are not a sappy person. You have a pure heart, I think. You are sensitive to those around you and honestly wish good things for others. Hell, if that's sappy, I want a bunch of saps for friends.
I Am: empathetic &
I Am: empathetic & compassionate
I Want: to feel whole
I Wish: I could feel real peace in my heart
I Hate: feeling helpless
I Miss: who my husband & I were when we met
I Fear: living my older years alone in a nursing home
I Hear: people telling me I need to stop trying to fix things I can't fix
I Wonder: if my husband really knows just how much I love him
I Regret: nothing. I have grown tremendously through the choies I've made...good & bad.
I Am Not: a selfish person
I Dance: only to slow music
I Sing: made up songs to my husband when I need to hear him laugh
I Cry: far too often, & usually in private
I Am Not Always: as strong as people seem to think I am
I Write: to clear my head
I Confuse: who I am with who I want to be
I Need: to figure out how to feel free again
I Should: probably be in couseling of some sort
I Start: many projects I never finish
I Finish: my days mentally exhausted
I really liked this CG. Thanks!