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Update - Bio-Daughters SM Wants To Be Friends

CrystalRE's picture

Ever since last weekend when my daughters SM said she wanted to be friends she has emailed me every day. Today she somehow found out that my dad is in the hospital and emailed me to see how he is doing. Yesterday she emailed me and brought up DH's ex (as if its any of her business). I think she's up to something...this is just all too weird!


stepoff's picture

Do not respond to her. Eventually, she'll give it up. If you respond, you could be opening up a big can of worms. Just keep any communication with her about your daughter.

iwishyouwould's picture


pafreema's picture

Well, if anything watch how it all plays out before reacting to something that could be innocent first. Maybe, she just wants to be friends for the kids'sake. Than, to put the kids out there and putting unwanted tension on them. I am sure the last thing you want is for the kids being in the middle and their feelings being hurt over stuff being said back and forth. Then in return it may put tension on everyone involved. Whatever you do, put te kids first! Think about how stuff affect them before you react!

But, do be careful about giving out too much infomation.

violetforest's picture

open communication is always good, wish it was possible in my case she would rather kill me that email me. I would only keep to the subjects of the kids and their activities. good luck

iwishyouwould's picture

I feel the same about BabyMomma.. what i think is strange about her situation though is that the SM is jumping into subjects that are really personal and not related to the kids at all off the bat. I would love to have open communication and a normal, working relationship with BabyMomma, but would I talk to her about her personal life, give details of mine or ask for details of hers... Oh No.

starfish's picture

i would return email and thank her for her concern over your dad, leave the ex questions alone and that's it.... no questions, no open ends.... this way you have taken the high road and not given her any reason to continue conversation with you...