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OT - Too funny

sweetthing's picture

DH just sent me this...

Your son has a mind like a steel trap, and it may interfere in your desire to take it easy tonight. We were walking through the kitchen this morning and he said, “Mommy and I are going to bake a cake tonight!” I explained to him that Mommy isn’t feeling very well and may not be able to do it tonight. His answer: “But a piece of cake would make her feel better!”

Our BS will be 3 next month and is too smart for his own good.


sweetthing's picture

Gia, every kid is different & developes at their own speed. Trust me there are days when I wished he talked less. Smile

Does your son go to daycare?

Gia's picture

No, he has never been in daycare. Yet he is extremely social and loving. And when i say extremely, I mean that when a handyman comes into the house he hugs him and wants to leave with him. He once knocked on a neighbor's door and when they opened he ran into their house, and did not want to get out, i had to get in the house and get him, and chase him (talk about embarrassing moments while i am in my see-through-nightgown w/ AWESOME hair from just waking up)

Anyways, He is having his Early intervention program evaluation on June 21st. Mainly for autism, which i don't think he has. If he needs therapy, they will provide it at my home for free... So, let's see...

sweetthing's picture

I think when we become moms we sign away our dignity. Smile I'm glad you have a date finally, I would say as his mom you know him better than anyone & your instint is probably correct. Please keep us posted on how the appointment goes.

SusiQ's picture

Sometimes I wonder where they come up with some of this stuff! DS is 2.5 and my sides ache from laughing sometimes at the things that come out of his little mouth.

sweetthing's picture

The other day I accidentally put his shorts on backward after he had used the potty & he says to me " what mom, are you crazy?" I think he is 3 going on 13.

I think the reason he seems so much older is because he tries so hard to be exactly like the big boys. Funny thing is he is a smaller kid so what comes out of his mouth just seems even more surprising to strangers. He has extreemly good manners & always says excuse me & please & thank you, strangers comment on that all the time.

stormabruin's picture

You know. That's a smart kid. I can't think of a time when a piece of cake wouldn't have made me feel better. Biggrin