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Fiance can't relax when it comes to my daughter

Newmomof5's picture

My soon to be husband and I are living together in my apartment with my 2 daughters. My oldest is 17 and will be 18 in 3 months. She has plans to move in with her bf and her attitude seems to be that she can do what she wants because she is leaving soon anyway.

While I feel her personality has gotten better and she is showing more respect for me, the new rules in our blended home (fiance has 3 children) are causing my daughter to be somewhat irritated with my fiance. Their history is not really a great one. When she first met my fiance he made her cry during a conversation in which she just got up and walked away. It seems that on a daily basis I am listening to my fiance talk negatively about my daughter and it's driving me nuts. He feels she is rude and disrespectful and I feel that he is trying to be her father and she doesn't want a new one. I would NEVER let my children be rude to anyone, and when my kids are I correct them.

It's causing a lot of tension between my fiance and I because he doesn't think she should be rewarded with things like going to the mall when the other kids are going because of her "disrespect" for him. I just don't see what he does and feel that he is being WAY oversensitive about it.


LMR120's picture

I think this is a great time to point out something ... how would you feel if his children did to you what he says your daughter is doing to him. I know a lot of people on this site including me talk about the rude snotty things that our skids do and how our SO dont do anything about it. So I guess my question is how would you react if your skids did to you what your daughter is doing to your SO and when you brought it to him he said you are just be sensative.

buttercookie's picture

My ss used to be allowed gas money and to run around as he pleased when he was under punishment. It created a lot of tension and resentment when he was a minor, now as an adult he thinks it's going to continue and I have to honestly say part of why the line was drawn and cemented with him was current AND past behavior and his father is just as responsible for letting him disrespect me. It's hard enough blending families but it's worse when the biological parent won't parent and makes the step the bad guy