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Oh, Pardon me. I didn't mean to be in the way since I am a nobody

HennyPen's picture DH's step daughter from his first marriage that we continue to take on his visitation weekends had a school talent show last night. I went with DH at his and her request. I knew it would be uncomfortable, and boy was I right. FishNchip gets there with SD comes and sits with us, which is fine, her hair is a mess! falling in her eyes..(one of my pet peeves) so I fixed it, put in in little pony tail so she could see! Then BM's family gets there, they all come down to say hi to DH and SD...they reach in front of me to shake hands, pat SD head and won't even LOOK at me. DH doesn't even say, oh this is Henny my wife, or Henny the SM or Henny the pain in the ass. Nothing. You'd think, that I am there giving up 2 hours of my life I'll never get back to see a bunch of kids I don't know do a "talent show" seeing THEIR grand daughter who is no relation to me or him technically. They could acknowledge me, or say thanks for coming it means a lot to her. nothing. FishNchip sits a few rows back with her miserable mug and bleached blonde hair ignoring too. I felt so out of place, so uncomfortable. Maybe DH should have sat with them and I could have stayed home! (I don't mean that literally I am just bit$%ing), but still he could have acknowledged me to them. I just thought that was rude. Men are so oblivious sometimes.


imagr8tma's picture

Hell it happens to me all the time. Two years ago we all were introduced and they spoke to be cordial and nothing since.

Just look at it like this - you are there for your stepchild and supporting her/his talent show. As long as the kid understands you are there and enjoyed them - it doesn't matter what they think. Don't let them be that important to you!!!!!!!!

I deal with the same thing.....
I speak when I see them and of course get no response - lol! But i smile and keep it moving. I know they don't like me - and probably would ban me if they could. I am there for my step daughter and keep that in mind. For me - their feelings about me are no longer important - when i realized they were trying to lie on me. I just ignore them and their bull.

Pantera's picture

Next time they reach over you to shake hands, bite their arm, lol, then they will acknowledge you. }:) That sucks, I am sorry you had to go through that.

HennyPen's picture

...tee hee hee...bite them...

and Steperg to answer your question, he's a dork.

and you'r right imagr8...I need to take the high road, but I am going to pout about it once I am out of their site Wink

bioandstep2009's picture

Yep, I deal with this as well, but from BM, her hubby and his kids. If I happen to be there for the EOWE exchange (EOWE with BM), Mr. Big Spender aka BM's husband acknowledges DH and I feel like I'm invisible. The first time DH and I met the guy, I had to introduce myself because BM didn't, Mr. Big Spender didn't introduce himself and DH didn't either. Bear in mind that this first meeting occurred in OUR driveway. BM;'s stepkids are pretty rude too and don't say hello to me at all. I feel like I have to assert myself when between all of the adults (BM, DH, Big Spender), I'm the one who spends the most time with SS and does all the UN-fun stuff like making sure homework gets done, school paperwork gets signed etc.

TheWife's picture

Girl, insert yourself!

MAKE them speak to you.

"Hi, I am HennyPen, DH's wife, nice to meet you!"

Stick out your hand with an expectant look on your face, and if they don't shake?

Give them the cutest smirk possible and say "Oh, excuse me, perhaps you didn't hear me! I am HennyPen, nice to meet you!"

Either force them to speak to you, or force them to look like an ass.

Either way, you "win."

prettyinpink's picture

how come he picks up his sd? does she not have a dad? I mean I care for my sd but i dnt think I would like the idea of dealing with his Bio kids and step kids!!!

HennyPen's picture


he picks her up because he feels guilty, the little girls dad lives in VA we are in FL, and FishNchip, thinks it is better for "the girls" to stay together. So...we are babysitters. Luckily the kid isn't really that bad, but to me it's the principle. She isn't his responsibility none the less mine, but he feels obligated and doesn't want to argue.

dguiwh2334's picture

Hennypen n crayola, you make me laugh! There is no reason your man should allow you to be ignored! "Nobody puts baby in the corner" lol, yes I just quoted a line from dirty dancing.. But its true! Your man shouldn't make you feel that way!

HennyPen's picture

I agree DG...sometimes he is such a dweeb.

I did speak to him about it after I calmed down and told him how uncomfortable it made me. And pointed out, I always introduce him to old friends, Ex in laws, etc. I hate feeling out of place and awkward and am sure to not to that to him. He did apologize and said it just didn't cross his mind. so I asked if the frying pan crossing his head would be considered crossing his mind...luckily he laughed gave me a kiss and said he'll do better next time. Wink

Shannon61's picture

I agree with "The Wife" . . . Since DH didn't speak up for you, you should have and they would have really looked foolish. For them to ignore you was plain rude and ignorant. Also, I'd get on DH for not stepping up to the plate and introducing you. It's a matter of respect.

HennyPen's picture

I know, I want to stick TheWife in my pocket next time so she can be there and I can say "yeah, yeah...whatever she said!" lol...she always knows what to say Smile

prettyinpink's picture

I agree she is not his responsibility and if he continues to pick her up he needs to give you ur place other wize I would tell him he can no longer pick her up, ur hands are already full and you dont need him going out of his way for her and not even appreciating (SP?) the fact that u allow him to do that