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LMR120's picture

I just wanted to say welcome to all the new StepTalkers we have. There are a lot of new people that have joined and I wanted to say welcome and I look forward to hearing your point of view on things. This is a great site!


whoknew's picture

I was elated to find this site. I am not a stepmom yet, but looks like I am on the the way. my sweetie is wonderful and I like the kids a lot, but... well, if it was all roses, I wouldn't have joined the site!!!

Stick's picture

Whoknew - this is exactly how I felt too... so this should be a good resource for you. It helped me sort some things out. I was able to see where I was sometimes taking things personally that really, I shouldn't have... and it also helped me be able to talk to my DH about some things... Smile

I think you will be very happy here!

Milomom's picture

Welcome "newbies"!! I felt the same way most of you probably did when I went on the internet searching for help (sanity) with this crazy stepparent world - before I marry my BF!

I have been a member for only 6 months or so, but StepTalk has been an amazing source of support for me. Finding this site and reading others' blogs made me instantly realize that I WASN'T alone and I WASN'T crazy!!

There are a lot of situations that you'll encounter that you will find MANY other people on here have been through. Everyone here has been so incredibly helpful & supportive - I love all the advice I get.

Good luck & welcome to everyone that's "new"!! I agree with Stick that I think you will be VERY happy here - especially knowing that there are many others that can relate to everything you're going through - and they're all here to help.