Along Selkie's line of thinking, the difference.
The difference in a child that has both parents love and support 100%.
My son will be 15 in a couple of months. I raised him alone. His father and I did not divorce until he was 3, but his father wasn't around, ever. I raised that child by myself. His father didn't want anything to do with him until he turned 8. he saw him three times in between ages 3-8. Once 8 he thought he was old enough to brain wash against me. So the nastyness started. My x doens't have a single good thing to say about me, or our son. When our son is with him he talks about me non stop, he tries to PAS from a distance. It's very odd. He knew I would never keep our son from seeing him, so he waited in the shadows and used my own heart and love for my son against me. He still does it, I still won't keep him from seeing him. My son finally has a good father in his life, my DH. He's his dad, for all intensive purposes. He knows he has me, DH, my family, DH's family all in his corner anytime he needs ANY of us. He knows that we all love him and will help him with anything. He has alot of problems though.....he's very insecure, even though I have praised him as much as possible. He has alot of authority issues, even though I've been hot on his heels his entire life (I never wanted him to use not having his father in his life as a excuse to get away with stupid stuff, so I was and still am pretty hard on him). He has very low self esteem, even though all of tell him how handsome, smart, and really athletic he is.
He has these problems because he had a lethal father in his life (as little as it was). He had a huge impact on our son and still continues to belittle him and his mom (me) as much as possible. When you hear 50 good things about you it's nice, but when you hear that one bad thing it's going to be what you remember.
My daughter will be 3 in August. She's so loved. She has me and her father and we are a part of her life everyday. The way a family is supposed to work.......I never knew what a real family was until I met DH. I kiss her a million times a day, her father tells her how beautiful she is every day, we praise her when she does anything good! She knows if she needs either of us all she has to do is say our names and we'll be right there beside her.
I know she's only 3 but I guarantee you that she will not have the problems my son has. She won't have them because she is loved by both parents, we won't allow any nasty person into her life, and she has support and always will.
I don't think it's coddeling your children to love, support, and praise them. I think it's called being a good parent.
Do we discipline her? We sure do, when it's necessary. Do we spoil her, we sure do.
The best thing my daughter has going for her is my DH and I. We're a team, and we're a strong one. We both would do anything, and I mean anything, to protect her. Neither of us would introduce a hateful person into her life. Neither of us would ever allow anyone to interfer in how we parent our daughter. We're tight, and we're a team. We'll always be. And for her, she's a member of that team. I don't put my marriage above my daughter, as far as we're concerned she's a part of our marriage. She's the tie that bonds him and I for the rest of our lives. We don't take that and let it roll off our back, instead we embrace that and it makes us stronger.
And I know one day our daughter will look at us and see the two people that love her more than anything in the world, and she'll know that all the love and support we gave her we also give each other.
My son, he'll never know that feeling. Not just because of the divorce, but because his father has chosen to not uplift him, to not support and encourage him.
There is a huge difference in how a child turns out based on how the parents are with that child. And it starts from the moment they are born.
- BMJen's blog
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I completely agree with this
I completely agree with this Jen. 100%
Even when there is a parental figure in a childs life to "fill the void" of the absent parent, there is still an effect on this child involved. What person would not be effected when their own parent chooses not to be involved in their life?
It is a battle to balance these things in a nuclear home, and so much harder when you are doing it with one parent that has their head up their butt.
I thank GOD for active step parents in situations like yours. Kudos to your DH, but no amount of love from DH and you will make up for the loss your son feels from a dad that is MIA.
I think you are doing a fabulous job Jen.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
this actually made me really
this actually made me really depressed for choochoo's future.
i hate my ex and I'll never have that "tight, we're a team" feeling with my husband bc we'll never have children together.
this is a good blog jen...really good.
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
that's rude steperg. she
that's rude steperg. she didn't fail with her son. he isn't an adult. and his father HAS been in and out of his life from what I know of Jen's story so he DOES have an influence.
Why do you even bother commenting if it's just to be offensive to people??? I don't get it.
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
Didn't mean to be
Didn't mean to be rude?
You say something that offensive and back it up with I didn't mean to be rude? You're a real peice of work and I'm sick to death of you and your bullshit. You come here, you provoke as many arguments as you can, all because you're a sad ass lonley woman that will never have any type of love or happiness in her life. And you know what? YOU did that.
Now go have fun and rot in it.
But it isn't fact. The
But it isn't fact. The situation from her daughter to her son is totally different
her son has an asshat for a father, a man who constantly tries to manipulate this kid. no wonder he's messed up.
her daughter has been in a loving environment since day one without having to deal with the asshat father that jen's son has to deal with.
see the difference?? totally yeah, you WERE being rude honey and you know it.
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
Oh, they can do alot of
Oh, they can do alot of manipulating in 3 visits. Also, if you had paid attention you would have saw that after the age of 8 he's been in his life. He sees him atleast once a year now, and they talk on the phone atleast twice a week.
Sometimes the absence serves
Sometimes the absence serves to make the father an almost mythical, superhero figure. I would argue that if he saw his POS father more often, he would be less impressed with him.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
-->Once 8 he thought he was
-->Once 8 he thought he was old enough to brain wash against me. So the nastyness started. My x doens't have a single good thing to say..<--
he has had more contact with him since turning 8 if you read further in the text. She never said it happened in only the 3 times her saw him when before he turned 8.
... why would you feel worthless and weak? You gave everything, your entire heart.. giving it to him. To truly give your heart, your trust, is taking the bravest of all risks--C.Young
Well... I personally think
Well... I personally think Jen is doing all that she can to make up for the fact that her sons BF is a complete ASS. She has had to take on a lot because of this jerkwad.
I believe with all of my heart that she is doing exactly what she should be doing with BOTH of her kids. And the crap that her son is dealing with because of his "father"... is just that CRAP.
Only time will tell that she IS doing the right thing.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
man u have some nerve,
man u have some nerve, steperg....I mean, from what I have read of your posts, yu'd like nothing better than if yur skids disappeared off the face of the earth...yet, for some reason, u have the meanest things to say to others who are making great points....yur such a buzzkill sometimes....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
WTH??? That's just mean.
WTH??? That's just mean. Children who don't have both parents in their lives suffer. It's not her fault her son's father is an irresponible PAS-ing ass. That's where the fault lies.
First of all, that was WAY
First of all, that was WAY out of line. Second of all, did you even freakin' read this? There sure as hell IS influence from the father - BAD influence, PASing influence, GUILT TRIPPING influence. And Jen's working like hell to combat that. It takes two people to make a baby but only one of them to royally fuck the kid up. And guess what, that person is not Jen.
But yeah, that's all Jen's fault because she's a failure, right Steperg?
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Wrong. It's never a
Wrong. It's never a blessing to not have both parents activily involved in their childrens lives. Good thing you don't have kids, you'd be the first one to PAS them out against their father.
Freeze, her friend may not
Freeze, her friend may not have failed. Of course I haven't either, my son's father failed. If the SOB had died, my son wouldn't have all these f'ed up issues that he has because he wouldn't have to go through all the BS that his father heaped on him.
The comparision is stupid Steperg. It's not the same at all!!!!
when the father IS alive, we
when the father IS alive, we really don't have a choice but to let them have contact with their kid even if it's sporadic.
I'd love it if my son's father would just go away. Bottom line is, he won't and I have no choice but to watch him mess up our son with the constant games and manipulation.
It's a helpless feeling to have to stand back and watch that shit happen and the courts do nothing.
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
Do you not see how
Do you not see how disrespectful you are in your responses sometimes? Truthfully... ?
I agree that NOT having a piece of CRAP dad in a childs life sometimes is a blessing, if that person is a potential danger to your kid, but tell that to a kid that just wants his dad to love him. People don't figure that out until they are adults.
And a father being gone because they DIED is hugely different than a father being gone because they are a piece of CRAP and want nothing to do with their kid. That is not even good comparison. CHOOSING not to be a part of your kids life and DYING are surely two different senarios.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Of course not, what is LOVE
Of course not, what is LOVE without common sense?
No one can LOVE their kid in to success. Parenting is HARD. It takes work, trial and error.
I just don't think that Jen is to blame here. She is doing the best she can with the hand that was dealt to her. And if something happens with her son, I highly doubt SHE would be to blame.
No matter WHAT, I don't care what ANYONE says... having a parent that CHOOSES not to be in your life, and the little contact that they DO have is only negative and PAS in content... has an effect on kids. Self esteem issues, behavioral issues, however it translates in their lives, it has an effect. I don't believe the present parent is to blame here.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
A huge bonus for who???
A huge bonus for who??? What child should have to grow up explaining to his friends why his dad didn't feel he was worth sticking around for?
You only think about YOU. Your SD doesn't matter and your H doesn't matter. It's all about you. Seems to me you're missing out on a lot of what life is and happiness are truly about. I'm sad for you.
Let's please don't respond to this person anymore. Not on this blog anyways. This has taken a horrible turn and we let her do that. Let's all agree to stop, please, for me.
I wrote this blog as a nice blog, and it's turning hateful thanks to the hatefull member that refuses to let anything in the world be nice. So again, please for me, ignore her on this blog.
Thanks you guys.
not as nasty and immature as
not as nasty and immature as some of you...*sigh*
can you just stop steperg? seriously? is it too much to ask?
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
respecting the OP request
respecting the OP request here...
I think you are a fabulous MOM Jen. To both of your kiddos. Kepp it up and they will be JUST FINE!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Done. Soooo...that lil girl
Soooo...that lil girl of yours is a cutey pie;)
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
I know. She's
I know. She's precious............she's my angel!!
I thank God everyday for the family that I have. Watching her grow, knowing how much love she knows she has fills my heart with pride.
I can tell you that I know 100% if anything ever did happen to DH and I we would still parent the same way we do now. He would never let someone like "the troll" into our daughters life. Nor would I.
Jen... you are an amazing
Jen... you are an amazing wife, mother, and friend. Ignore steptard here and just know you are 100% spot on. I hope you kiss that baby girl every single day and tell her how perfect she is. So far it's worked just fine for me.
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
As a human I think we are
As a human I think we are all hardwired to want to know who brought us into this world. We have a need for it, and it hurts when one or both of them don't want you.
My father wasn't a part of my hurt me pretty bad and still does. I have unresolved issues from it and probably always will. I'm so thankful my daughter will never have to go through what my son and I have had to. That makes me love DH that much more.
Cruella, you said this perfect. Even though you are your kids (skids) mother, legally and in all aspects that count, it will still probably always hurt them......somwhere inside of them.....that the BM chose to walk out of their lives. They will always be grateful and love you to peices for being their mom, but nothing will wash that hurt away. It's sad that someone who is supposed to love you more than anything in the world chooses to walk away from you.
Thank goodness, in your case, these children do have a mom. I think it has to make that hole and hurt sooo very much smaller. You're a great woman for what you've done in your life.
What a relief to hear about
What a relief to hear about a PAS child who has finally been able to see truth! It gives me hope for my skids.
wow...I am going thru the
wow...I am going thru the exact same thing, Cru....I actually think the older they get the worse the effect of the past PAS is....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
There are lots of studies
There are lots of studies that show that self esteem in boys relates directly to their relationships with fathers/father figures. It's very sad that your son has gone through this, but it sounds like you do a lot to help support him through it.
As my husband says,
As my husband says, "eventually kids DO figure it out"...and those that don't, will continue to suffer from it...Sadly, for every dad that is not involved by choice, there is one who is not involved because the BM made his life a living hell...and he had no choice but to step away...No, it's not fair to expect ONE parent to sacrifice their entire life for their kids by being constantly beaten by the mother of his kids, while she goes on her merry way with her new husband...It is truly sad for those kids whose father did NOT want to be involved, but it is even sadder for those who lost their dad because their mom ensured the dad stayed away...
I know this is our case, I know this is what happened to my was even a bit easier for him to give up, as his mother always had that view of "a bio dad is not needed, provided you have a great sdad"...fact is, that my DH viewed his role in his child's life as "second" best and not as needed since that is the view that his mother instilled in him...after we were together, I tried to reassure him that indeed his role was needed, but after years of him attempting to be more than just a paycheck to his kid, he had two choices...put OUR child through hell for the benefit of his 1st child and then still have no guarantee that it would be enough or let it go...He put our child's needs 2nd for over 5yrs...after those 5yrs he realized that nothing he did would be good enough, short of divorcing me, leaving OUR child without a dad and becoming a slave to his when she wanted it, out of her business when she wanted it, at the end of it all, he realized, I have one screwed up kid, I don't want two screwed up kids...Hopefully when she's older, as my DH did, she will rethink things, she will want to know more, she will understand...if not, well, it'll really be her loss most of all...although it will be painful to DH, she will lose the most...