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need CS advice---Quick!!!!

prayerhelps's picture

Is actually about my Ex who makes payments directly to state, but is not under CSE because the system was not set up til a few years after we divorced.

My ex has been real good about paying for the past 10 years (was terrible early on). My DS is now almost 16. Since March of 2009, the CS has not been regular, here and there, and in Nov it has stopped completely. Ex never really told me anything, I had to ask at some point last year what was going on---economy blah blah blah---and if CSE takes me to court, oh well---this was the attitude.

So I found out that I am not through CSE, so I go through the process so that I don't have to handle it.

We are to go to court next week. Ex calls this week all worried, talks to CSE and finds out that I can stop it. He promises to start paying extra every two weeks to get caught back up now that he has a 2nd job.

So, what do I do? Do I continue w/CSE or drop it and let him try to fix/


imagr8tma's picture

Depends on you. He has shown that he has not been consistent with paying the child support. I would just press on with CSE and let them chase around after him when he does not pay.

It would be a different story if he was paying like he should. Seems like he just wants the option to stop and have no real consequences.

HennyPen's picture

I would continue, I did that, went and signed a letter to opt out of them taking my case. BIG MISTAKE..he paid on time for 3 months and went back to me having to ask, bug him for it and wait.

I would let them take it over, it's so much less headache and stress for you. It doesn't give him the "wiggle" room to be late and miss payments. You need your CS for your and his child. He needs to be responsible..plenty of other Dad's are even in the bad economy.

Just my opinion.

Rags's picture

Go to court and request payroll withholding of your CS from XH's pay. The court will likely implement payroll withholding and an additional amount to force payment of his arrearages.

This takes it off of his plate completely. If he still owes you money when your kid turns 18 they will keep withholding and confiscate his tax returns until you are paid in full.

CSE will withold from his pay checks or unemployement checks if he is unemployed. They will bug the crap out of him if he quits his job or otherwise is not earning money.

IMHO this takes the strain of collection and communication on money with XH off of you.

Best regards,

crazylife's picture

I also would tell you to continue. My XH did that as well. He talked me into dropping my case and he made payments on time for about 6 months then went back to making them whenever he felt like it. When I tried to restart my case I got alot of headachees for the child CSE office. They made me jumpt through alot of hoops the second time around. Its just alot easier going throught CSE..

Pantera's picture

Continue. If he is going to pay, it really shouldn't matter. Also, if you drop your case, they might not take you so seriously when you really do want to go through with it.