Kids free weekend.....WONDERFUL
This weekend went so WONDERFUL......skid free all week! Went to the movies( no fights about what skid wanted to see ), dinner at a romantic place( no drama about skid not liking the place we pick),relax by the pool(no skid bugging us to do what he wants),went for a walk(no skid giving us a bad time for not liking this)went to see friends(no skid up-set for coming with us or mad and acting out for staying behind) what a great time skid you guys enjoy your skid free times too?
- Ani's blog
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That is awesome. I had a
That is awesome. I had a wonderful Creature free weekend, as well. 10 mile hike, dinner out, facial at the spa, drinks with friends.....
"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"
There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.
So happy for you.....we were
So happy for you.....we were so lucky!!!!! Hugs
Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE my skid free weekends!!! This was ours too! Had a great evening Friday grilling out and enjoying the sunshine! Nice b-day party at the lake with friends and no skids to have to deal with on Saturday. And then we took a Sunday drive and were just lazy all day! Loved it!
****I can do bad all by myself****
I do agree skids free is a
I do agree skids free is a wonderful thing!!!!
Yay!! I'm so glad you had a
Yay!! I'm so glad you had a good weekend
my BF has his kids every weekend but my exH and I sometimes switch up our time with our kids (he used to have them every weekend) according to his work schedule so he has them for a couple of weekdays instead.. Soooo sometimes we'll have a totally kid-free Tuesday night, or maybe a wednesday..
I'm all about those nights
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." Ziggy
I'm glad you had a great
I'm glad you had a great weekend Ani. We had a great weekend here too. Though we didn't get to have a kid free weekend. I miss being able to send skids home. But I'm counting down the days until we send SD to BM for a month and send BS with grandma & pap for a month. It's exactly 40 days from today. Then DH & I have an entire month without any kids. They leave May 22nd and don't get them back until June 20th. WOOHOOO! I can't wait. DH & I will be celebrating our anniversary earlier, so we can have a kid free celebration. Our anniversary is June 25th, celebrating 9 years this year.
LOL....know what you mean I
LOL....know what you mean I count the days when ss leaves so I get another skid free weekend,,,,lol......count
i loved my skid-free
i loved my skid-free weekend, too!!!!
the sucky side is next weekend will be skidfull..... better go make sure the liquor cabinet is full...
Thank you for reminding
Thank you for reminding me....I knew there was something I needed to take care of before the weekend gets here!
Mine will be skid filled as well.....ugh...
****I can do bad all by myself****
I'm with you 100% I will
I'm with you 100% I will pulling my hair and counting away when ss comes over ....this weekend....:)
Had a great kid free
Had a great kid free weekend... but I am also looking forward to seeing the kids in an hour when I get them from school.
Happy Monday!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
No SK's to tell us that they
No SK's to tell us that they are bored... Now why would I like that???
Ani... I miss having my SS
Ani... I miss having my SS and SD here.. both are now in college.. SS comes home on break I look forward to those days.. SD lives with her mom and since my DH put her in her place things are much better there also..
So at this point in my life I do miss them...
I miss my birth kids
I miss my birth kids too.....daughter is in law shcool and I see her every two month....she is out of the state.... and son is married... lives 4 hours away..... and I see him ever 4 weeks or so.....wonderful kids! So I know how you feel......:)
This is my Skid free weekend
This is my Skid free weekend and believe me I live for these weekends and the enjoyment I get from not hearing her annoying little whiny voice and getting her annoying little dirty looks everytime I get even close to her daddy ugh I love these weekends with everything in me
I loved them too....I'm so
I loved them too....I'm so glad you get this weekend and enjoy it sweetie....lots of hugs..