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My husband treats his daughter like a princess

HannaS's picture

I need help. My husband who has been married three times before our marriage had a daughter who was five when we got married. She visits several times a year. I had my kids early so they are grown and my three step children are close to his daughter's age. She is 11 and my three are 6,7 and 8.
He sets her on his knee and ignores my grand children. When she is not around he is nice to my grand kids. He buys her gifts in front of my grand kids and tells her in front of me that they are "wild" or "stupid" and when I say anything he always denies he said it. Once he bought her a basket ball while my seven year old cried for one. If she jumps on the furniture or tears up something he ignores it but if my grand kids get loud he says things like, "They are wild". Sometimes he looks at her and "rolls his eyes when I say anything" and if I ask him why he treats my grand kids different he denies it. He lies to me and tells her not to tell me things they do and what he buys her. Last year he stole money from my jewelry case and when I confronted him he said he sent it for child support. I knew this was untrue because I pay the support so I told him I would call her mother and ask. He lied for half an hour until I had the phone in my had and was dialing the number. His lies bother me more than anything else he does. Am I being too sensitive? I would appreciate any answer I can get. Thank you all. HannaS


Thetis's picture

Maybe there's a reason this guy has been married 3 times. He sounds like a tool. Is the Princess from his first marriage?

HannaS's picture

Thank you so much for your help and encouragement. Sometimes I feel like I'm just being over sensitive. The "princess" is from his third marriage. He was married to a much younger woman and they had this child when I was having grand kids. He can be very charming and melt me when he wants to but when he cuts my grand kids down and lies to me it just hurts so much.

nightowl2780's picture

He's not worth your time - no man should EVER steal from you. Also, only losers lie. A real man will face up to what he did. Get him outta there. You deserve better. You already know why he has been married so many times!!! Just reading this pissed me off - I'd smack him for you if he was in front of me!!!

HannaS's picture

He can be very charming when he wants to be. I think sometimes that I am just being over sensitive but when he lies and says mean things about my grand kids it truly hurts. He seems to have no feeling for anyone when his daughter is around and lies to me about everything. I can't trust him any more. I don't know what to think or what to do. Once when his daughter was over and his grown son from his first marriage was over I had a house full. His mom and dad were there and I had cooked all day and tried to pick up after his daughter and his son's two kids and I was worn out. I wanted the dinner to be real good and everyone to have a good time and of course my inlaws made me nervous. I didn't have time to fix up my hair so I put a ball cap on to cover my hair that was matted down with hair spray and so I just penned it up in the back and stuck my cap on. I was siiting in the floor with the two smallest kids when his daughter ran up to me and jerked my hat off my head! I was so embarrassed I wanted to crawl under the rug! My hair was flat and penned down and it looked rediculous! I got up and grabbed the cap and ran into the kitchen while he laughed with glee. She hollered "He told me to!" and that time I did get mad. His sister was there and she followed me into the kitchen and tried to be nice but I was so humiliated I didn't know what to do. Him laughing instead of correcting her for being rude made me feel he has no respect for me. After everyone left he said he had not told her to pull my hat off and he was sorry he laughed, but I've always beleived he told her to do it and it still hurts. He tells me I'm just too sensitive but I'm beginning to wonder.

outofplace's picture

Based on what you've said so far, you are absolutely NOT being overly sensitive. Lying is not acceptable. To be honest, if I were you, he woulda been out on his ass after he stole the money.

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