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Feeling like the other woman (long)

AlexandraL's picture

Well, as you can read in my previous blog I told my Bf that I thought we would be better as just friends and we really didn't see each other for a while but we ended up talking...long story short, in my mind we're "friends" but actually in some gray zone re our relationship.

A couple of weekends ago BF had a major epiphany while I was with him...that I had been right and that he understood why I have felt jealous, second, less. He said he realized that he's been in a separate sort of relationship with SD and that he's been holding onto old dynamics. When BF and BM were married they had a child centered marriage...SD was the center of their marriage and family, instead of BF and BM being the center. I guess it is because SD wasn't planned and they weren't married when they found out she was on the way and their relationship was on the skids. At any rate, SD was the glue and the focus.

Fast forward, they're finally divorced but the dynamic is still in place...SD is the center anchoring BM and BF to the past.

He admitted to me that he's kept SD as the main focus of his life and the center of his life and had a hard time integrating into a new life with me and my kids where we are all together. BF admitted to me that stepping out of this dynamic with SD and BM felt like a betrayal to SD. BM and SD have a very symbiotic relationship and my BF said he's felt like he has to compete with BM in order to keep SD in his life...that if he didn't make her his focus that he knew she wouldn't want to be with him anymore (they have a 50/50, EOD arrangement). He said he realized he's been driven by fears of being left...

I completely understand his fears, although I've never been in competition with my xH (or he with me) and have never feared losing the affection of my children...I've just always been the mom and parented, never afraid of losing their love or my place in their lives. It must feel horrible for my BF and while I feel sympathy for him, the entire situation causes me pain.

He cried and told me he couldn't even bear to think about that his actions/the dynamic have got us to the point we're at now and caused me so much pain but he said he knew it had and that is was behind all the things I've been saying for the past two years. He cried because he said he felt he'd never be free of the shit from his marriage and BM and SD...that he'd never be able to have what he really wants, a family. The thing is, him holding onto the past keeps him from having the very thing he wants. I told him he needs to step out of the past and the triangle he is in and step into a new situation with me, my kids, AND SD.

It's like BF and SD have had this private relationship that is the primary relationship (ditto for BM and SD to the exclusion of her BF)...the primary relationship is not with me. I adore my kids but my primary relationship was with my husband when I was married and my relationship with BF was also primary. I'm sorry, but I really cannot see how any woman would be comfortable with a child, esp. an only child daughter, holding equal rank to you as a grown woman. It's no wonder I have felt like the other woman all this time. Finally it all makes sense!

He said he wanted to change and I know he does, but quite honestly, I am not sure he can. In the past few weeks I have felt a shimmer of hope for us because BF sees that he is the root of the problem but he is weak, and God knows he loves SD and is so fearful of losing her if he doesn't kiss her ass, make her the center, his sort of partner...instead of being a parent, which she really needs in order to grow up as a functional part of society. I told him that he's just doing her a disservice making her the complete focus and making all his decisions based on her reaction...he so realizes it but again, I am not sure he will be able to do what it takes to change things, and even if he does, how long is this going to take. I have teens and SD is only 8...which means at least 10 years of struggling...probably many more than that given how her mom is and how she is currently spoiled.

I'm exhausted, really. This is his stuff, his journey, not mine. He's the sweetest person with the kindest heart and he loves me and my kids but damn, I can't live with him and SD so long as the current dynamic is in place. I don't think any woman could. It kills me too because my kids adore him.

I've made a new life that incorporated BF and I feel like I deserve the same. I am essentially baggage-free -- I don't have a 50/50 custody situation that requires constant communication (er, intrustions, text messages, discussions re stupid shit -- everything is a major issue when it comes to beloved SD) with my xH, I am not making decisions about my life based soley on my kids (if I was, I'd never move them here), I have my finances in order, I am ready, but I feel he just isn't.

I am not sure what I am really looking for from you all...I guess I want to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and whether things improved.

Thank you for reading my novella, lol Wink


Kb3Hooah's picture

Alex, have you told him in exact detail what your interpretation is of the family dynamic youre seeking? Maybe he understands what the problem is, but doesn't know how to change it?

This is probably a poor analogy, but here it goes anyway, lol. Let's say BF told me to cook him Filet Mignon for dinner. By that statement, I understand what he's wanting...but I'm not sure how to give it to him because I have no idea how to cook it. Instead of telling me you want Filet Mignon, show me how to cook it for you. After the first few times of doing it myself, I might not cook it that great, but after practice, I will have mastered it.

Food for thought. (pun intended) Wink

"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."

stepmom008's picture

I'd be interested in hearing this too. And might he be more receptive to reading something about how child centered relationships are ultimately damaging to the child?

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

AlexandraL's picture

Stepmom008...can you recommend a good read? I bought and read Stepcoupling and Stepmonster and think they'll be helpful for him to read but I don't want him to feel attacked, esp. given that he is finally waking up and finding the error of his ways.

I have been looking for something specific to child-centered relationships and how it makes it impossible to have a romantic relationship with an adult.

stepmom008's picture

If he's anything like my BF, the only thing he reads is a magazine while he's on the toilet. I usually will print out short articles for him if I really need for him to read something.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

AlexandraL's picture

Thank you SM008. I've read the first article a while ago, but I'll consider sending it/printing it. The second one was good too.

Funny, in the War on No...that little girl in the photo has struck the exact pose my SD is eerie how much it looks like her.

AlexandraL's picture

Middlemom...yes, we talked for like three hours about this and I've been talking to him about this for at least the last year in detail. It was crystal clear when we talked. In fact, he asked me to write everything down for him and I am planning to.

I told him I cannot be happy in a relationship where our relationship wasn't the primary one. I used examples of things that have happened to support what I was saying and gave examples of how I thought things should be handled. He asked me for advice and examples. When I gave them to him, he agreed with me.

I just don't know if he can follow through because he's so scared of losing SD...and she will ask to live with her mom if he starts being the parent and doesn't make his life about her. As he said, she's never known anything else and now expects that...for him to withdraw it would possibly make her feel he doesn't love her, or hurt her.

Last week there was an uncomfortable situation that presented itself and BF caught himself in his old pattern but ultimately made a decision based on not wanting to upset SD. I actually was ok with it because I didn't want to deal with any drama re SD on this particular night. I guess it is positive he's catching himself.

I told him if SD left that maybe as she got older and became a teen she might not want to be in that smothering cocoon with BM and that you never know...maybe the pendulum would swing the other way...I know I wasn't too close to my dad as a kid but am extremely close to him now...

Your analogy is a good one and I got it.

exhausted step mom's picture

AlexandraL....I have read your post and can sympathize with see I have a "princess" SD....well she thinks so at least, anyway I also have the sweetest most giving husband in the world. A fact that both SD's and BM love to take advantage of. And he also sees that we live with the "princess" calling alllll the shots and it makes me feel like...oh I don't know...noone of importance. But I did like the post from middlemom. And think that it would help me as well to keep that in mind. Our DH's know what we want, understand what we want but have no idea how to give us what we want. In my case at least, my DH and the "princess" have always had that relationship. She even goes as far as to tell him what and how to discipline her sibling. I just sit in the sidelines and watch. But I told my DH that I don't know why he got himself a wife as she played the role even telling him when he could have a cold beer etc...the only thing she isn't involved in is in our bedroom. And at times has even stated to us that our kissing or hugging infront of her makes her just sick! Now don't get me wrong we don't just swap spit and tongue each other in front of anyone including her. It is just a peck every now and then. But it totally infuriates her. I think it's because he is giving me attention and when "princess" is around NO-ONE AND I DO MEAN NO-ONE SHOULD BE GETTING ANY ATTENTION EXCEPT HER! But I do so love my DH and am in hopes of him being able to figure out a way to get "princess" to accept that he loves me and that I am not a threat.

AlexandraL's picture

It's not easy, is it? I had to chuckle because SD has tried to order around/discipline my teenage son...thank God the kid is a sweetheart and a good communicator ("that's ok Sd, my mom says it is ok)

Lately, I feel like there's just no way he's going to be able to change things, or even want to.

The irony in my particular situation is that he feels I abandoned him because I asked them to move out in the fall because I could no longer deal with the drama from SD and BM, but the reason that I felt that way was because of all the dysfunction of their triangular relationship.

Now he feels I might not always be around and why would he want to break ranks with SD when she'll always be there and I might not be?

nightowl2780's picture

I was there and it is terrible!! I took care of it pretty quickly though. My BF moved into my home and his daughter was welcome ther anytime she was home from school BUT when she came over, I felt like I wasn't welcome there. I started leaving when she came and he wasn't happy about that. Finally I told him that I feel uncomfortable in my own home. He went about everything in the wrong way. I explained to him that his daughter needed to be introduced into our relationship, not me being introduced into their father/daughter relationship. I reminded him that she is the child and we are the adults. She needed to know that he and I have a relationship and she is welcome to be part of it. Thats all there is to it!!

AlexandraL's picture

Amen to that sister! That is a great way to explain things to your BF...I will save that because I would like to share it with my BF.

I love what stepmom008 said in a different blog: "...our job as a mother is to prepare them for life not to let them become our life. I think t hat is a big reason why marriages fail because we pour all that we have into our children & live through them not live for ourself & our spouse."

I can't live for my kids, though I adore them and would do just about anything for them; BF has never known anything but living for a child. He's never had a partner! He doesn't know what that looks like. BM and BF were never the primary relationship, or partners...the primary relationship was with SD.