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Chatty Kathy and the Furball

Fading's picture

Ok, ready,set, GO!

We moved in to our new house over the weekend and if that wasn't stressful enough (between the casualties of moving and loss of items) we just HAD to have SD on Monday. But back up to Sunday, SIL was helping us move and we just happened to get on the subject of SD. SIL feels that DH should go for custody because SIL and her kids hardly see SD. And DH told her "You have to remember that if and when I do, it will be a big change for Fading." Of course SIL bursts in and says "Every woman has a motherly instinct and she will do just fine, she will just have to deal with it, she chose to marry you so SD is hers too." Yea I was there too but the conversation was as though I wasn't. Part of me felt like screaming. SD is NOT AND NEVER WILL BE MY CHILD, PERIOD. SIL has NO IDEA what stepparenting is like! Taking care of a child your spouse had with an ex and being expected to love and care for it as your own is NOT easy, and for me seems impossible. And as far as this 'motherly instinct' thing goes, no I do NOT have a motherly instinct. I think that comes along easier when you have your OWN children rather than taking on some priviledged brat. Now don't get me wrong I'm sure some women take to mothering like a fish to water, but I for one, do not. Being a disciplinarian, yea sure I can do that, I helped wrangle 2 siblings. Maybe I am making a fuss for nothing, but for some reason her comment really irked me off.
Whoany, back to SD on Monday, you'd swear the child was born in a barn. New house, 3 doors, SD ran through every one of them leaving them WIDE OPEN every time, even after I got on her about it. To make the situation worse, I had my nephew's German shepherd puppy MJ with me all day and every time SD left a door open, MJ bolted for it. SD was just in&out in&out in&out in&out in&out in&out all freakin day! I finally told her it was inside or outside and wherever she chose, she had to stay there. Yea that didn't work, damn kid still ran in and out. Honestly, I was more worried about the dog getting ran over/dognapped than SD. I know that's horrible, but the dog treats me with more respect and listens better than SD probably EVER WILL. Ugh I'm going to hell for that.

Oh and in addition, SD would NOT STOP TALKING. Just yap yap yap yap yap. And I was trying to talk to the real estate agent and she just blah blah blah. All day long, constantly. Did the dog ever bark or wimper? Nope, silent and happy as a clam all day. Good Puppy.


sm27's picture

Or better yet, maybe she could give SIL the benefit of the doubt, talk to her about what she said that bothered her, then if SIL still doesn't get it, exactly what Crayon said, maybe SIL should go for custody if she cares that much!!

sm27's picture

SIL was definitely out of line with that one, nosy bitch that she sounds like. I don't like what she said because I feel like that "expectation" of you will make you resentful, thus delaying what could be a great relationship with your SD. However, being a SM is exactly that: a title with loads of unrealistic expectations attached.

Also, I wanted to mention that the part where you said "taking care of a child your spouse had with an ex" sounds like me a while a ago. Another poster put this up once, but maybe not in these exact words:
"try looking at the child as half of your DH, created by someone you LOVE" and maybe you can open your heart up just a little bit more.


Fading's picture

That would be easy if she didn't look identical to BM and if I didn't have doubts that SD is even DHs...

*: (=’:’ ):*

sm27's picture

Wow, (thanking god I don't have a SD instead of a SS), I don't even know what to say to this one. Except xoxoxoxoxo for YOU.

TheWife's picture


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

Queenofdenial's picture

"Every woman has a motherly instinct..." That is the best joke I heard all day. I was having a horrible day and that just made me laugh my socks off. I know some woman who shouldnt even have a fish.

In the long run, its your choice to make not your sister in law, dont let her pressure you into anything your not comfortable with!

Congrats on the new house by the way.