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Kinda OT - Women are hardwired to be "good" mothers?

luckykell's picture

I found this article today, and thought it would be fun to get everyone's POV on it!|main|dl1|link5|

Hopefully, the link works, i've not tried pasting one onto a blog yet! Basically, the article states that when a woman becomes pregnant she has a bunch of maternal neurons form in her brain, and when she has the baby these neurons get "switched on". Scientists are saying that if not enough are switched on, then that is where "bad mothers" come from.

I personally don't think that this has anything to do with being a good or bad mother. I will agree that yes, there is something "extra" that you get when you have your own biochild, but not a good/bad thing. I do not have any biochildren of my own, and we care for my SD5 12 days a month. I think I am a great "mother" to Scooty (I say mother, b/c when she is under our care that's what I am, for all intents and purposes). I make her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I drive her to all her events, and I take her shopping. I kiss her owies, and tell her it's okay when she is scared. I help her with her homework, and teach her 'life' lessons. We watch movies and play dolls. So, I do believe I am a great "mother" even without those "maternal neurons"!

Thoughts? Smile


luckykell's picture

Crap! The link didn't make a hyperlink! If interested just copy/paste into a browser, or it's on AOL news! Sorry!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

luckykell's picture

If you had read the article, it states that women who don't have these "neurons" are the ones who turn into bad mothers. (ie. Susan Smith) "hardwired to be good mothers" is just the title of my blog.

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

Torn's picture

No way! I think some women have it and others clearly don't.

~Never interrupt your enemy when she is making a mistake.~

~No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.~

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

For me, I truly felt a switch flip when I first held perfectson. Life as I knew it crashed to a halt and something entirely different took over me. Guess that was the mother instinct kicking in. Without him, I would have never been quite as good of a SM, there's no doubt. I wouldn't have the understanding that I do because of him. I do think for most women a mother's instinct kicks in. Certainly not in all women, but in most I believe it's there.

luckykell's picture

I would agree mostly with this, I do believe there is an extra mother's instinct that only comes with biochildren. I guess I view mothers and caretakers differently. I think caretakers do everything a mother does outwardly (cooking, cleaning, booboo fixing, etc) which is what I think SM's are for. But like others state, no matter how much I love SD5, and no matter how great of a caretaker I am....I will always be missing that special little "extra" that only BM's have.

I'm hoping I get that "understanding" that you speak of when I have a biochild! I definately need more of the whole patience aspect too! Smile

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

DISbelief's picture

I completely relate to this. I also don't think it happens in everyone. Maybe that is what the article is saying. I haven't read it yet. Is there a switch on BM somewhere, that I can just go flip it on??? Wouldn't that be nice???


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

luckykell's picture

Haha, multiple ON & OFF switches for different occassions on BM would be awesome!! }:)

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

DISbelief's picture

And a remote, so I don't have to actually touch her! That can work from about 10 miles away.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

Amazed's picture

I have to work my ass off to be a good mother. it doesnt come naturally to me. I'm naturally selfish with my time and my resources. I have to make an effort to share myself with my son. i do the best I can.

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut

luckykell's picture

This is how I feel about SD5, I work freakin hard to have a good relationship with her! I use all my resources and time...and sometimes it just feels like constant work. I'm curious to see if and how this will change when I have a bio!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

HennyPen's picture

I agree with Torn, some are much more maternal instinctually than others, I think that may be why some of us find being a step parent easy and are very nurturing. Others, like myself, have to work at it to make it feel more natural and have that "connection".


I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am - unknown