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The Sound of Silence

Last-Wife's picture

All three skids went to their mother's this weekend. This is the first time in almost 6 months that they have all been there at the same time. I'm sure she's going crazy by now, while I just sit here and enjoy the silence of my home.

I think I'll go do a happy dance...


soverysad's picture

Whoo hooo!!! Party it up girl! Even if that means soaking up the quiet!

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

TheOtherMom's picture

Take a warm bath and then listen to the noises of the house like no tv and the sound of the heater turning on ... something little you never pay attention to or can't because the tv IS on and the kids are chattering.

Last-Wife's picture

I enjoyed it to the hilt! Loghead spent time recovering- after Gibby puked on him Tuesday night, he came down with the flu also. The three of us cuddled in bed together, while Gibby told us funny stories. Gibby and I got to see a movie together, and we all played some Wii games together. Then I banned the TV for several hours, and it was just a pleasant weekend...

Then Princess 17 came home early... Oh well... At least she is keeping her grumpy self in her room, working on college aid applications.

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."