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Wedding, or no?

Thetis's picture

To all the moms out there!

I'm thinking about having a tiny wedding with my Fdh and then renewing my vows in a big wedding five years from now. My mom says once this baby comes I will be too busy to have a wedding.

What are your opinions? (My mom is almost always right, I just don't want to plan a big wedding in a month!)


Thetis's picture

I want to be married before the baby. And the slim thing is actually one of my big things! I already have a dress. My mom is coming to pick me up to go try it on. If shes right and it looks ok with the Baby bump I may let her run wild and plan a big wedding. She did a great job in a month for my uncle!
Thank you for your opinion! (Its almost exactly what my mom said!!! You must be a very smart person!)

Scarlett's picture

Do the tiny wedding...meaningful and simple. Those are always the best anyway. More intimate and a better opportunity to share those raw emotions of love that come with getting married.

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Anderson

onehappygirl's picture

Have a nice small intimate wedding. My first time around, I had the big shabang! I was nervous, tense, the big dress was hot, people kept pulling my veil, the food wasn't great. Yeah, it was a big beautiful wedding, but the marriage didn't last.

My second time around, it was family only and very intimate. Set outside in my brother's beautiful deck, his yard surrounded by trees and a creek. We bought a sheet cake from Sam's, some fruit and sandwiches. It was relaxed, informal, beautiful and very, very happy. This one is going to last.

The inimate family wedding is nice in that you're not putting on a show. It made it more real somehow. I could concentrate on my husband and what we were doing rather than how I was standing or walking. You know what I mean?

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Denial's picture

A lot can happen in 5 years. I'm with StepCoquette - it's hard to predict where you'll be in 5 years. My DH always says "Life always changes your good intentions for the future - we got to do it now"

If you really want to - try to enlist friends and family to help - you can plan a pretty decent wedding in a short amount of time. You don't want to look back 20 years from now with "I wish I would have ..."

Good luck and congratulations!

TheWife's picture

I have seen it happen to too many people as well, they get married first and plan to have a wedding later. Wedding never happens.

My husband wanted to get married first and have the wedding later because I was pregnant (very pregnant!), but I said NO! I want my "wedding" day to be my actual wedding day. When I walk down the aisle and say my vows, and they pronounce us husband and wife, the emotion of the moment won't be there as we have already been married for 5 years.

That was just my take on the day. To me it wouldn't have been as special and emotional a day if we had already been married.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

smnikki's picture

dh and i went o jamaica to get married. we had been planning a huge wedding here, but then mil started showing her true colors (she is SATAN) and i was afraid that she would ruin my big day, and i would go to jail for beating the living day lights out of her, lol,jk

dh suggested going to jamaica to get away from the drama so that it was about us, and then we didnt have to hassle with ss either. and bm couldnt pull any crap.

I was promised a huge bbq when we got back. more of a casual reception so that we could celebrate with my family that didnt go to jamiaca and get pictures of us in our wedding attire with our family and friends.....well, when we got back EVERYONE had their two cents about what day it could and couldnt be. it was obvious that this bbq was only important to me and nobody saw the point in spending the money or energy when we were already married. i was pissed and had to settle for getting every one together (parents and grandparents) and getting pictures done before my birthday dinner at my moms house. no friends no party.

i think that if you want a wedding you need to do it before, because after, especially with a kid in the mix, there is always going to be something more important, and if its like my situation, its not important to any one else, and it will piss you off because you were waiting for it and now, no one gives a crap. because to them you are already married and have a kid so whats the point.

i think that something small and nice can be put together quickly, and that way if it doesnt end up happening you wont be disappointed.

stepmom008's picture

I guess it would depend on what you really want. Are you a girl that always had big dreams of what her wedding would be like? And if you don't get that, will you regret it? I say follow your heart instead of logic on this one.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

TheWife's picture

LOL, actually, I think it is her husband that wants the big wedding more than her?

Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

Thetis's picture

Totally right. I just want to sign the papers and get it over with. But Dh wants a nice big wedding and well I already bought the dress before baby... ITS STILL FITS! So I may just pull off this biggish wedding in May lol.

Shannon61's picture

I agree with your mom. Once you're busy with the little one, you likely won't even have the time nor energy to plan the wedding. Also, life changes on a dime and a lot can happen in five years.

I didn't want a wedding either, but DH talked me into it so I did it for him, and it was beautiful.

One month is enough time to plan something small, yet elegant that you can look back on. If you so desire, you can always plan a big event later. Better to do something small now, than regret doing nothing at all later.

soverysad's picture

I planned my wedding in 7 weeks. Granted, it was only 60 people, but I am sure I could have easily added another 100 if I wanted to. Like one of the other posters said, it gave me less time to stress over it. It turned out to be a great event. It was fun and relaxing and it costs less than $7k, including my dress and our wedding rings. I let my mom run with a lot of things, which made her happy and kept her out of my hair on this issues I wanted to do my way.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

folkmom's picture

lol at the mom. if i announced i was engaged mom could have it planned in 2 weeks. she has a guest list (no kidding) location...everything...all picked. i am more of a "nice party" but don't need anything I am pretty sure her way would work.

soverysad's picture

She really was a HUGE help, but if I let her have it her way there would have been 200 people and it would have cost me a fortune. In the end, she was quite surprised and proud of the wedding I wanted and she didn't feel left out because there are so many things that I don't care about (flowers, centerpieces, favors, etc.) and let her do whatever she wanted. My top concern was location, food and photographer. Nothing else was a big deal. My brother was a God-send. We rented a clubhouse, so he had to set up all the rented tables, chairs, place settings and he did all the catering (he's a fabulous cook). He would be an awesome event host!

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

soverysad's picture

damn double posts! happens to the best of us

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"