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do you "lose" visitation days?

sugarfree's picture

NFH has visitation EOW. BM tries to allow visitation according to what mood she's in or what's going on in her life. I do appreciate all the extra days off she gives me from all the missed visits but for NFH sake I'd like to know his rights for when her PAS attack passes this time.

She starts her trash talking about me & my BK's (whom she's never met), then if I do or say anything in return she has a psycho fit on NFH about how she's going to court b/c of the drama I'M causing for him. She feels she can say whatever she wants to me & I have to take it, if I say anything in return NFH can't see the kids! Well I don't take it to say the least. She can dish it, but can't take it, so her contacting me is few & far in between these days but it seems contact is inevitable.

What are NFH rights with the visitation order? She gets mad at me? No visit. Mad at him? No visit. Family visiting from out of town? No visit. Church event? No visit. Family event? No visit. Something better to do in BM's opinion? No visit. That's how it goes. Can she do this if NFH does'nt agree? If NFH misses a visit for one of her reasons or another is he still entitled to those days to be spent with him or does he "lose" these days?


unbelieveable's picture

weellccoommee to the world of step! I don't think she is allowed to hold the child hostage if there is a court agreement? I am sure others on here will know the real step-parents or future ones like me - we are just supposed to "take it." Yup...that's just how it is - unless you refuse to put up with it ; )

andy_pandy's picture

From my impressions you can have the police enforce the visits as listed in court orders.

Rainbow.Bright's picture

There was times when BM used visitation as a weapon; always because of not getting enough money or being mad for some reason. The police were very effective in persuading her otherwise.

stepmom008's picture

If there's an agreement and she's breaking it, she's in contempt. If she continues to be difficult you could take her to court over it.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

MarriedwithChild's picture

OMG- read my post- we are going through the exact same thing right now too.