OT ~ Message to my wolfpack
Girls, you know who you are, thanks for being there for me when I need you. You know that I'll be there for you and I'll be carrying my own original thoughts when I step up back to back with you.
MUAH! Hugs and kisses!
- Wicked.Step.Monster's blog
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hey lady:) I love ya
hey lady:) I love ya always...bitch
i still wanna be like my girl Wicked when I grow into my big girl panties.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
You know that I'll be there
You know that I'll be there for you and I'll be carrying my own original thoughts when I step up back to back with you.
---------> Are you sure?? cause I have this BM problem that I'd love for you to take care of for me - LOL
Love ya my *Bish*
Madea gives relationship advice
I'm not just giving a two
I'm not just giving a two liner here. I am LIVID at some bullshit that is going down right now. So I guess we suck because you and I are friends and we stand together? Of course we stand together, we are friends. We also will e smack each other when needed. To those of you that don't know, I can't tell you how many times Wicked has told me to take it easy, or to rethink this or that, or to help me through issues with my son. If it wasn't for her talking me down off a major issue with my son I don't know what I would have done. I strive to be the kind of mom to him that she is to her son. She is my friend. Just like any other friend, if I see them being attacked I will defend. Why is it so different online? Are we supposed to lay down and watch our friends be attacked. Hell no. And I'm not one to lay down when I see it going on. I wouldn't in RL and I'm certainly not going to online either. I know this woman not only on the internet, but in RL. She's a very good friend of mine. If I personally witnessed someone say some of the stuff to her that has been said recentaly, I would jump in, in a skinny minute.
That makes us mindless. That makes me a coward who has to run in a pack. WTF is that? Who doesn't run in a pack. Who doesn't run with their friends? I don't hang out with people I don't like in RL either, but hey, maybe I am the weirdo. WE ALL Run in a pack, every one of us have our close friends here and in RL. But sometimes people like to point that out and make it seem that you are stupid, low class, chicken, if you talk mostly to certain girls. Well to be honest there are only certain people that I want to talk to A LOT here. I try to offer help as much as I can to others that I don't know, but when it comes right down to it of course I'm more anxious to see what my friends are going through right now. I can't believe that would make someone believe that I'm a coward, that I'm to scared to say anything on my own without my "pack" with me. F that. Yeah, I don't have all the classy words but I do have friends. And I'll be here for them no matter what and no matter who likes it.
I know alot of you don't know what's up right now. Why this is even being written, etc. But the people who need to know do, and my line has been drawn in the sand. If you insist on hurting my friends, after they've done nothing to you but try to be nice, talk to you, etc, then I have no use for you either. Sorry, that's just how I'm built. If you can be a dirty bitch in secret you are probably being a dirty bitch to me to, just behind my back.
I love you Wicked, here, there, and in real life.
You never have to worry about me not being here for you. I don't care what ANYONE thinks of it. We are friends and I'll continue to be one of yours until you get so sick of me that you run me off!!
PS...like I said before, don't let jealous high school acting girls get under your skin. Let it roll off your back baby, because in the end they don't matter a damn to you.
My second day, so I
My second day, so I absolutely have no clue what's going on! All I can say is I like your (all of you) style! I look forward to blogging with you all! I feel the same way about treating people the way you would in the RL, and I think regardless of whether you agree with someone or not, we can all learn from each other. The best way to learn is to absorb without defensiveness - which as a BM, SM, BD, or SD (any parent for that matter) is sometimes a self defense technique that is always the first to come up.
Thanks again
It was me. It's funny
It was me.
It's funny because I was logging back on to send a sincere apology. I was pretty bratty.
I probably deserve all that is coming my way. I am probably guilty of a lot of what you say I am. I am definitely pretty petty for what I said. I wasn't tagging a certain group per se, I was tagging a certain methodolgy that I noticed in a posting style.
I get the tight knit friendships... I really do.
And so WSM... I apologize. I turned around and did just I was hammering you for. I was hurt and pissed off and I targeted you because... well I suppose you already know. I was acting off emotions, and if you feel like after a few days when there is a settling of emotions and dust...that perhaps you might want to possibly accept that I really am sorry. I was a real a*sshole. I wanted your feelings to be hurt like mine were. I was acting out on it.
I wasn't trying to keep it secretive as to hide. I was just trying to minimize the drama. I was obviously not very successful.
Sorry that it got it all twisted up. I had a feeling it would. I regret what I said and I hope, for the sake of others we can leave it at this.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
So you notice that a lot of
So you notice that a lot of the time I agree to people's posts? I am still pretty curious what is wrong with that? When I see someone who has already spelled out an answer that is pretty much exactly what I am thinking, is there really any point in me writing out my own answer to it? Why is just posting an agreement a "chump" way of posting? Most people do not write in prose poetry in case you haven't noticed.
I laughed at a snarky remark a few days ago or so, and then today I agreed with one of your posts, which I don't normally do, so I said that, and you blasted me for it.
I think you were beyond pretty bratty. You said I had a chump way of posting and that I was the most insecure of all and I didn't have enough faith in myself to have my own thoughts and opinions. Yep, I'm thinking that was beyond bratty. You were a downright bitch and you know it. I didn't deserve a bashing like that and you know that too.
My dust won't be settling anytime soon.
There was a poem from when I
There was a poem from when I was young called "Proud Words".
It talked of how we let words go and can't take them back. How our words have power and that we get to dress them however we like, but once we let go, they are no longer ours.
Absolutely. I was beyond bratty and I let my proud words go all decked out in my own emotional baggage. I was unnecessarily mean because of my own hurt.
Listen to your friends and don't listen to the petty, proud words of someone who never took the time to get to know you.
You're right. I was wrong in what I said.
I understand staying mad at me. I didn't get over a tiny remark after a few days... I said a lot more than that to you. I hope that the dust can blow away with the wind... along with my words.
You didn't deserve it.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I'm trying to understand why
I'm trying to understand why you were feeling hurt? I have been made fun of by so many people here so many times I can't even keep track. One moment that sticks in my head is when I got made fun of bc I posted a snarky rant directed at Frizz but certain individuals took it upon themselves to make it seem like I was directing it at a member here. A huge back and forth craptastic battle took place. My feelings were really stinging after that one. I still see those members here every now and then and to be honest, I can't forget how cruel they were to me. But one of them did reach out around Christmas to comment on a blog I wrote about a situation that had me really raw and feeling low. She took the initiative to say she was sorry I was hurting and some other really nice things were said from her to me. I still didn't trust her, but her words meant more to me than most at that moment. The reason for that was because I KNOW she doesn't like me. I KNOW she trashed me a lot. So for her to then come around and be able to have sympathy and kind words for me really hit home.
I guess I'm trying to figure out why the hurt from a one liner or a bunch of laughter aimed at you would make you lash out in such a way days later when she was agreeing with you on something that you said. Something I agreed with you on as well. I might be biased but I was really proud of Wicked that she was able to basically eat crow on that particular blog and say in what I took as a rather sheepish manner of basically, "well damnit, I know I don't usually agree with you because we're just different people but this time I really think you're on point with what you've observed on this particular post and I'm going to just swallow my pride and tell you that."
That's how *I* personally took what she said. Perhaps that's because I know her,or maybe because of the experience I explained earlier. It is unfortunate that her words were taken in such a twisted way. I have misunderstood people and I have been misunderstood by people...both situations were hard and took a while to get over.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
I don't know BBB. It just
I don't know BBB.
It just did. Your skin is far thicker than mine. So I procceeded to take the second, perhaps harmless, comment and may very well have twisted it up to see what I thought I saw. I pounced because I was acting off emotion, rather then taking the time to perhaps inquire. In all my disasterous glory, I chastised her for doing just as I was. My feelings became my facts... I hurt, so I assumed her intent was to hurt me.
I don't claim perfection. I screwed up.
I'll learn from the mistake... and hopefully grow from it. My apology to WSM is sincere. I walked away from the computer once I sent my last blast.. and felt remorse. It wasn't right. My only grace was that I didn't feel compelled to call her out with an audience... perhaps I should have.
Then her friends could have helped me know the person, not just know the frustration that I had with the person.
Thanks, BBB. For coming to me with an honest question... and trying to understand... and lending your own situation to help me better understand mine.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I don't have thick skin...I
I don't have thick skin...I just hide my soft side under a huge layer of "what would a bitchy barbie do?"
Thank you for answering my question
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
The ONLY reason this went
The ONLY reason this went public is because you blocked me from answering your last message. The way I take what you even said above, is a dig at me because I did call it out with an audience. And you are still questioning that it was 'perhaps' harmless.
For the record, there have been several things you've written that I thought were great, several things I've thought were condescending, but for the most part the things you write, I have no clue what you are even saying because taking the time to decipher your writings does not interest me, and I seriously doubt I'm the only one that feels that way.
All you had to say to me was 'you hurt my feelings with that' and I would have apologized because that was not my intent in the least.
I promise no digs. I stand
I promise no digs. I stand before you with great humility, and an acceptance in the role I played.
I appreciate that you think sometimes I say some great things. I'm sorry that I never took the time to say anything great to you.
I also am pretty wordy... and I can tell that you're not the only one who feels the way you do.
The "perhaps" was geared more towards me. It was ME who assumed there was a malicious intent.
All you had to say to me was 'you hurt my feelings with that' and I would have apologized because that was not my intent in the least.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Here for you if need to talk
Here for you if need to talk or blow off steam WSM.
I have no idea what is going
I have no idea what is going on, but I love you ladies. We don't have to agree on anything, and I can't say enough how much I appreciate the times that we don't because you guys get me thinking hard about why.
WSM - I think you're the
WSM - I think you're the bees knees!! Sorry, had to throw in a little corn. I don't there's anthing wrong with standing up for your friends. In a community like this, there are going to be groups of women who tend to congregate toward each other. We have common interests and common problems. There are many groups like this within this ST community - you know who you are and you know what I'm talking about. Nothing wrong with it.
Love ya, girl!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Spot on!!
Spot on!!
Madea gives relationship advice
Yeeeessssss, indeed {snotty
Yeeeessssss, indeed {snotty English accent}.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
As usual OHG, I'm right
As usual OHG, I'm right there with ya!
WSM - I love you!!! Maybe someday, if I ever have a daughter, she can be Perfectson's second wife/twinkie
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I'm tired of all the wishy
I'm tired of all the wishy washy bullshit. Unless you have a goddamn Masters Degree in Psychology and Poetry, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!
Just because you read Dr. Phil's "I Can Be A Whole New Brand of Crazy" novel, doesn't give you the license to wax philisophical on here.
CHEESE AND RICE! I lost 10 I.Q. points reading half the shit in this thread. SMDH.
OMG. I just piddled myself.
OMG. I just piddled myself.
Well.... If I want to read
If I want to read about flowers and rainbows, I'll get a Dr. Seuss book.
Why is it when I see
Why is it when I see Dr.Seuss I ALWAYS think Green Eggs and Ham??? Like nothing else was EVER written or said by this person and THAT'S the only thing stuck in my mind
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
You know what I mean. You
You know what I mean.
You can't preach enlightenment to a bunch of disgruntled step mothers. This isn't a self help seminar.
We come here to bitch, get advice and cheer each other up.
We're not looking for inner fucking peace or the light of god.
We aren't Tibetan Monks!
Everytime I read your stuff
Everytime I read your stuff I get the worst case of the gigglysnorts:)
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
I can't help it. This bull
I can't help it. This bull shit is ridiculous.
The words just run together after awhile and it just makes you want to start going cross eyed.
Cat in the Hat & the "NOISE
Cat in the Hat & the "NOISE NOISE NOISE" scene from The Grinch for me.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I almost peed myself. No
I almost peed myself. No lie.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.
Now THAT'S telling it like
Now THAT'S telling it like it is!!! Whew!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Don't make me get the hose!
Don't make me get the hose!
Hmmm.... lots n lots of
Hmmm.... lots n lots of drama goin on here.
I have been told by both of you, WSM and CG (and even BMJen... ConstantlyGuilty, and probably others) that I am over reacting, selfish, crossing lines, too controlling... and many many other things that are NOT very "nice". And that is ok with me. I don't mind at all. About once a month there is a major "hot post" on this site, and we always seem to get through it. It's a matter of taking the advice given on this site and applying it how you feel best for your situation. None of us know 100% about everyone elses situation. There are tons of members now, it would just impossible to do so.
I am not sure if I ever was, or ever will be a member of your "wolfpack" WSM mainly because I don't really know how you feel about me, and that's ok. It is a public forum for goodness sake, no one says you have to like or agree with EVERYONE. I do know that I respect your opinions and enjoy your post on this site. I also know that CG and I have become good friends over the years. Her apology is sincere, I know this for a FACT. She is remorseful for her actions, and I support her even on her "bad days". I may not agree with her, but I support her. And I think she was very brave and humble to post an apology on this thread. I am not saying ya'll should be best friends or anything. But I do think it is possible for us all to co-exist on this site... the difference in each of us are what make the dynamics of this site.
Moving forward.... I hope everyone is having a fabulous day! It is almost Friday and Saturday is my kids very first baseball game!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it... they are going to have so much fun!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Huh? There's no drama. You
Huh? There's no drama. You said it, we didn't.
And you're CG's mouthpiece now? Awesome.
No, I am her friend... but I
No, I am her friend... but I also respect WSM and her throughts. Just as I do BMJen... and others that have told me to pull my head out of my a$$. That was my point... CG will speak when she wants to. I was simply stating that I knew she was sincere, because I TALKED to her about it. We are all entitled to having bad days, aren't we? I think it took a lot of courge for her to put herself out there on this thread like that. That's all.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I appreciate that DIS, I
I appreciate that DIS, I really do, but I was specifically told I was not respected by CG so I'm sure I'll return that favor fairly easily. I also appreciate the fact you say she is sincere, but I don't know her, so I don't know that that is in fact true and I'm sure you can understand that as well.
By the way, I hope you enjoy your kids' ball games this weekend. I have spent the past 13 years following perfectson from game to game/sport to sport and it's been the highlight of my life. There is no better feeling in the world like that of watching your kid connect the bat/ball for a great run, or get the winning shot past the keeper in a hot soccer match, but my all-time favorite was perfectson sinking a 3-pointer at the buzzer to win a basketball game for his team. He graduates 2 months from today and I don't know what I'm going to do now!
I can appreciate that. I
I can appreciate that. I wish you did know CG like I do. Because she really is an amazing person. Opinionated and wordy, yes... but I have learned so much from that part of her. But, I do respect that you don't know her well. And it is hard to get over a direct insult. I get it. I really do.
I am so excited to get them started in sports. I love watching them practice. Makes me so proud. And they are both pretty good (only SS and BD8 are playing, BD6 is afraid of the ball... she will get there with an activity of some sort). And the weather is warming up. It is going to be 78 on Saturday. What an awesome day it will be. My SIL and going to go afterward and have a "girls day" shopping... mani pedi, and I am sure a few drinks
I already LOVE this weekend!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
No ma'am.... not going
No ma'am.... not going anywhere anytime soon, don't you worry!
That's it. We're all joining
That's it. We're all joining a convent.
A convent? ummmm....*nail
A convent? ummmm....*nail biting* I can't live without certain things that come with living outside of the convent...ummm...
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
You're still allowed to use
You're still allowed to use electricity and batteries.
Just keep it on the down low.
Sweet! buuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! It's
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! It's funnery in the nunnery!
Technically, in a convent
Technically, in a convent that is a mortal sin. I was taught by the nuns...I remember the extremely uncomfortable girls only lectures...strangely those lectures always kinda turned me on **blushing**
*sly* that's kinda hot
*sly* that's kinda hot C_guilty...*winkywinkeyes*
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
LOL! That's like flipping
LOL! That's like flipping through the Old Testament looking for the dirty parts! (*raises hand*)
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
See I KNEW I was surrounded
See I KNEW I was surrounded by a bunch of dirty girls! lol I was RIGHT! ...no wonder i felt so at home...
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
I could never part with Bob.
I could never part with Bob.
I know a few Bob's - they
I know a few Bob's - they all get along really well
Madea gives relationship advice
Bob?! lol I could never part
Bob?! lol I could never part with Dr.Troy:)
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
Dr. Troy???? I think I need
Dr. Troy???? I think I need the inside scoop on this one...
You'll have to the some
You'll have to the some google on him...yummmy
he's my bestie when i get lonely and DH isn't around
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
Antonio is mine - Mr. YumYum
Antonio is mine - Mr. YumYum for real.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
They don't talk back.
They don't talk back. They're the best!
You ladies crack me up!!!
You ladies crack me up!!! And I love all ya wolf pics... Wolves are my fav aminal! Good job in picking the wolf for your pack! When I was real little and in daycare we had a "Wolf Pack" and all ran around acting like we were wolves everyday. This brought back that memory... I haven't thought about that in years!
****There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth.**** -THE WIFE
I so did not see this blog
I so did not see this blog til now (working a lot and no sleep is not a good mix). WSM I just wanted to say that I truly luv ya girl!! I look forward to your posts and stories about perfectson. Don't listen to the others, k?
And I'm part of your pack but I'm gonna stick to my avatar
Ok, I have to admit. I read
Ok, I have to admit. I read the 1st couple of posts this morning and then avoided trying to read the rest - thought it best to just stay out of it.
Bored at work, couldn't resist as so many responses have been posted today.
OMG - that's 15 minutes of my life I won't get back.
I'm really sorry you've lost
I'm really sorry you've lost that time...losing time blows.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut
Sometimes the temptation is
Sometimes the temptation is just too great isn't it? I think I've lost YEARS of my life due to temptation.
SEEEEEE - I just had to look
SEEEEEE - I just had to look in again! Sweet temptation!
Snort - you're okay
Snort - you're okay 1Life!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!