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It's my fault he's bad...

TRose426's picture

So, where to start... I am a BM of 2, SM of 1. My BD is 3, BS is 10months and SS is 5. I have been in the picture since my SS turned 2. Not much changes in 3 years. I have always been the bad guy because I want my children to all have manners, respect, and because I keep them on a pretty regular schedule. My SS lives with us primarily and sometimes sees his BM. She recently had another baby, lives on welfare 100% and child support for the new baby, and doesn't work or drive. She tells me all the time that when he is there she lets him get away with a lot because she missed him and doesn't want to have to enforce rules because then they can't enjoy their time together if he is in time out the whole time. She buys him everything he asks for and he has her 100% undivided attention the whole time she is there. I am at stay at home mom currently and my husband works very hard and is rarely home between his FT job and the Army. I do everything for all my kids and love it all. However, it is a constant battle with my SS because even after 3 years he has no matters, and thinks that at 5 y.o he can talk back to me about everything and get away with it. He claims he misbehaves because I am mean and never let him do anything. He tells his BM all sorts of stories about things that I supposedly do, like locking him in his room all day and never letting him out...ok a 5 minute time out and being told to pick up your toys and not scream while doing it, or to stay in his room until he can be done screaming is what I do. My 3 y.r BD has the best manners of any little girl, and yes she has her moments with temper tantrums but atleast is isn't every morning. I know he is lashing out because his BM doesn't call him or see him very often, but I have no idea what to do and I feel like I am going crazy. We have tried everything and nothing seems to bother him, no punishment in the world that we have tried even affects him in the least...Any suggestions? I would appreciate anything..


Kb3Hooah's picture

What about an award system for all the kids in the home?

Make a chart with each childs name on it...they all start out with stars for that day, but if they behave badly, their star will be taken off. After the first time it's taken off, they can earn it back by behaving better the rest of the day. But if they get in trouble again after the star has been removed once, they don't get to earn it back for that day, and they lose all privileges for 24hrs (NO video games, toys, tv). The children who have all of their stars at the end of the week earn something special, like going to the movies, or going for ice cream.

Maybe if your SS see's others earning something special by their good behavior, it will give him incentive to do the same.

Also, do you have the kids help you out with the chores around the house? I think this is a good opportunity to get everyone involved in the home. It makes them feel good about themselves to be able to contribute in some way. This might help with SS's behavior...boost his confidence and make him feel part of the family.

“Got Boundaries?” ~BitchBitchBarbie~

TRose426's picture

We actually already have a star/award system in place. My daughter and SS can each earn a star if their behavior was good for the day...we allow one meltdown depending on what is going that day. After they earn 10 stars they get 5 dollars to save or spend as they please. As of today my daughter has save $20 and my SS has like maybe $10. He can see that she has more stars than him and always mentions how good she is, and I had kind of hoped it would start a kind of competitive thing in a good way because I would think he would want to have just as many stars as his sister, but to avail so far.
The kids do help out with chores, they make their own beds, clean their own rooms, help 'cook' dinner, and clean up. My SS puts his own laundry away (I stack the clean clothes in his basket in order so he can put it all in the drawers from top to bottom) and my daughter has started to put hers away as well. I try to definitely treat them the same and give them things to do. I think it is important to teach them to help out...and actually my daughter loves helping, and when I do try to include my SS he usually whines and complains because he doesn't want to do anything. I usually ignore it though and tell him that I asked him for help and he can go play when he is finished.

iwishyouwould's picture

when my now five year old ss talks back or is rude, he goes to time out and i take away all the toys that are not picked up in his be given back at the end of the day if his behaviour has improved. he keeps his room pretty clean now lol.

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

TRose426's picture

We do the same thing. However, once he starts with the talking back or the yelling back he doesn't stop for like at least 10 minutes. I just have to walk away sometimes and go back in a few minutes and remind him I am not yelling at him, so he doesn't need to yell at me. I have found though that taking away toys and privileges is one of the only things that seems to sometimes works.
Thanks for the comment!

Thetis's picture

My 3 1/2 year old SD does this same thing. She will yell and cry for an hour if thats what she feels like, just because we ask her to get dressed! Maybe its just a kid thing. I know they go through different phases, and its alot easier to be critical of a child thats not yours. I like MMs suggestion, since he's alittle older. Is he in school?

TRose426's picture

He goes to preschool 3 days a week and will start kindergarten in the fall. That's another issue with him as well though. Took him for registration and the first thing the counselor told me was 'Wow he sure has his own agenda doesn't he?' Yeah, in a nutshell he does. When he started preschool and was learning to write some letters he would do it his own way and then get mad at us for making him do it again until he got the concept. He is a very intelligent kid, but his attitude just sucks.