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what I wish I could say to the bio-bitch...

minerva385's picture

Ok completely ignore Hubby and I for as long as you can, but then it comes down to you not getting your precious child support and you're all over that. Well guess what dear? I work DAMN hard for MY money. I love YOUR child, true, but that does not entitle YOU to my pay check. So FUCK OFF!!!!


Snowflake's picture

Oh... I once was on the verge of sending bio-bitch a nasty letter. When she was at her peak and bitching at my dh. It got to that point. But he promised to put his foot down and ignore her completely, which he has.

I told him, what is the worst that can happen.. She takes the kids full time, and if she wants to go out she has to pay for a babysitter. While we have fun, because of our stepkid-free weekends. He gets to spend 100 percent of his time new baby.

He was at the point where I think he wanted me to tell her off. I wouldnt let that bitch get to you.

sadstepmom26's picture

I'd tell our BM to come get her gd kids and do her job so I dont have to. I love the kids but she SUCKS for abandoning them. Girls need their MOMS!! UGH!

NewSM10's picture

Oh, and don't you just love it when they think that they DESERVE more money out of you! that's what really gets me!