Truly dreading the snowy weekend...
Okay, I am about to have an anxiety attack…tomorrow there is supposed to be a blizzard and of course they have closed the schools, FH is off work too and to make matters worst my supervisor says that our office is closed as well. So I am absolutely dreading this 5 day weekend (Monday is a holiday too) this means I will be stuck in the house with the skids for 5 days. I don’t believe I can do it, the mere thought of it give me palpitations. It really sucks that their worthless, do nothing incubator of a BM can’t get them for one measly weekend when we have them EVERY STINKING DAY. I know this may sound like an over reaction but I remember the last snow day we had and they drove me f-ing nuts. I could have truly pulled out every strand of my hair. Even though they have more games and toys than Toy r us they are still constantly bored which leads them to annoy the hell out of everyone in the house…mostly me since nothing they do seems to bother FH. He always thinks I am overrating to their behavior and their incessant questioning but I can’t help it, they work my nerves.
Now the last snow day we had SS12, who remains in a perpetual state of hunger, was going on and on about being hungry (as usual) FH was sleeping and since they never miss an opportunity to wake him up for whatever random reason, SS12 wakes his father to say he is hungry and doesn’t want any of the easily assessable food items in the kitchen….oh no the prince most have Applebee’s. Now remember, it was a snow day….which means it was SNOWING… Well FH agreed to what I think is simply a ludicrous request and tells them to go get ready, then he proceed to roll over and go back to sleep. So SS12 and SD10 kept coming in and out of our bedroom to wake him demanding to go. It was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. The next day SS12 started again this time I think the request was Red Lobster, well this time I had already made dinner. I told them to leave their dad alone and come for dinner, to which he replied, he didn’t want dinner…he wanted Red Lobster….Now I know this may be a small thing to some but I just remember growing up that we ate what was put in front of us or went hungry. I am just soooooooo sick and tired of everything having to be their way and of being stuck with someone else responsibility. I mean even Bio-Parent need breaks….and those are THEIR KIDS….Can you even imagine how someone would feel who had absolutely nothing to do with these little people’s existence….If I don’t get a long break from them soon I think I am off to the padded room
- butterfly8's blog
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I know exactly how you feel!
I know exactly how you feel! It doesn't matter what you make for dinner it's never good enough or they "don't like it". I was also brought up that if you didn't eat what was in front of you than you didn't eat. Good luck with every thing. Keep your head up!
Thanks Vernie, I will
Thanks Vernie, I will definitely try
Do you have a lock on your
Do you have a lock on your bedroom door? If so, do what I do when I can't handle the kids anymore. Get a bottle of wine, 5th of bourbon - whatever, lock yourself in your room with a very good book, your computer or the TV, and drink yourself asleep.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
You are right...this I will
You are right...this I will try
Now whenever I lock the door FH seems to get an attitude and doesn't seem to understand why I don't want them in our bedroom....but I guess if I have enough wine I'll stop caring about whether is has an attitude or not 
LOL - as I sit here typing I
LOL - as I sit here typing I am drinking a White Russian - it works! Go in your room, lock the door and make him deal with them for a little while! I unfortunately do not have a lock on my bedroom door
Wow! This is crazy now back
Wow! This is crazy now back in the day it was rare to get though the weekend and not drink and now I have to have a drink just to get though the weekend...crazy
Before too long I'll need another support group to help me get over the new problem I'll develop trying to solve my old problem...LOL
Step Talk / AA website here
Step Talk / AA website here we come!!!
You guys are kind though, you go in your room and have a drink. i announce that I am not "enjoying the company" before I go in there, so no one is confused about why the door is locked!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
LOL...that is hilarious! I'm
LOL...that is hilarious! I'm thinking of getting a sign to put on the door. Any suggestions on what it should say?
"Present Company (outside
"Present Company (outside this door) Excluded"???
Geesh, if you were at work, you'd get a break, right? Put an "out of order" sign up and let them fend for themselves. Going out for dinner in a snowstorm. Ridiculous. Eat what I make or don't eat! I am happy either way. Creature was dancing around here excited for school to be canceled for the third day this week until I mentioned that all she'd be missing tomorrow is her "valentine party". Crushed her little spirit. Aaaahhh.. Thank God this weekend starts the weekends where her mother takes her for 3 days straight. I'll be able to roam freely in my lair!! Rawr!!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
OMG I am so jealous that
OMG I am so jealous that yours actually leave....their "incubator" almost never gets them and when she does its only to piss off FH (because it has planned something for the little monsters) and she only keeps them for a few measly little hours and drops them right back off...I swear she act more like an "auntie" than a mom, but I can't even say that cause I keep my niece and nephew and even stray animals longer than she can tolerate being around her own offspring. In the past 4 or 5 years they have probably spent 3 nights with her....and yet she tells anyone who will listen that I am trying to keep her kids from her...THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!! I don't think ANYONE wants her to have them more than I do
Up until this week she only
Up until this week she only left every Monday morning (til Tuesday after school) and every other Saturday morning. I put an end to that. Now she goes for a full weekend every other week and I make dh take her to her mother in the morning so I don't have to get her ready for school (pm kindergarten). If we don't soon get CS reduced, she'll be taking her 8 more nights a month, too, because I sick of her crap!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Out of Order.... I like
Out of Order.... I like it...guess that is that is a little more subtle than "Death to all who enter here" huh?
I like your's better!
I like your's better!