Do you find Child Support actually fair?
Sorry for being a bloghog, but I have questions today....
In my case what I get from my X I think is fair since he only sees our son once a month or so, not even always overnight. So guidelines seem to be fair in that sence, my home provides 99%+ of the food, shelter, clothing, extras, time.
But in my Dh's case, he has the skids every weekend. He feeds them 7 meals a week and spends 32 awake hours with them.
BM has them M-F, she feeds them 9 meals a week and spends 14 awake hours with them.
I speak in meals/time because despite child support he buys them clothes, school supplies, pays for parties, sports, activities, etc.
Plus, she provides no financial support for her children. The income she earns isnt even enough to cover herself. Her mommy pays her mortgage.
So the Cs money that DH provide pays 100% of the kids costs plus he pays all the extras because she has no money left to give the kids what they need.
- jenjen's blog
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We have SD about 50% of the
We have SD about 50% of the time and he only pays 100 in CS. I think that's fair. He pays half of school costs and they take turns paying for field trips, etc. He pays for all extra activities and she pays for daycare (she gets severely reduced daycare as she is low income). We have to feed and clothe SD just as much as she does. We also provide health care, but BM's broke ass gets the medical card (illegally! she doesn't report her husband's income!) so she just uses the card. We keep the health insurance anyway so she can't try to bring it up in court one day.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I don't think that the
I don't think that the guidelines are fair. They're definitely geared more towards the mother and don't take some factors into account that they should. It's much too regimented and I think there need to be serious reforms to the support process. BF doesn't have to pay child support b/c they're both the custodial parent & the physical time is 50/50. That doesn't mean that she doesn't blackmail him by threatening to take him to court if he doesn't give her money. That's definitely not fair!
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Hey stepmom008...want to
Hey stepmom008...want to hear something even MORE unfair? My BF pays FULL amt. of CS to his exW/BM for 2 skids, even though we share true 50/50 joint custody with her!! How about $1,500/month to BM just because she purposely was (and still is) lazy & unemployed when she & BF got divorced? Here in NY, the "breadwinner" of the 2 parents MUST PAY the other (lazy) parent CS as if that parent has full time custody, even in a 50/50 situation.
I wholeheartedly agree with you!! There need to be some SERIOUS reforms in the Child Support process overall & with the percentages & calculations. Especially here in NY.
good lord - that's terrible.
good lord - that's terrible. can you prove she's remaining intentionally unemployed? you can make a case for that here in maine as long as you have proof. is that $1500/month for one kid?
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I think CS is a crock of
I think CS is a crock of shit. Now having said that, it is circumstantial. Here are situations where I think it is fair:
1) Payor only has his kids eowe (4 overnights a month), which means other parent truly is supporting them most of the time
2) Payor doesn't care to see them more - I say this because if the ncp would really like more time and it is feasible and the only reason he only has eowe is because the cp doesn't want him to, then I don't think he should have to pay for her vindictiveness.
3) Children are not of school age and CP stays home with them every day
In our case we are forced to pay even though we have 50/50 custody just because my dh worked his ass off to be successful and Wingnut sat on her lazy ass and can't make more than $13 per hour. The courts see this as a way to "equalize the standard of living in both homes for the children". I think that is absurd. Kids should learn that hard work=privileges that people who are lazy don't have.
We pay $900 a month. Wingnut feeds her kid 16 meals a month and has her for 6 overnights a month and 132 waking hours a month. We have feed her 64 meals a month, have her 24 overnights and 160 waking hours. We have all almost all of the school waking hours, which means we are responsible for most homework. It is socialism at its finest. And all we hear all day long is "mommy bought me, mommy bought me, mommy bought me". Of course mommy can buy her stuff, she has all our money and she doesn't have to buy you food!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I often find that CS is not
I often find that CS is not fair.
Before I get into why I think it's not fair, I'll first say that I have no problem with the NCP financially supporting their child. But I think that both parents have that responsibility, unless, say, the BM was a SAHM before the divorce and she and her ex agreed that she'd continue to be a SAHM post-divorce.
My DH had to pay $1500 a month for two kids when they lived with BM. Now that they live with us she has to pay $200 a month. She doesn't pay that. Her parents do.
My parents got divorced when I was young and my mother worked very hard to support the both of us. She worked as a doctor's receptionist and a music teacher at a music studio. Mom and Dad sold the house and Mom and I moved into a smaller apartment that was affordable. Mom worked very hard to make ends meet. My dad voluntarily gave her money, but it was more like $300 a month, so it was a lot more reasonable.
When DH had the kids
When DH had the kids fulltime, BM babysat for him. He paid her Cs in the form of babysitting money, they had no legal agreement at that time. She in her crazymind thought that watching the kids for a couple hours a day and having them overnight 2 weeknights was her being a parent. She has never had her children on the weekend. NEVER. She has never spent more then a few awake hours with her kids at a time since the separation.
So anyway, after things were becoming legalized she decided that it is in the best interest of the children to live in one home all week. Somehow she ended up being that home. I seriously think it was because she realized she didnt have money and knew she could suck the financial life out of DH. And with her MOMMY paying her mortgage, she could continue to work a couple hours a week and still get by. BUT only if DH supports her.
Thats why I think its unfair, because he is supporting her, not just the kids. If she pulled her own weight (hard to do with her fat a$$ I know) then I dont think I would have a problem with it as much.
It just seems unreasonable, when he is providing basically the same amount of food and more actual time with the kids then she is and still is paying her as if he provides less then her. Keep in mind, she isnt supporting her children at all financially, she doesnt make enough money to cover herself.
Not really in our situation.
Not really in our situation. DH pays $800 per child plus expenses -- but BM's lawyer wrote into the "expenses" category lots of things that are normally covered under basic support, so essentially he's paying twice for lots of things. (DH didn't get a lawyer during the divorce -- WTF???)
The other thing that BITES in our situation is this: DH has two daughters. One is adopted, and has behavioral difficulties as well as other issues. About a year after the divorce was final, BM decided to send YSD to a group home to live (couldn't deal with her anymore -- which I attribute in part to the fact that BM is psycho herself). But of course, she expected DH to continue paying her $800/month plus expenses for a child that wasn't even living under her roof! He did this for a few months, and then one day he got a letter from the county saying, You need to pay US the child support amount for YSD. So, he started making those payments to the county instead of BM. She, of course, blew a gasket, and actually consulted a lawyer about getting DH to pay BOTH the county and HER -- because, in her words, "My mortgage didn't go down when YSD went away." Wow, greedy much???!!!
So, as it stands now, DH pays $800/mo to BM for OSD, and $800/mo to the county for YSD. On the one hand, YAY for not paying BM for YSD! However, it COMPLETELY chaps my a** that HE is required to pay $800/mo to them, when she does not pay one freaking nickle -- where is the justice in that? Makes me nuts.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
DH gets SD 1st, 3rd and 5th
DH gets SD 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends, holidays and 5 weeks in summer. The amount was fair when BM was making little income.... But know that we know she lies and puts her net minus insurance while DH uses gross.... i don't think it is all that fair.
Last time they went to court it was justified for a decrease from $800.00 but since SD is in private school and does other things...... he just left the amount the same.
I have no problem with the amount DH pays - i just pray the money is actually utilized for SD. SD really likes her school and we love the chrisitan atmosphere - so it makes it worth paying the extra.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
Nope Not far - We pay more
Nope Not far - We pay more in Child Support for SD(4) than it costs to clothe, feed, and house my INFANT SON.
So I agree, It's ridiculous.
Well in our case, when BM
Well in our case, when BM told DH to come and pick
up SD that she has had enough of her. DH doesn't take
BM to court to get ANY child support. Soooo BM has
paid DH not a cent since she moved in with us in 2005.
DH paid BM $400.00 EVERY month when SD was living with
her BM.
Your situation is exactly
Your situation is exactly like mine, but we don't pay CS. I've written checks out for CS for a guy who works up here (it came out of his check) it was supposed to support 4 kids that he never saw and I didn't think it was enough at all.
I hate when parents have to pay CS and they see the kids just as much as the parent receiving the CS. I also hate when the parent receiving spends it all on themselves.
I knew a lady that had 2 kids and they had no contact with their BD, her child support would go on a debit card and she split the money in half and gave it to her kids. I thought that was cool. She said "it's CHILD support, not Mommy needs a vacation and new clothes fund"
What I do with the CS I
What I do with the CS I receive for myson is I actually calcluate whatever he cost me for the month, I take 1/3 of my half of the HH expenses, the half of whatever other costs he incurred and the rest is saved for his future. Usually this equates to about half of child support. I also save from my own income the same amount so that we are both equally contributing to him.
But as you can see in my example, he only costs half of what I receive in child support.
I think the amount that my X pays is too much, but he is too lazy to get a mod (I wouldnt contest it). But it does all go for our son and I pay my share of supporting him.
Dh's X doesnt pay anything, she sits on her entitled fat a$$ and lets the rest of the world support her and her children. Im sick of it and there is nothing that can be done because the system is broke.
I think if it is worked out
I think if it is worked out well it can be fair. My exH gives me child support for my two kids. I was a stay home mom and married for many years and as a result, my initial earning potential was low, while he makes six figures. He pays a good amount but it is relative, and he only has them four nights a month. I walked away from the marriage with almost nothing since my ex was irresponsible with money and we sold our home when the market was very depressed. I also have worked very hard to support myself and my kids, gone back to school, I've worked two jobs at times to make ends meet, work in a profession that requires a degree...
Enter my BF. His wife got knocked up and they got married. They only stayed together three years at which point she got involved with another man. They have 50/50 custody. She has only ever made minimum wage or slightly more, and doesn't feel she has to work full time. Almost the entired year last year she "took time off from work". As someone who has struggled financially, not working FT tells me she doesn't need to work. When I was dirt poor I was working two jobs. Mind you, she has half the month to herself, which she could be working or going back to school to better herself. She got money from the divorce and instead of going back to school (as she bragged to everyone she was going to) she sat on her ass and surfed the Internet.
It goes straight up my ass because money has been a huge bone of contention between my BF and me. He hasn't been able to contribute much to this household d/t CS and additional SD/BM expenses.
We joked about me being pregnant a few weeks ago and he said that well, you know, the primary financial consideration goes to the first child. I didn't say anything to him but poison probably would have come out of my mouth if I did.
One last thing, SD is a spoiled child and gets things my kids never get...
No i do not think most child
No i do not think most child support is fair. I have a child and get no child support from my ex but i can tell you that it does not cost 1400 a month to take care of a kid and thats what my BF pays. Its crazy i think the courts need to get their shit straight.
$1400 for one kid?
$1400 for one kid?
No its for two kids who live
No its for two kids who live 10 minutes away from us. We wanted a week on week off schedule but BM did not. She fought him in court for two years for custody so she could line her pocket. I think its crap that he wants 50/50 with his children and he cant get it because he is the NCP. Not by choice by court order. I dont think its fair that he has to pay her that money because she is the CP and he has to help her maintain a home/clothes and whatever else they need but who helps us do that. You get what Im saying? He gives her that money so that she can feed them, clothe them and have a home big enough for them well BF has to do that also because he does see them who helps him with that? I do ... so I think its crap. They both make the same amount of money so why does he have to give her that much because she doesnt want him to see the kids.
So basically she's the
So basically she's the custodial parent and will not give him 50/50 out of spite?
What you explained is the exact reason I don't want to get married. Screw that.
Yes because the more time he
Yes because the more time he has the with kids the less money she gets and we cant have that now can we. He must pay because how dare he not want to be with her lazy dirty ass anymore?
And therein lies the problem
And therein lies the problem with cs. It is an incentive to erode a father's ability to parent. Wingnut fought tooth and nail to get full custody. She ended up with 50/50 and $900 in cs and then she decided to work in the evening and dump the creature with us.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I truly believe it doesn't
I truly believe it doesn't have to be this way. It isn't that way between my exH, his wife, and me. We're just an unfortunate lot to fall in love with me who have lazy ass, vindictive, piece of shit ex wives. That's why we come here, to try and keep our sanity.
I agree. There are women
I agree. There are women out there who work their asses off and get "reasonable" cs and use it for their kids. But there are also a whole contingent of women out there who think their kids are their paychecks. It is sick. I absolutely think my dh should support his kid, but she is here 80% of the time, why should he support her in TWO homes? You and JenJen are normal and I know there are a few others on here who raised their kids or are still raising their kids and supporting them because they're good parents. Unfortunately, the laws "protect" the lazy, unmotivated, money grubbing wenches who pump out kids as pawns.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I couldnt agree more. BMs
I couldnt agree more. BMs have no reason to want the fathers invloved i mean why would they? They can make money off the fathers that WANT to be as involved as the mothers. I think that unless there is a good reason to stop 50/50 then it should be 50/50 i mean like unless the father is a drug addict, abusive etc etc.
My DH and BM have joint
My DH and BM have joint custody but she has primary physcial custody. He asked BM about adding a couple more days so we could have the kids 50/50 and BM said no.
50/50 would give you just
50/50 would give you just cause to have the child support re-evaluated. Our Bm wont even let us have a visitation schedual because someone told her we could take her back to court if she decides to move, because she would have to honour the schedual. So we get SD every other weekend if BM feels like it, and when ever she wants a baby sitter. (which I have stopped. I want two weeks notice before major changes to our routine)
50/50 would give you just
50/50 would give you just cause to have the child support re-evaluated. Our Bm wont even let us have a visitation schedual because someone told her we could take her back to court if she decides to move, because she would have to honour the schedual. So we get SD every other weekend if BM feels like it, and when ever she wants a baby sitter. (which I have stopped. I want two weeks notice before major changes to our routine)
It isn't up to her! He is
It isn't up to her! He is just as much of a parent as she is.
BM said the exact same comment to my DH. Its absoluting infuriating!
The ironic thing is my XH set me straight about this. Years ago I made the same comment when he wanted to see the kids more. I left him in light of him having an affair. So with a bitter mindset I told him no he can't. He set straight, so did the attorney--so talk about eating a big piece of humble pie.
Now I so understand what he means. I'm a believer! It pisses me off to no end when BMs think they have the hierarchical authority to dictate when the father can and cannot see his kids.
In the words of Dave
In the words of Dave Chappelle:
That shit's crazy, son!
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
LOL! that was funny
LOL! that was funny TheWife!
"And this too shall pass..."
That's insane. It doesn't
That's insane. It doesn't even take 1400 a month for me, FW and SS6/8 on the weekends to live! I manage to pay all of my bills on time, and buy extra stuff for the kids for under 1400 a month.
Then again I don't finance things like cars, appliances.. etc. If I can't pay for it up front I don't buy it.
I know shes a greedy bitter
I know shes a greedy bitter bitch. When they seperated he had 50k in a savings account let me say that again he saved that money. She walked away with 25k plus 1400 a month in child support. WTF!!!! Why cause she laid on her back for a couple years for him.
(i say that to be rude) She smiled at me when she got the 25k and said well i guess im going to get a new car to ride around in i said you do that and make sure you enjoy it because i enjoy riding your husband every night
STUPID BITCH! ok i feel better now. I just pretend like it never happend because i get really upset about what men have to go through when they get divorced i mean it really is cheaper to keep her.
Ohhh I would be so pissed!
Ohhh I would be so pissed! If I had 25K to live off of right now then I wouldn't have to work 1 FT job, and photograph part time to put money back for my school. I def wouldn't be running out to buy a new car for the skids/FW to trash out.
I hear you. Wingnut walked
I hear you. Wingnut walked away with 1/2 the house equity, 1/2 dh's 401k, a $60K truck and all of their personal belonging. $2500 in alimony each month plus $900 in CS and she didn't even lay on her back for him very much. She barely worked and did very little around the house. Can't wait until alimony ends.
Of course she owed her attorney almost everything she got because she argued for 100% of everything and lost! So she didn't really make out at all.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
My question is this...if the
My question is this...if the BM has school aged children, then why can't she go out and work like the rest of us? If she doesn't "need" to work full time, that makes me wonder if she needs the amount of child support she's receiving. Mine pays for BM and SD medical insurance too...that's like extra money in your pocket, not having to pay an insurance premium.
My BF shrugs his shoulders and says he knows, it used to drive him crazy, but there's nothing he can do...
I just don't want to finance BM's lazy ways, "finding herself", or any of that shit, and indirectly, I have, by supporting her ex husband, who, and also supporting her child half time since I was paying for rent, food, utlilites etc. 50% of the time when her child was here! WTF?
No I don't really think it's
No I don't really think it's fair. Do they even consider how much the BM makes or is it just a percentage of the man's income? We have the kids about 1/3 of the time so we still feed them, have clothes here for them, buy them personal supplies, pay for friends' birthday presents, some school supplies, etc. My DH carries the insurance for the boys and we are expected to pay 1/2 of summer camps, braces, etc. We are by no means struggling and want to help out but at the same time, we wonit be able to do for our BS things we'd like because we don't have the money while she can drive her Lexus and have her very large house and buy a condo in another state??? How fair is that? Does she really need the money in that case? And the worse part is that when it goes down to one kid, it doesn't even drop in half. It gets reduced by 25%?
Don't EVEN get me started on
Don't EVEN get me started on this one - lol. The CS system in this country (especially in NY) is so antiquated & unfair to the Dads (or I should clarify, unfair to the "breadwinner", which is usually the Dads - but not always!). It reminds me of other types of dysfunctional, collapsed systems in this country (i.e. welfare, disability, etc...). CS is supposed to serve an intended purpose, but its effect, most of the time, is to create lazy, unappreciative, dependent, unemployed BM's that feel that it's just easier to sit back & collect a check instead of going out, working for it, and teaching their child the value of a dollar, work ethic, etc... Not to get on a "soap box" here, because I know every situation is different.
I also took this a step further...and I started to research the laws (statutes & case law) in NY to figure out a way to CORRECT the unfairness - especially in my BF's 50/50 joint custody situation where he shells out $1,500/mo. for BM to sit on her lazy a** & do nothing. So I hit the internet & started researching...
What I've found is that IF MORE PEOPLE (especially our BF's/DH's) would ban together, become more ACTIVE with their plights, pressure the legislators in their EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING they can to fight these laws and for might actually happen and not be just a dream. But most of these people (my BF for example) are so busy working around the clock to pay the insane amount of CS to the BM that they have little or no TIME to do this.
Unfortunately, our DH's/BF's need to FIND THE TIME to fight for what's right in their state/our country. I know that I would fight tooth and nail, if my BF's situation were mine, because his situation is like legalized embezzlement...IMO
What I calculate as fair
What I calculate as fair would be each parent paying half the cost of raising the kids. So if they are with BM 70% of the time, DH needs to reimburse her 20% and so on. I really dont care if you are a SAHM, once you leave a marriage unless agreed upon you both are expected to work FT. If they have more at Moms so be it, if they have more at Dads then so be that.
In my case the split is 30/70. So DH should pay BM for the additional 20 percent she is taking on (although still not right as I stated before with the meals and awake time wise its pretty equal). If at their combined income level it costs to raise 2 kids the basic support obligation is 1145.00 (from the CS website), they are each obligated to cover half or 572.50. Then since he actually has them 30%, not 50%, he needs to cover the difference, 229.00.
That is the amount he should be paying. Not the $800 he does!
I agree. Especially when
I agree. Especially when the BM doesnt want the father to spend time with the children and wants more money. If she wants to be greedy and keep the kids from the other parent they shouldnt get rewarded with a bigger paycheck. Most of these BMs are chosing to have the kids most of the time and not letting the fathers spend time with the kids so the way i look at it you fought to keep the kids then you support them because my BF would love nothing more than to see his kids and not ask you for a dime.
I bet if the did change the
I bet if the did change the laws to actually hold each parent accountable for half the financial responsibility, BM's would be more then happy to hand over 50/50.
Hell yes!
Hell yes!
Jenjen...absolutely yes,
Jenjen...absolutely yes, THAT would be the fairest way for CS to be determined!! If the kids have "more" at one house than at another, that's called "LIFE". When they're out in the real world, that's exactly how it'll be. The harder you work or the more time you put into your education to get a higher-paying job or whatever the case may be, the MORE you will make.
The other problem is the amounts/percentages presently used to determine the basic support obligation to begin with...they are so antiquated (most of these child support laws were promulgated in the 1960's - when only 1 parent was the "breadwinner" and the other was "expected" to stay home).
My DH has true 50/50 custody of skids who live with us 3-4 days/week, yet he still pays BM $1,500/mo., still is responsible for 100% of their medical/dental insurance, all the while STILL supporting them & paying 100% expenses/costs that are required to run HIS OWN HOUSE as well. Doesn't this sound like BM is "double-dipping" here?? And NYS allows it!!! Shouldn't the amount of her expenses that are reduced by BF having skids 50% of the time be taken into account somewhere here, or am I BONKERS???
Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that when all is said and done, BM will make about $150,000 TAX-FREE $$$ in CS in the next 6-8 years just for being a 50/50 mom to her OWN CHILDREN!!!! All the while, working whenever she feels like it.....
Oh, and by the way, SHE was basically the "cheater" in the marriage....DH always busted his a** to support her & their 2 children (PLUS HER son from a previous out-of-wedlock relationship...she got pregnant at 17 & dropped out of h.s. & my BF legally adopted & supported her son, financially & emotionally when BF married her) and she decided to leave the marriage because she wasn't happy...coincidentally at the very same time that BF started making MUCH better money at his job....hmm.....
I have to go vomit right back (lol).
$1500 a month? He was
$1500 a month? He was actually mandated to pay that amount? That IS flipping Bonkers! As I said earlier my XH only gives because he wants to not because he was mandated.
What does the "state" think
What does the "state" think is going to happen to these women when CS ends? They go on welfare and become a drain on all of us because they have no skills and no employment history. This is my issue with alimony too. Unless the BM is going to use it for tuition to better herself, what is the point? All it does is prolong the inevitable. Once Wingnut's alimony ends, she literally will not have enough money for basic needs even though she works full time. Not that I feel sorry for her, but really why isn't anyone in the "system" looking at this situation and saying "why should x support you for 4-7 years if you aren't going to do anything to help yourself? get used to your new lifestyle now.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
You are absolutely correct.
You are absolutely correct. I will be fine when CS support ends because I have a good job and only use CS to actually support our child. My son will be okay because he will have all that CS money I saved for him. His dad will be okay because he will finally have more money then he is used to having.
In DH's X's case. When Cs ends for her, she will still have no skills, no job, no talent, no money. She will somehow have to figure out how to support herself. Well, her mommy supports her now and who knows in 10 years her parents could be gone and she'll have their house and money to support herself with. Goddamnit I hate it when things work out for those who do nothing with themselves!
See, if Wingnut had Creature
See, if Wingnut had Creature all the time and put money away for her instead of buying her new Spongebob crap everyday, I'd have no problem with CS, but she is pissing through all the money we give her (alimony and cs) and in 3 years she is going to be homeless.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
No and if we were not still
No and if we were not still in the middle of a court mess I would say more.
"The second mouse always gets the cheese"
No, they are not fair...even
No, they are not fair...even in our case that DH no longer sees the child, it is impossible for someone to tell me they spend 1K a month on a child...I don't spend that much and we have therapies for our son to pay...It is definitely geared towards the BMs in most instances...of course, it is related to "income", but again, no 100USD is not enough to pay for all a child needs in a month if that is what you receive based on a father's income...but when you get past 250-300 a month, when TWO PARENTS are supposed to support that child, which then becomes between 500-600 and UP a month, NO CHILD needs that much, it's all a matter of the income of the father and normally with men who have half-way decent jobs, they definitely are on the short end of the stick.
My XH and I have equal
My XH and I have equal custody. He was never required to give me CS but he does to keep me living in an area that is oober expensive. DH and I would be willing to forgo all CS to move out of the Joneses neighborhood. Its flipping stupid. Now I've shot myself in the foot because the kids have been raised for so long in the same area it would be a mark against me to leave even if its 2 miles away.
I think the more you have
I think the more you have the children, the more you should get. If you have 50/50, and its actually 50/50, no one should have to pay. Full Custody, you should get more. The system is failing my family at the moment, so I don't even want to get into this, lol.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
Jenjen, I have to agree that
Jenjen, I have to agree that on many levels CS isn't fair. I like formula you came up with. It makes alot of sense. And more BMs would want a 50/50 situation.
I also think that a legal financial advisor should be involved in the CS process too. Someone who would has the knowlege of the real cost to raise kids AND not at the expense of putting a parent in the poor house. With that being said, there should be a child budget plan. I think parents need to openingly discuss a HOW MUCH (not yelling) it should cost raising their children.
What I see happen so much is the vast different ideas on what each parent thinks they should spend on raising a child. One is thinking modest living, braces, and a senior trip to Vancover. WHile the other is thinking designener clothes, nose jobs, personal trainers, and private school.
I agree, there are vast
I agree, there are vast differences in what individual people would say it costs to raise a child. And there are differences in health situations etc. There should be a standard amount that it costs for basics, food, clothes, %of hh, and from there parents negotiate by adding where the both feel appropriate, like brand name clothes, etc. Where they disagree, a third party would make a call if its reasonable or if that amount should fall on parent requesting it. Then you take that number and split it according to parenting time...not income.
I wish something could be done to start a change in CS that actually makes sense.
Yeah me too. The problem is
Yeah me too. The problem is the courts don't want to touch a CS overhaul with a 10 foot pole because it's such a heated topic. They'd rather stick to a simple calculation and be done with it.
Until then it will continue to feel more like a ploy to make people want to modify therefore pay modification fees to change things. fees fees money in the court pocket.
How could it possibly be
How could it possibly be fair? Unless the two families live in a duplex and pay only the costs associated with their half and their residents it can't possibly be fair.
I rationalize CS along the lines that it is designed to force responsibility on both parents. Unfortunately it cannot be equitable. The family with more time with the kid often bears much higher costs than the lower parenting time family.
In our case my Wife has full legal and physical custody and BioDad has 7wks of visitation per year (5wks Summer, 1wk Winter, 1wk Spring). BioDad is responsible for $380/mo (for the past 7yrs) in CS (though he has never paid a dime, SpermGrandMa pays it for him). $380/Mo is a joke as far raising a kid in the areas we have lived. Before the last CS mod CS was only $133/Mo for 9yrs.
The true joke factor is that in the CS calculator my wife is assigned 65% of the financial burden (she is a CPA) of supporting our Son (my SS) and because of my income BioDad gets an additional $1000/Mo reduction in his income for CS calculation purposes. The dipshits in the black robes explained this by rationalizing that BioDad should not be punished by having to subsidize an "artificial" life style for the Kid because Mom and StepDad make a significant family income. The pathetically funny part is that I was unemployed at the time due to a corporate down sizing in the Semiconductor industry. The Judge counted my total earning potential in the decision while counting only BioDad's actual income Vs his earning potential. BioDad remains a chronically and purposely underemployed plumber because he thinks his CS will not go up. Unfortunately he was right as far as his manipulations of the Judges.
During that court hearing I did get a kick out of BioDad and SPermGrandMa's reaction when the Judge announced that BioDad would get his income reduced by $1000/mo because I made too much money and my Wife countered with a request for the SpermGrandParents income to be added to BioDad's for calculation of CS since BioDad lives in a property owned by the SGP's and pays no rent, the three younger half spawn live with and are raised by the SGP's, the SGP's pay BioDad's CS for our Son and BioDad remains purposely under employed in an attempt to keep his CS obligation down. We presented piles of evidence backing our claim and the judge actually spent several hours reviewing it during a recess. During the questioning on our motion BioDad could not come up with any documentation countering our motion and had no clue how much his rent was, how much he paid his parents for "daycare", where his three younger spawn went to school or who their teachers were, etc..... BioDad and SpermGrandMa asked why it mattered who paid for everything which sent the Judge off on a rant. Her Honor read them the riot act for about 20minutes then unfortunately said "I am going to do what I always do" and let the $1000/mo income reduction ruling stand and did not attach any of the SpermGrandParent's income for CS calculation purposes.
A year after that hearing we countered by sending a change of venue motion to BioDad to move the case to Williamson County TX rather the liberal cesspool of Oregon. BioDad freaked because in TX his CS would have tripled though his visitation would have increased by several weeks. He called my Wife and asked why she was changing venue. She told him that she was sick of dealing with the BullShit on visitation and reimbursement of uncovered Med expenses and that he needed to keep his mother under control. My Wife told him to shut up and do what he was told or she would change the case to TX since SS had been a TX resident for more than 5yrs. That pretty much pulled all of their teeth and they have pretty much done what they have been told since. We had no intention of actually changing venue because we would not expose our Son (my SS) to any more time with those idiots than he is already forced to spend with them regardless of how much money would have been gained. We just used the threat to drive home the final message that the SpermClan needed to shut up and do what they were told.
By the time SS is out of college BioDad will have paid ~$0.00 though SpermGrandMa will have paid ~$46,284.00. My Wife and I will be in for more than ~$350,000.00 That seems fair. :sick:
Dickhead gets off scot free and we are in for a third of a Mil+. I would feel for SpermGrandMa if she was not a toothless moron who facilitates her idiot son's endless quest to impregnate every womb in the Pac NW.
So, NO CS is not fair. It is not fair for the CPs who more often than not bear an overwhelming % of the cost of raising the kid and it is not fair to the NCPs who have no say in how the CS they pay is spent.
My opinion is that the whole system is designed primarily to keep the bottom 10%ers of the legal world who seem to gravitate to family law employed. This includes the dipshits in the black robes, the attorneys (with one notable exception that I am aware of),CS enforcement and the clerks who's only job qualification appears to be able to fog a mirror.
The system is not there to help the kids or either of the parents. It for sure does nothing for step parents or non joint children.
In our situation the only one's I feel sorry for are my SS's three younger also out-of-wedlock half sibs who do not have a snowball's chance in hell of turning out as anything but toothless dipshits like their father and SpermGrandParents.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Agreee Ms. Freeze... BM
Agreee Ms. Freeze...
BM ruined the marriage in DH's case when she cheated (multiple times) and got prego when he said no. Now she wants it all.
Oh I've got a great one for
Oh I've got a great one for you girls. (btw, I'm new. Been lurking for awhile!) My fiance is disabled. He's a triple amputee. Needless to say his income isn't huge. He and his psycho ex have 'joint' custody but he has custodial care. Now... psycho is supposed to see the kids eow, plus Wednesdays and half of the summer. Yeah... she averages seeing them about 24 hours every three months. What does this paragon of Motherly virtue pay for her THREE children? Ninety dollars a month. Do you think for a second if the roles were reversed he'd get away with that? HELL no. The system is totally biased against men in my opinion. Ninety dollars for three children is laughable and the state has to garnish her to get that out of her! It's truly sickening. And the men are often so grateful to get the kids away from the psycho women that they don't even argue over the support. I know mine didn't.