One word description of BM & One statement to say to her
Okay, so I just posted this big rant about things I want to say to her then deleted it because it was just too long. What a waste of my life. But at the same time it needed to be written to get it out of me. Last night Dh had me proof read an email to BM, and I told him that he might not want me editing it! HAHA!
So okay, One word to describe her: PATHETIC
One statement to say to her: GROW UP you pathetic excuse for a human being!
- jenjen's blog
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I will play along with
I will play along with you:
One word: Ridiculous
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I actually need TWO
I actually need TWO statements: Stop depending on men to take care of you and handle your business as a woman, you re-re!!
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
re-re!!! I haven't heard
re-re!!! I haven't heard that in years! I hereby re-enter that into my daily vocabulary for at least 2 weeks.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Yeah that is my husband's
Yeah that is my husband's favorite thing to call her and it PISSES her OFF!! We use the word all the time, and idc, but when he calls her that, OMG! She gets pissed! LOL.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
yeah...I'll feel stupid
yeah...I'll feel stupid until I know.
retard (no offense
retard (no offense intended), douchette, idiot, dumbass... you get the drift.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
re-re-tard. Ooooh... It's
re-re-tard. Ooooh...
It's plugged in me brain now to use at my leisure. I know several re-res or is it re-ri for more than one re-re?
Sounds like the BM in my
Sounds like the BM in my world, she is a pathetic loser who only cares about herself and no one else. She is evil to the core and I only hope that Karma comes and bites her in the ass and gives back to her everything she has dished out in her lifetime.
I see your "Skank" and raise
I see your "Skank" and raise you "cum-dumpster"
One statement: Please shut your legs to everything that you manage to meet or at least stop bringing them home because it's demeaning and a terrible example for your son on what relationships should be like.
"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown
ROFL!! CUM- Dumster OMG!!
ROFL!! CUM- Dumster OMG!! Hysterical
Wingnut is a prude. I don't think she's opened her legs for anyone since DH and she made him use condoms for 20 years, except when she decided she wanted a "retirement plan".
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I see your "Skank" and raise
I see your "Skank" and raise you "cum-dumpster"
-----------> ROLMAO!!!!!!! Silver, can I borrow you every once in a while??
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Anytime. "I have always
"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown
I like this! One word:
I like this!
One word: Selfish
One statement: Grow up and start acting like an adult instead of blaming all of your problems on everyone else.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Oooh...I like yours too.
Oooh...I like yours too.
One Word - Delusional One
One Word - Delusional
One Statement - Think whatever you want, but keep it to yourself because I live in reality and don't have time to deal with your denial and changing of history on a repeated basis.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Love the evil laugh
Love the evil laugh "Muuahhahahaahah!!!"
I second this one too!
I second this one too! GRRRRRRR!!! Makes me angry!!!
Collegemommy, do we have the
Collegemommy, do we have the same BM?
One word: Child
One statement: Grow the f%^k up, get a real job and work like everyone else, stop mooching off your parents, you BF and my BF, take responsibility for yourself, and get some counseling too -- so your daughter doesn't end up f&*ked up like you!
One word: Deceitful One
One word: Deceitful
One statement: If you can't be there for your daughters when they really need you, don't come around just to stir up trouble & upset them!
OOH this is FUN!! one word
OOH this is FUN!!
one word to describe Frizz: Irresponsible
One Statement: Get off your ass and get a real job so you can stop taking court appointed handouts from my husbands bank account you bloodless money grubbing whore.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
bloodless huh? lol ~*~When
bloodless huh? lol
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
I figure someone like her
I figure someone like her can't be a living, breathing human bloodless
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
" bloodless money grubbing
" bloodless money grubbing whore" -Hmmm, this reminds me of my stinking good for nothing filthy nasty sinful pathetic excuse for a mother. My poor skids!
I love it..."bloodless,
I love it..."bloodless, money grubbing whore."
Oh, I wanna play... One
Oh, I wanna play...
One Statement: You made your own bed, now lie in it.
I'll bite. One Word to
I'll bite.
One Word to Describe: Unaccountable
One Statement: I know a really good therapist who specializes in Dialetical Behavior Therapy... I'll pay for it myself.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
One Word: Vile One
One Word: Vile
One Statement: You frickin' poor excuse for a human, mother, and woman in general - get your head out of your a$$ and quit enabling a 16 yr old boy to be a complete lying, stealing, and aggressive junkie while expecting everyone else to pick up the frickin' pieces you shattered all over the frickin' place!
That was fun - and it felt pretty good, too!!!
Head out of your ass - aks
Head out of your ass - aks RECTAL CRANIAL INVERSION SURGERY!!!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
One word: Controlling One
One word: Controlling
One Statement: Here honey, let me help you trim your nails so that you can get your claws out of mine and BF's relationship.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Middlemom - LOL!! That's
Middlemom - LOL!! That's one of my FAVORITE replies to this post!! Your BM must be the same as mine - she just MUST be (except that my BM's claws are also used to stab us in the back because she's so two-faced also).
One Word: DRAMATIC One
One Statement: Get a job and stop trying to make everyone feel sorry for you.
I was noticing a
I was noticing a trend.....none of them seem to think they should support themselves, and most are whores! Ha!
OOOOO I wana play! One
OOOOO I wana play!
One word: retardedassdiseasedhooker (see i made it one word...)
See one statement (but a run on sentence).
One Statement: Shut your legs and your mouth and get those sores looked at and have the doc do a CT to make sure your brain hasn't deflated or vaporized (not that I'm sure one ever existed).
*: (=’:’ ):*
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison
One Word: incompetent One
One Word: incompetent
One Statement: Grow up and get out of your mommy's house you 48-year-old ninny!!!
Sorry - Another statement: Is that your brother, or your date?
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
OMG - I choked on the candy
OMG - I choked on the candy heart I was eating!
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
One Word: Arrogant One
One Word: Arrogant
One Statement: You are a bad bad person all the way through to your core and one day everyone will see you for what you really are!
OMG! This is so much fun!
OMG! This is so much fun! Thanks jenjen for this post! I believe we've purged a lot of stress on here!
One word: Troll Because she
One word: Troll
Because she looks like a big ugly FAT troll doll with her bug eyes, ghoulish teeth, and troll hair.
One statement: You are a mean judgemental bitch who's ex-husband hates you and never even really loved you!
One word: Moron One
One word: Moron
One statement: Grow up and get a life and stop trying to control my husband and our relationship through SD16.
This has been very
This has been very therapeutic.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Your such a dumb biotch, I think the peroxide soaked your brain
One word: Stupid Statement:
One word: Stupid
Statement: Wake up stupid, CS doesn't last YOUR lifetime.
One word:
One word: ungrateful
Statement: Grow up, get off your back, quit spreading your legs with every tom dick, annie, mary and harry, take care of your children and those big boobs you bought with CS to make up for your looks are gonna deflate at some point.
HAHAHAHAHA! Deflating boobs!
HAHAHAHAHA! Deflating boobs!
One Word: Leech One
One Word: Leech
One Statement: One day you will realize that you have to be accountable for the lazy, manipulative way you live your life.
one word:
one word: psychotic
statement: get your effing borderline personality paranoiac hostile aggressive parenting disorder OFF MY STEPDAUGHTER!!!
that is all.
Okay let me join in on this
Okay let me join in on this one.
One word: Mentally-Envious
Statement: Only because your heavy ass will never be like mine , you are so jealous of my body ! COW !
~Life's a Journey-So take a deep breath and enjoy the ride~
One word: Screech (cuz the
One word: Screech (cuz the woman lives in another country and I swear to God, I hear her better when she's on the phone with my SD than I can hear the TV)
One statement: Must be off her meds because the cray-cray is loud today!
One word:
One word: Delusional
Statement: You think you've fooled everyone into thinking that the image you project to the world is the real one. But we all know better, now don't we?
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
OMG I am so busy laughing my
OMG I am so busy laughing my ass off from everyone on this post that I cannot think of any more "one-worders" or statements for my BM. You have all covered her - my BM is exactly every single one of these BM's that you've described.
Can we all see some common traits of these BM's?
1. They don't work (or intentionally underemploy themselves)
2. They live off the CS $$ that is SUPPOSED to SUPPORT - THE - CHILD(REN)!
3. They are all...hmmm...what's the politically correct term here?...SLUTS!
4. They rely on everyone else for their survival - instead of themselves
5. Most of them have more than 1 father of their children
6. Most of them cheated & caused the divorce...and still think they can PROFIT
7. They think CS $$ is for THEIR lifetime, instead of until the children turn 18 (or in NY until the children are 21)
8. They are uneducated
9. They insist on either HATING the SM's/GF's when they should be APPRECIATING them, or
10. They are two-faced with the SM/GF
11. They think they can treat others with disrespect - yet expect everyone to worship them for everything they do ("martyr" syndrome)
12. They are so busy being jealous of SM's/GF's and stalking them that they forget that they're a mom & are supposed to be spending their time RAISING their own kids!!
Wow, this list grew a lot longer than I realized....
This is hard because I can
This is hard because I can think of so many adjectives to describe her but I guess I'll go with this one
One Word: Trifling
One Statement: Get off your back and get a job, YOUR OWN transportation, YOUR OWN place to stay, stop gapping your legs to everything with a third leg and producing yet another child you are not going to take care lazy, shiftless, useless, good for only one thing, sperm receptacle
"sperm receptacle" aka...
"sperm receptacle"
aka... cum-dumpster. It's so funny to say out loud. Give it a try.
"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown