A Cell Phone Funny
SS12 lost his cell phone and BM found it a week later when she was folding his laundry. Too funny. The cell phone went through the washer and dryer...hehehe.
SS12 did even care he had lost it, I think he was relieved since BM calls him all the time any way.
Glad it happened to BM. BM would have been on the war path if it had happened on our watch.
- BettyRay's blog
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It's amazing how everything
It's amazing how everything that is done in your own house is so much more terrible than her house huh? Things that she tries to hide from us or that she tries to say are no big deal, when they happen in our house is the most terrible thing in the world.
I feel you on that one, good thing you dodged that bullet!
I don't know this for a fact
I don't know this for a fact but I get the feeling BM does wash twice a month on the weekends we have ssons. I was floored by this as well. I mean I don't wash everyday but I do gather all the laundry from everyone's hamper, sort and pre-treat stains daily. I hate stinky hampers.
But it does explain how SS8 never gets busted at BM's house for not wearng underwear. If BM's got a million loads to do she's not going to notice SS8's missing underwear.
-Henry Kaiser
LOL he is running around
LOL he is running around without skivvy's? Hilarious!
It was cute in the beginning
It was cute in the beginning but this has been going on for 2 years and has become annoying.
It started when BM let him come over in his swim trunks over the summer.
But the reality is that all of his undies at our house end up at BM's and we end up with zero. Then DH has to "ask" her for underwear. BM thinks it's funny; DH and I think it's gross.
I even bought SS8 three 4-packs of new undies thinking his current ones were too small. All of them ended up at BM's. And she never sends those over either just the old ones.
It's gotten to the point where DH does a waste band check at BM's house when he picks them up.
We also instituted a "no underwear, no video games" policy. If SS8 doesn't wear undies he does get to play PS3. It's sort of working.
-Henry Kaiser