Sexual Prime
Hey ladies, i wanted to post something i put on another site...i know we are here to vent about BM's but i wanted to switch it up this mornign to see what the responses are....MY DH says i am in my sexual prime because i seem to want sex daily, you all know loves it because he is a man...but my question is, Is there such a thing as sexual prime and how much is too much, all the book i read state that having sex is healthly so i want to stay healthy....LOL....chime in..
1. once a day, twice a day
2. 3-5 times a week,
3. etc etc etc
- MiseryNMissouri's blog
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I think whatever you
I think whatever you comfortable with. I know my DH would like it everyday but I am more in the range of 3-5 times a week. How old are you? I don't know if I have reached my prime yet but I'm working on it. LOL
Wow just got out of a
Wow just got out of a meeting and i didnt expect to see this many responses....i am in my late 30's....
Im lucky if I get it once a
Im lucky if I get it once a month. Last time ....he took a call while we were in the act & had to run out the door to help his fr?end in another state with some problem in his home. Needless to say, we had a problem in our home after that!!! Still do...
I can't even go here right
I can't even go here right now. All I can say is I do not believe in a universal sexual prime. I think how much sex we want is completely dependent in how happy we are in other areas of our lives. Both men and women.
There are stats, but honestly it's an individual thing and very contingent on mental and physical health, as well as what stage your marriage/relationship is in.
I agree 100%...the prime is
I agree 100%...the prime is definitely tied to how comfortable you are in your relationship...
I don't believe we have a
I don't believe we have a prime then we die out in the world of sex. There are so many other factors that play a role in your desire or lack thereof...
If my heart,mind and soul are are my legs
If hubby is being the man I know he can be, it's open season whether i'm 27,37,47 and so on baby }:)
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
"If my heart,mind and soul
"If my heart,mind and soul are are my legs Eye-wink If hubby is being the man I know he can be, it's open season whether i'm 27,37,47 and so on baby."
You are so VERY VERY wise. Why don't men know this about us?
lol thanks:) I'm trying
lol thanks:) I'm trying REALLY hard to get this through Dh's really dense skull. I am hopeful that after our last heart to heart last night it is starting to sink in a little.
hmmm maybe if I put it on a flashcard highlighted and post it everywhere he'll finally get it.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
I tried to tell my DH this
I tried to tell my DH this for the past year.
He didn't get it, and instead withdrew completely to the point of not even wanting to touch me.
Word of warning BBB. If you fall into a funk in the intimacy dept...the finest communications skills in the world fall on deaf ears. They can't get it, so they think it's an excuse.
And once that happens...
they withdraw and don't want it back.
I hope my story can spare others this experience. Because it's the worst thing I've ever been through- and I'm no newbie to really traumatic things happening.
This one's not "traumatic" in the urgent sense of must switch to auto pilot.
This one's a bruise on my soul that may never leave it.
I know what you mean
I know what you mean honey...
because of my severe issues with that huge fibroid and all the endometrial adhesions DH and I were on a drout for about a year bc I was constantly in pain and bleeding. Worst year of my life so far. Dh shut down bc he didn't get it, I shut down bc I refused to let him use ,"not getting it" as an excuse to be cold and aloof.
After my surgery, we slowly began rebuilding what we lost. Took lots of forgiveness on my part and lots of soul searching on his part. It's getting better and we're very active but I still have moments of hesitation where my forgiveness is forgotten bc I've gotten lazy with my mind letting it dwell on the past. It's such hard work to forgive and make it stick. I have not yet mastered the art of forgiving effortlessly
I find that we have to have heart to heart talks at least twice a week in order to keep my "mind" open for him
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Is this the blended family
Is this the blended family curse that causes the high divorce rate?
Is having to try to balance our marriages in the midst of constant outside influences just make it impossible?
Sometimes I feel that the
Sometimes I feel that the blended family curse takes it's course when a person (usually it's the ex-wife) has so much power and control over the tone and happiness of your family. Think about it, if she fights with your SD, your SD is angry and begins cycling, that impacts your family. If she decides she wants to "play mommy" for a night or two she destroys SDs routine, guilt parents her, ignores the rules and SD comes home off-balance and THAT impacts your family. If she decides she has a problem with you or your DH and wants to interfere with your parenting that upsets the balance of your family. The list goes on and on. My DH is always telling me not to give his ex so much power but how can it be avoided? Some days I feel like she sets the tone in my house more than I do.
I'd feel that way if Dh
I'd feel that way if Dh always agreed with me in these talks but he doesn't always just nod and go along with it. It's a give and take most of the time. A lot of our issues are because I don't just come right out and say, "UM HELLO!!! I need you!!! I need you to listen to me and I need you to focus on me right now!!! PLEASE!!!"
I forget that he needs direct, precise requests that he is capable of fulfilling...if I'm vague then he doesn't understand his effort is needed to fix a problem.
We have a LONG way to go though. This "healthy marriage thing" takes sooo much effort!
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
"I may have outdone myself
"I may have outdone myself this time in finding someone who is both!"
Ha! I think we married the same man!
"If my heart,mind and soul
"If my heart,mind and soul are are my legs Eye-wink If hubby is being the man I know he can be, it's open season whether i'm 27,37,47 and so on baby."
I agree, WHY don't men get this about women?! If I could say ONE thing to all the guys who withdraw or stop trying with the women they are with, and pout about the fact that "SHE'S" the one that doesn't want it, It would be this:
HEY, ASSHOLE! Pretty much ALL women are like this. So, withdrawing from the one that you're with isn't the answer because if you're like this now, you're going to screw it up with the next one, too. You want LOGICAL thinking? Well, it would be LOGICAL for your to wake up and make it work with THIS one!
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Yes... It is a wonder to me
It is a wonder to me as well.
I honestly and unfortunately think in my case? He convinced himself it was all me and therefore decided to stop caring about me.
Sita, if he's stupid enough
Sita, if he's stupid enough to believe this, then it's too bad that he doesn't have a remote control so that he can fast forward his life ten years to the NEXT marriage he screws up in this way.
Of course, that is cold comfort for you now, if he really is too far gone to come "back." But you, Sita, will be okay no matter which way this goes, because you are capable of learning and growing, and that's what will allow you to look back at the end of your life and say, Yes, I had a fulfilling life, and I grew a lot as a person. I am satisfied with the person I have become.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
If my heart,mind and soul
If my heart,mind and soul are are my legs If hubby is being the man I know he can be, it's open season whether i'm 27,37,47 and so on baby
No truer words have ever been said!!!!!!! This totally applies to me too!
lol I'm kind of wincing at
lol I'm kind of wincing at my poor choice of words right now since I keep seeing my words quoted over and over I realize I was really crass! Sorry!! Should have made my quote a lil prettier somehow, didn't realize I'd be seeing it over again!
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
It's whatever works for you.
It's whatever works for you. I'm good with 3 or 4 times a week. My DH would do it everyday, sometimes multiple times, if he could. But with two kids and both of us working full time (and my 1.5 hour commute to and from work). Some nights I just want to crawl into bed and pass out. I really need that mental recharge to get me through the week. We tend to have sex Friday, Sat, Sun and then usually once during the week.
ooooohhh you little sex
ooooohhh you little sex maniac!! lol
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
What can I say? My
What can I say? My husband's really hot. He's a police officer and something about that uniform...;-)
mmmm I love a man in
mmmm I love a man in uniform:)
I keep trying to get DH to wear full scrubs but he won't:( just his little dress pants and scrub top. But I do have a pic of him at my desk with his surgery mask,gloves, and goggles on...he's flexing his bicep of course! }:)
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Sounds like we married the
Sounds like we married the right men.
For us it depends on whether
For us it depends on whether we have the kids (our condo is small enough that we make too much noise for us to be comfortable doing it when the kids are here). So thank god we don't have them full-time -- we'd never "get any"!
Anyway, if the kids aren't here, it's usually every day. Which means that it probably averages out to about 5 times a week, given that we have at least one of them 3 weekends out of 4 these days. But on vacations? 1-2 times a day.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved