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does he care?????

asia's picture

Did anyone ever get the feeling that... when you and bf have a child that he wont love your child the same way as he love his first child? cause sometimes my bf make me feel like that... i dont know if he even realize that... everytime when he talks about his son he makes comments as .... "if i hit a milion dollar i would split it to my family and my son,by the age of 18 he will be set".. and i'm sitting there thinking to myself"wtf" lol.... what if i had a child with him.. would he even care that much...ugh..


BMJen's picture

He would care that much..........even more because it's yours and his child. Just don't ever set yourself up to think he'll love your child MORE than he does his others......chances are he won't. It'll be just the same!

But to me, our baby girl is the angle I've searched for my entire life. I have a different bond with her than I do with my son......she's my girl. Nothing will ever replace either of my kids in my heart.

My BS isn't DH's. But nothing can take his place. He's, he's, well.......he's my boy. He will always be my first born. We raised each other. Nothing will ever replace it! Not even that bond I have with my daughter.

DH could wonder if I have as much love for her as I do for him. But I's different. I completley 100% adore my daughter, anyone who knows me knows that about me! My son, he's a major PITA, if I make it to his graduation it'll be the biggest accomplishment of my life. But when he sits there and tells me a joke, or cuts up with me, I just know it.......that's something that no one else and I have. He's it!

I expect that DH has that with his other kids. But he has a whole different relationship with our daughter. She didn't take their place, she demanded her very own place in his heart! Just like she did in mine, and I thank him, and the Lord for her!

"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie

asia's picture

thank you..yes you have a point there jen.....i'm still kinda new to this.... and sometimes those thoughts come through my mind.. and yes i am adapting to alot of things.. Smile

herewegoagain's picture

Yes, I had those thoughts exactly...Here is what "I" think...

The reason I have a child with my husband is because "I LOVE MY HUSBAND" so much...when I look at my child, it reminds me of THAT LOVE...hmmm...I figured he would feel the same about OUR son, and not so much about his daughter because he no longer loves that nasty woman...No, I'm not saying that is right, I am just saying that when you look at your own child, that is what many of us see when you are married to their father...Because DH always put his daughter on a pedestal I also always thought my son would come second...and honestly, I think for a while he did...but as time passed, it changed. I do think he puts our son first now (mostly because he sees how much he has had to suffer because of BM and how his daughter is benefiting from our son's doing without), but yet he does love both of them...He has a closer relationship with our son because he is with him every single day vs. his daughter...but yet he always tells me that he loves his daughter as much as our son...It's a weird feeling for me...and no, I am NOT being evil...I am just being honest...I guess if DH and I were divorced, then I could probably understand how I love my son even though the father disgusts me, but because that is not my situation, it's still hard for me...but I accept it...

AC's picture

I had those thought when I was pregnant, but when our son arrived - my husband was head over hills in love with the baby. Maybe because his oldest son is now 16 and the baby is only 7 months, he is able to give them all their attention but it's different. I know he loves his 16 yr old and 14 yrs old a lot---but he is crazy about the baby as well.

Jbee27's picture

My FH gave me the, " I don't know if I'll ever be able to love another child as much as I love Tortoise."
I gave him the look of death! And then explained, that's not fair. Just because you have Tortoise, doesn't mean you can't have another child. My parents had 3 and we were all equal on the scale, his parents had 2 and they both were treated equally. That is so selfish of him to have said.
And I let him know that. We've chatted about having kids quite a few times and he's onto the idea of having them in the future. In fact, he's going with me in August to my next GYN appointment so we can talk to my doctor about it.
I've been on this BC for 3 years. I want to get off of it. So, I told him....Hey, after August, I probably won't be on BC anymore. I told him to think about it and that he can come with me and ask questions and we can make an informed decision. I'm not trying to force him into anything. I just don't think being no BC for this long can be good for me.
So, yeah....I know he's changed his mind. And I hope that if we do have a child, he doesn't revert back to Disneyland Daddy out of guilt for Tortoise. (who has said quite a few times he wants a brother or sister.)