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What would you have said?

kidsaplenty's picture

BS/SS ( both under 6) and me and hubby are riding in the car, somehow the subject of speeding comes up.

SS: Speed and we can get home fast
BS: We can't speed because you'll go to jail!
SS: My mommy speeds all the time and she doesn't go to jail.
BS Well you can't speed because you'll run in to things.
SS My Mommy speeds and she doesn't run in to things. My Mommy curses when she drives too because she wants to get home and people aren't driving fast enough.


melis070179's picture

I would say ss's mommy sounds like me! LOL

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

lovelovelove's picture

I would have said, "Tell Mommy that we've just recorded this whole conversation for the judge!"

hehe...Love :evil:

**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!**

stepmom008's picture

I probably would have said "Just because you speed and don't run into things doesn't make it okay to do". She sounds like a great moral figure for her child.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Amazed's picture

I would have replied with the least confrontational thing as possible. "well sometimes grownups get frustrated when they can't get where they need to be fast enough especially if they didn't leave their house on time. Speeding is dangerous and it's against the law and we try to be good drivers by obeying the law at all times."

This is sort of a "f/u" to BM and her bad driving...and her cursing. what a fabulous role model

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

kidsaplenty's picture

Thanks for the responses. It was a little funny to me just in the cute way little kids say things and don't even mean to be 'telling on' their parents but do. Sure makes me want to watch my p's and q's, who knows what my kids might say about me at school!

I did just say well, it can be dangerous and you can get in trouble and adults have rules to follow just like kids. Just reminds me that the child is coming from a completely different environment then the one we raise our kids in.

vgill's picture

HeHehhee!Next time she leaves your place call the police to report a dangerous driver in your neighbourhood,heading in a certain direction! LOL! Hopefully she would get pulled over and your kids will know then that if you drive too fast the police will get you and you will get into trouble!! LOL!! OH how I wish I could be there to watch!! Hahahaha!!!

Amazed's picture

that's bad karma I think...if she does that then the next time kidsaplenty goes even a teeny bit over the limit she'll get pulled over. always seems to work that way when you play games like that.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Totalybogus's picture

You know, I don't do the speed limit either. In fact my kids will tell people that if they want to get somewhere on time, it's better for me to drive. I think this is nit-picky. A judge would laugh at this and you would be wasting your money. Glass house and all.