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Waiting for the s--- to hit the fan--AGAIN

prayerhelps's picture

It has been WAY too quiet for our BPD BM. She cancelled visitation this w/end w/SD16. She has not sent nasty emails or demands. She has not called w/sarcastic messages. She cannot text anymore (got rid of text feature due to her abusive texts sent to me and DH).

Something is about to happen. She is looking for some reason to take us back to court, we know that. SD let it out this weekend that BM was threatening to take DH to court over the clothes SD wears to school---of course that would be hilarious to see---Judge, my daughter likes to wear black T-shirts to school, and my EX (DH) won't make her stop!!! She must come live w/me!!!!
I expect DH to get something real soon in mail with another Motion!. 497 more days to go til SD is 18. Lord, help us make it til then.


Totalybogus's picture

Isn't it sad when people's hold on our lives make us wish those lives away. Here we are counting down days until we THINK we will be rid of stress. I used to do this too all the time. It got so bad that I wound up with anxiety and OCD.

Now I understand that there will always BE stress in my life. It really comes down to how I deal with it and how much I allow someone else to control my life.

I spent so much time and most of my own children's youth wishing time away that now I would give anything to have those days back. I missed alot of the good times because I was so busy stressing about the bad ones. I was too young and inexperienced to know that I was the one with the control over whether I allowed these people to influence my life.

I don't know if you have children of your own but think about it, you're spending all of your time wishing your own children's childhood away and your own youth. It is really a cold splash of water in the face once you learn that.

prayerhelps's picture

I have four other children,and no i am not wishing those days away. This is a 16 1/2 yo SD that wishes she was already out on her own and her BM who excalates every situation. I wish anything that we could go back to when this child was younger, but we cannot. i only count the days so that we do not have to deal w/psycho BM