I'm bored today ... can you tell?
OK, so I took MinnieMom's advice from a blog last week (thanks MinnieMom) and used a search engine on BM (pipl.com). I know, I know, I have too much time on my hands today. Just humor me. She must have started her Christmas shopping (for herself LOL!). This is her Amazon 'wish list' for 2009...
Wish List
Canon PowerShot SD1100IS 8MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom (Pink) by Canon
Women Men Love, Women Men Leave: What Makes Men Want to Commit? by Connell Cowan
10 Minute Solution: Blast Off Belly Fat DVD ~ Suzanne Bowen
Single: The Art of Being Satisfied, Fulfilled and Independent by Judy Ford
With or Without a Man: Single Women Taking Control of Their Lives by Karen Lewis
› See all 17 items
New Wish List
Man Magnet: How to Be the Best Woman You Can Be in Order to Get the Best Man by Romy Miller
Dating Rocks!: The 21 Smartest Moves Women Make for Love by Steve Nakamoto
Think & Date Like A Man: (Be the woman who gets the man she wants...and keeps him!) by April Masini
Men, Love & Sex: The Complete User's Guide for Women by David Zinczenko
Why Men Marry Bitches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart by Sherry Argov
As you can see, it's all books on how to get a man to love you, want you, how to treat a man, how to be single, how to lose the cottage cheese butt, etc. Oh, and a Camera so she can get a pic of all of those moments when she's sitting alone crying over her books.
A part of me feels really bad for her. I don't like anyone to feel alone or lonely. But a bigger part of me is laughing inside, because she brought this upon herself when she cheated while married to DH.
Anyone else run their DH's ex through a search? What interesting tid-bits did you find?
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lol...I haven't gone that
lol...I haven't gone that far but I do check her facebook every now and then! I am waiting with baited breath for her to get a new husband so mine can stop paying her. UGH...I feel pathetic admitting I've been obsessing over her love life! lmao...*sigh* it happens I suppose!
"Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." *Anais Nin*
I found the bm on several
I found the bm on several dating sites w/ her cow pics, her "bio" made me piss myself laughing....
She lied big time on the weight part.
well...I tried that
well...I tried that website...didn't tell me anything new about her. I was hoping to see a big highlighted blinking banner with her name in bold print next to the words "Crazy,Lazy Whore" but alas...no results worth mentioning
"Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." *Anais Nin*
I've searched but the Wookie
I've searched but the Wookie isn't on any dating sites or social networks. Bummer! Her mother told my DH once that she (and the brother she lives with) are waiting for their former spouses to come back to them. Her brother's ex-wife has been remarried for years and has had kids with her new husband. Yet still he waits. Sad really if you think about it, or would the word be pathetic?
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Sad, pathetic, unhealthy and
Sad, pathetic, unhealthy and obsessive. Um, have they thought about moving on???
I, for one, hope that BM gets some of these books and finds them useful so she CAN move on. I really do feel bad for her tho. There's nothing 'fun' on her list. It's all so depressing to see. I see now why she is holding on SOOOOO tightly to SD20 and keeping her helpless so she can't move out. Cuz when she moves out, BM is completely alone. Sad.
What is the url to that
What is the url to that site? I'm curious here. ty~
www.pipl.com or google.com
www.pipl.com or google.com
Come to the dark side baby:)
Come to the dark side baby:) we've got good cookies... I've been searching everyone on that site...it's too much fun and totally satisfies that nosey,caddy side of me.
"Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." *Anais Nin*
OMG! This pipl.com is the
OMG! This pipl.com is the BEST website ever ever ever!
Oh I can lose myself for hours there!
I dont find anything
I dont find anything interesting
But a bigger part of me is
But a bigger part of me is laughing inside, because she brought this upon herself when she cheated while married to DH.
------------------> Now remember NMF, had she of not cheated, you and your DH wouldn't have found each other....I'm sooo thankful BM cheated on BF, otherwise I would have never met him and we wouldn't be together today
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
Yeah, I know. But just
Yeah, I know. But just looking at her wish list made me sad for a moment, but JUST a moment. In a perfect world, nobody would cheat, everyone would have a happy ending, and the world would spin around. But you're right. I wouldn't have met my honey!
I know what you mean about
I know what you mean about sad. BF actually friended her, so of course I had to snoop right away. She has friends but no action going on. A few friends she has commented to call her, gives her number and then will keep asking them to call.
It is actually pathetic but when your only topic of convo is she is sick or dying and it is untrue...you don't make many friends.
I found waaaaaaaaaay too
I found waaaaaaaaaay too much stuff on hubby- gross.."fling.com", etc..in 07? Before his divorce? ummmm?
How did you find that stuff?
How did you find that stuff? I can't get to the juicy stuff unless I pay.
Shoot - me, DH and BM all
Shoot - me, DH and BM all have pretty common names and no dirt - I know that can't be true LOL! I am putting detective DH on the hunt . . . !
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)