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Sorry I've been MIA dealing with SS5 and his most recent antics..He has been hitting/biting/kicking

mrsparks's picture

The teacher at his new school and at his daycare.
He has been suspended from daycare twice already since Sept.
It was requested that he seek psychological evaluation and a full physical from his pediatrician. The teacher at school thought that he may have an impacted bowel.
He has been pooping and peeing his pants on a daily basis..
When we have him on the weekends he has night terrors and begs my husband to sleep with him.

Please tell me why we don't have custody of this child. He is getting worse by the day and we still have to wait until the end of Jan. for the next court date.

We have asked the GAL to talk to his teachers and daycare "now" instead of the pipe-dream she was introduced to when she visited his school on day one.

I think SS may also Show signs of ODD
He never sees his mother- although he's not missing anything there.. she started working these wacky hours and SS goes from daycare to school then back to daycare, so his days are anywhere from 10 to 12 hours long.
BM is very uncooperative when dealing with the school or daycare, they choose to speak to my husband, insisting that they can't talk/deal with BM. She leaves dirty underwear in his bag for days, sends the teacher all these nasty grandiose messages in a notebook they exchange back and forth.. and I'm tired..


I seriously think I'm going to go insane..
We get phone calls and emails every other day, in regard to something SS has done!

I guess we can't get real help for him until he is assessed


mrsparks's picture

That's exactly what we said!
We have called her numerous times.. She "finally" called back when hubby left a message explaining the severity of what has been going on. The teacher at the school is more than willing to talk to the GAL, but the daycare will more than likely need to be subpoened, even though the director there told my husband that BM was an a**@$%e! She actually said those words!! I'm also hoping child services will take a peek and get this child some help!!!!

This is just nuts!!!!