as i type, dh is in court with bm..have you gone to court with dh or do you stay out of it?
my stomach is in knotts even though everything has already been decided in mediation. I was going to go with dh, but he said that i really didnt need to. since i worked all weekend it was nice to sleep in and not get up at 7 am to get ready for court.
dh just called me to say that he is going in to the court room now and just wanted to call before he went in and tell me he loves me...he also mentioned that dip shit brouht her sister with her. her sister is the complete bitch who along with my mil has been coaching bm through all this crap!
now im shaking im so upset that im not there beside my dh.
have any of you ben in court too, with your dh? did it help any? did you say anything?
- smnikki's blog
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I went to court with Dh when
I went to court with Dh when BM was trying to get full custody and child support! (She got neither by the way)
I did not go into the room when they were called I stayed out in the hallway and waited. I went only to be supportive and so Dh wouldn't be standing there all by himself. Moral and physical support so to speak.
I wish I could have went into the room, but I didn't ask nor did I think it was my place. So I waited.
I went to court for a total of seven times and waited with my DH. I didn't say much and YES I believed it helped.
Good Luck to you!
"And this too shall pass..."
I didn't go to court with my
I didn't go to court with my DH, but I knew the attorney very well that represented him. Things were agreed upon outside of court anyway. The judge just had a few questions and then he signed off and they left. No big deal there. I have been to court before and honestly, the only time you can really talk is if the attorney representing your DH asks you a question. Especially if it is mediated to begin with. Now, if there is a contested divorce trial then you would want to be there.
I've always gone to court
I've always gone to court with DH. We've been 3 times. We're going again in a couple of weeks.
The second time the district attorney even stopped in for a minute and sat down beside me to lend support. I thought that was awesome.
the DA is a good family
the DA is a good family friend of my fathers...but because everything went so well in mediation i didnt want to call in any favors until we need them...also, the head person of the entire family law department for the county is very good friends with my should anything happen...actually my mom may have already called in a favor, i dont know...i guess ill find out soon
everything has already been
everything has already been decided, and there are no lawyers for either party. i feel bad no being there to support dh, but he is the one who said i didnt need to go. honestly, i think my stress over all this effects him. he went with all his pictures and documentation....i just hate sitting here waiting
I didn't go to court with my
I didn't go to court with my DH. I had nothing to say and her character spoke for itself because she tried to act like she wanted the kids on the day the judge was to rule. Needless to say, she didn't get it. But oh, how I wish she had.
Your DH sounds pretty
Your DH sounds pretty confident that he can handle BM on his own. BM however sounds not as confident - which is why she needs her sister there with her. The waiting is the hardes part though. Hang in there. Hopefully the good news will be coming soon! Good luck!
I didn't go, on our lawyer's
I didn't go, on our lawyer's advice. See, BM is shady and will say one thing to your face and then turn around and do the opposite. Even though there is nothing BAD I've done that BM could hold against me in court, our lawyer was concerned that if I was there, BM's lawyer could call me to testify. Then BM's lawyer could "plant" all sorts of suggestions that, even though they were untrue, would raise doubts in the judge's mind. For example, BM's lawyer could say, "Isn't it true that you beat SD16 every day with a brass rod?" And of course I would say "No." But the suggestion would be planted with the judge and the judge would have to sort out who was more believable. Our lawyer said it was best if I did NOT go. Of course, BM's husband went, probably because DH and I would never stoop to a tactic so low (and they know that). What really gets me is that BM's husband's father is a pastor. You'd think her husband would have a bit of shame at being so underhanded (they lie to DH all the time and then say he's the liar). Nope, best to stay out of it, I believe.
thank you elizabeth! even
thank you elizabeth! even though we dont have lawyers, maybe because bms entire statement is pretty much against me, he may question me. I always feel the need to defend myself, BUT i need to realize i should sit back and allow my actions to speak for me.
Just because you're not
Just because you're not there in the physical sense does not mean you're not there on an emotional/supportive level. You're there with him, more than you know.
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
My DH had to go to court 4
My DH had to go to court 4 times. I have never been to court with him. We had only been together for 10 months the first time he went and we were together for 15 months the last time he went. I offered to go for support and he thanked me and said he would be fine. I think if I would have went then it would have started a riot in the courthouse. My DH has to go to court on Friday for a child support contempt hearing against his ex wife (she owes $15,000). I offered to go and he said I could if I want, but I don't want to so I'm not going, lol. I did tell him that I would go to support him and he said he would be fine and he would call after the hearing. His lawyer will be there, so he will be fine. If he wanted me to go I would, but if he doesn't need the support, I think it's better that he go alone. I wouldn't want any unneccesary drama.
I went from work so I was in
I went from work so I was in a suit and sat there like the professional woman that I am...BM showed up with her low rent sister and friend and they were so loud and rude..yelling to after DH's bank records...LOL..LOL..sorry, but remembering this is funny...our female Judge didn't want to hear all of her sad antics about how she can't work "cuz she has kids"...LOL...THEN, BM's legal aid atty had the NERVE to introduce herself as she is familiar with my when I asked how did she know where I worked, she snickered that BM and her "friends" insisted that they could go after my income...LOL...anyway...DH prevailed on everything in court, but I was glad to be with him...for me personally, I needed to send a message to BM that I am not some bar fly that she is used to fighting with...I didn't say a word, just sat there with DH and let him know how proud I was of him....she left the courtroom in tears...since u guys already worked things out in SHOULD be ok...but why is the DA involved in a family matter where u live?...just curious
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
no, the DA is a family
no, the DA is a family friend. My dad and him are friends, and my dad does the photography for him and all the people in his ofices who need business head shots. we also attend the same social functions as him because we are in the same social circle....
ah...gotcha ....I'm sure
ah...gotcha ;)....I'm sure everything will be fine...if DH runs into trouble, he can always delay the proceedings to consult an atty.....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
My DH and his x only went
My DH and his x only went once, for the divorce........and nope, I didn't go! I think that would have been a fight waiting to happen.
However, at mine and my x's divorce his girlfriend was there. It was not cool.........
But if DH were going to court to modify anything, cs...visitation....anything, I would be there with him now. I'm his wife. If she don't like it to bad. Anything that they agree on directly impact my life, therefore, I will have a say.
I had not been before as i
I had not been before as i didn't feel it was necessary. DH was really confident in court and was always able to counter BM. BUT this last case was different she hired a lawyer and trauma counselor to try and take away his parental rights and visitation and attempted to use me as the reason - stating i was the one abusing sd and he was making poor decisions by marrying me and allowing it to happen - basically.
So this time i had to show up - to speak on my on behalf. Normally i would not unless DH wanted me to go with him. We are out of state and sometimes the lies were so ludicrous it was just a waste of time.
Need i mention they were in court 3 times before for visitation and 5 times for child support over the past 2 years.... and since she found out we were married. It is just dang nuts.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
thats horrible. she is nuts!
thats horrible. she is nuts! did the judge ever believe her lies or did they see through them?
I have been to court with DH
I have been to court with DH every time. Because SSons are older in age, the judge wants to speak with them almost every time. I am there to support DH and when the judge is ready to speak with boys, I am the one that goes and gets them out of school and then I stay with SSons until court is over. BM HATES IT!!!! The judge does not allow her to speak with children before, after, or during court.
There have also been several times when BM has been the one to bring me into the courts. She has filed harrassement charges, commumnication of death threat charges, assult charges, and child abuse charges against me. All of these have been thrown out of court and the last time, the DA informed her that the next time she files a false charge against me, she will be arrested and serve at least 30 days in jail.
I am not there to put myself in the middle, I am there to support DH likes he supports me. I also make sure that I am able to gets the kids when the judge is ready for them. - If I was not to go get the kids from school then they would have to send a police officer to the schools and we don't want that!-