Do BM's think we WANT to be a SM?
Been having a bit of a catch up read of the blogs as I wasn't on over the weekend, and it struck me that for some reason a lot of BMs seem to think that as we are with their ex it means we want to be a SM and 'steal' their children from them!
Why on earth would anyone believe this? In all the fantasies I had over the years about meeting the perfect man, in none of these did he already have a child, ergo an ex that would always be in our lives!
This all then gets tied in with 'the child coming first - all the time' - hello? I accept that certain things have to be planned around SS10 now (like taking extra leave before Christmas so he has a chance to see his grandparents over the holiday season), but I did not choose to have a child, so why should I have to arrange my whole life around him?
There appear to be double standards too - BM's & BF's can say they want to swap weekends etc as something's come up, but if a SM or SF has an event? You're the spawn of the devil, don't care about the child & completely unreasonable for having your own life!
So, to any BM's out there reading this - I don't want your child, I'm sure I could have managed to have one myself if I'd wanted to & believe me, it is NOT the reason I got together with your ex. To put up with all this I have to love my DH/FH/BF/OH a lot, but I don't have to love or even like your child, so a little gratitude for the stuff I do for him/her would be much appreciated.
- Storm76's blog
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That's so true storm.
That's so true storm. Somehow taking my SD to the movie got the finger from BM. I was shocked. No matter what I do it's not right.
If I dont' do for SD then I'm being selfish and not supporting my DH, per her. If I do for SD then I'm trying to take her place and "steal" her daughter.
You can't win in this SP'ing game. Someone said it the other day, the only move you can make to win this game is to not play.
Yep, I've had this sort of
Yep, I've had this sort of reaction. If we don't plan anything special for the weekends we have SS10 then we're ignoring his needs, but the weekend we took him to the circus, oh dear... it was his first circus & BM was upset that she hadn't been there.
well, as a BM I'm glad you
well, as a BM I'm glad you don't want my child. Although, he's rotten so you'd bring him right back
I've been reading "other sites" and the general feeling from a lot of BM's is basically this, "I didn't ask you to be in my child's life, you're there for my ex...not for my child so anything you do for my child is done to please my ex so I don't need to be grateful for anything you're doing or anything you've done. My child has enough people that love him/her so in my opinion you're just benefiting from having them in YOUR life so get over yourself and quit looking for gratitude from me. You're being good to my child out of necessity because if you weren't good to my child, my ex would drop you like a bad habit and protect our child."
Now, this isn't a direct quote from ANYONE. It's a paragraph of different things I've read over the last few weeks from various BM's. If ANYONE thinks about blasting me for this...these aren't my thoughts ok? Like I said above, just some things I've learned and read over a period of time.
~Always forgive your enemies...nothing annoys them so much~ Oscar Wilde
Hmmm, I suppose it comes
Hmmm, I suppose it comes down to motivation & why we engage or disengage with skids. The BM view is that we're not doing it to be nice to their children, just because we want to come across as nice to our partners... however, am I nice to my goddaughter just because I'm best friends with her mum? No, I've known her all her life, watched her grow into a confident 4 year old and enjoy playing with her in her own right.
It's similar to skids in a way - our initial reason for being there is because we're involved with their parent, but over time we do build a relationship with them in their own right, good or bad.
I know honey...It doesn't
I know honey...It doesn't make sense but it seem a lot of women feel that way about the SM's in their child's life. I guess they feel they should have to "cowtow" in regard to the partner their ex chose...I don't know. I can't explain so I won't's too frustrating. I honestly think it's a pride thing.
~Always forgive your enemies...nothing annoys them so much~ Oscar Wilde
Barbie I can see why BM's
Barbie I can see why BM's feel that way. Honestly, I am with DH because of DH, not his kids! I didn't even know them, or really care to, prior to us knowing that we were going to be together for good. I can see why BM would think that anything I do for SD is for brownie points with DH.........but......we all know better don't we?
And, I can also totally relate to the, you will be good to my kid or my x will drop you and protect our child! Isn't that true.......I can't even tell you how many times I've been "told on" by BM and SD! It's like they all want him to just drop me and take up for them. Like somehow that'll make everything so much better........
No one ever thinks of his happiness. I can honestly say that if Dh didn't have me, he would spend every day of his life thinking about me. As I would him. I don't think either of us would ever be happy again. That's how I know we are good to go for life! My other marriage, I always knew I'd be okay without him. He always knew he would without me to............not this time. He's the love of my life, I am the love of his, without each other would only equal misery.
If BM loved him half as much as she professes, or SD for that matter, they would never want him to leave me.
Maybe a little big headed, I don't care, it's the truth!
I agree with everything you
I agree with everything you posted Storm. You can't win, at all.
I feel kind of guilty
I feel kind of guilty because I'm starting to see some double standards in my way of thinking. Being a mom, being a step being two different people.
On one hand I think so many BM's are crazy and unreasonable...but then there's a lot of things I can think, "well if my son's stepmom did this I'd be pissed and livid." It's so confusing!! i'm that BM who wants my son's stepmom to be good to him and nice to him but I don't expect anything else out of her. I'll appreciate everything nice that she does for him only because it's not her job to do anything above and beyond a "hi and bye" type of thing...she really isn't there for him, she's there for his dad so anything above that obligation is a nice treat.
She doesn't have to drive him to anything, no picking him up from anywhere, she doesn't have to attend his functions unless she wants to...I don't want her calling me about him and I really don't need contact with her at all...all contact will go through my ex via text message and email as we always have done. it's not because I don't want to talk to's just because one point of contact is the easiest way. Now I'm not against being her friend if she's planning on being uber stepmom, I'll share some moments with her if she wants that role but if she doesn't want that role then fine by me.
Any issues that she has with my son will have to be taken up with his father bc it's not my problem to hear her's his father's problem to deal with her relationship with our kid.
Ugh...I hate how that sounds but that's just the way I feel. I think that's why I've started keeping my comments in check when DH talks about my stepdaughter. It's hard and I still slip up but then I think, " would I feel if it were my kid and his stepmom?" I still blog about my frustrations over SD and BM but I've really tried to keep a lid on it when dealing with DH bc I feel like such a turncoat hypocrite
~Always forgive your enemies...nothing annoys them so much~ Oscar Wilde
At least you've got the self
At least you've got the self awareness to be able to acknowledge that though. I think a lot of problems stem from people not having the empathy to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Add into the mix with BMs & SMs that often they barely know each other, so opinions are based on hearsay from skids & partners & it's a recipe for disaster!
I feel the need to tell you
I feel the need to tell you Barbie that I feel exactaly like this!!
Im not's not
~Always forgive your enemies...nothing annoys them so much~ Oscar Wilde
BBB, I don't think you have
BBB, I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about. I'm not a BM, and if ours treated me the way you treat/consider the SM in your life, I'd be perfectly happy. I don't NEED to have conversations with her, but I do want her realize that I'm in her daughters' life and that because of that, I will necessarily have some influence over them in my home, and I will necessarily be at some of their functions.
You're being very reasonable, and frankly, if I were the SM in your life, I'd be relieved that you weren't trying to be my best friend or, on the other hand, trying to turn my husband or stepdaughters against me.
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin
I'm going to be different
I'm going to be different again! LOL! I actually want a SM to perfectson to be much more than the hi and bye kind of SM. I want his SM to actually really care about him and love him. In my mind I would think that if a woman really loved my EH then she would also try to really love his child. Weird? Maybe... I've been VERY grateful for everything perfectson's SM has done for him and I was very disappointed when she pulled away from him because she and EH were splitting up.
When I married DH I never hesitated for a second on taking on not only him, but his 3 children too. To me it was a package deal, all or nothing. I would never want to be a hi and bye SM to them. I realize I'm fortunate enough to be the SM of really good kids too, but I've worked soooooo hard to have the great relationship I do with my skids.
Sorry Barbie, I have two
Sorry Barbie, I have two children of my own and a SD8 with an ex from hell. I was nice very nice to my SD because I wanted to not to please my DH. I am out of the drama with my SD8 because her mother should have taken the time to discipline her better and not treat her child as a weapon to use against my Husband. Now the SD thinks she is a princess that gets what she wants or else and the ex wife thinks she has the golden uterus for giving my DH a child. Now, my husband knows after all the drama I will no longer be doing anything for his child. She is his problem now. They will be doing things for each other for now on, me not involved. I did for SD8 the same as for my children because I felt she deserved much better. So, no my husband is not kicking me to the curb and yes I have been a complete BITCH because no one will be coming in to my home to step all over me. All contrare he has seen things the way they are and yes he continues to be a father but as he told his own child I AM NOT BREAKING MY MARRIAGE FOR YOU OR ANYONE IN THE WORLD ...MY WIFE IS THE QUEEN OF THE HOUSE. This I appreciate it very much because now his ex knows that my husband is not playing the game "I have your precious child so you must do as I say ". This is the problem with most ex wifes that instead of letting their children establish a healthy relationship with their dad , the ex wants to manIpulate all because she gave birth to his child. I am glad my husband stood his ground and is handling everything very well. I stay out of it. No BM don't have to be grateful to us present wives but BM have no right to try to cause problems through their kids either.
I agree with Peaceandquite.
I agree with Peaceandquite. My DH would have been perfect without all of the baggage. I have BK's of my own and did not want BM's kids. She lost custody of them 5 years ago and they've been with us ever since. I wish she would get herself together and come back and get them but she doesn't want them. I think a lot has to do with at what age you acquire sk's. My DH came into my BK's lives at 1 and 3 years old. We got custody of my SK's at 7 and 9. They were pretty much already shaped. My kids adore my DH and my relationship with sk's now ss12 and ss14 is a little shaky. Partly shaky because I don't approve of the way they were raised and things that DH allows them to do. I don't want them influencing my BS8 and BS6 who really look up to them. So, I'm a BM myself and I've never had a problem with any of the women that my ex has around my BK's because he's always had nice women. I don't talk to them but they treat my BK's nice and that's all I ask. But I don't need SK's, didn't really want SK's, and if I knew that he'd have custody of SK's I probably wouldn't have married him. Sorry to say.
I have to agree, DPWB. Mind
I have to agree, DPWB.
Mind you, my DH is a pretty great guy, and I'm sure he would have been a pretty great guy even without the experiences his 13-year marriage gave him. However, I think that being almost-literally KICKED IN THE BALLS by his ex for so long, and trying as hard as he could in spite of a lot of hard stuff to be a good husband and father, has made him into someone who truly knows how to value what he has and to know a good thing when he sees one. One of my H's best qualities: he thinks I'm great -- even if I'm cranky, even if I'm having a down day, even if I have a moment of bitchiness. His response to anything like that, when I apologize, is "Are you kidding me? Do you know what I lived through in my last marriage? On your worst day, you couldn't put me through anything like that IF YOU TRIED!" Or, alternately, he just looks at me and says, "You're a day at the beach, baby -- a day at the beach."
So yeah, sometimes it's nice coming second!
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin