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Things Going Great!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, so BF is spending more time with SS12; BF is calmer because he got some over time (money freaks him out); BF is going to counselor on a regular basis!

This morning he called from work and wanted to talk about 'some things that the counselor suggested'


So I listened. I liked all of the suggestions. All of them point to a closer "us".

BF had also taken all of the kids to a hotel with his mother last night to go swimming. I had to work Sad BF's mom did not say anything to me about coming after I got off work, but BF this morning was saying, "I was actually hoping you would come out after work" kinda in a sad puppy dog voice he does not use often. It was so sweet. He would have been asleep since he had to work tonight. It was so nice though, it has been a while since he has been like that. I can tell he is trying, and it means a lot to me.

I feel better too. I was not resentful they got to go... (much) but I was so happy they had fun together. We have not done much as a family recently, we have all been to stressed out! I missed them when I got home and was alone. I liked it too since I did not have to worry about waking them up, but I did miss them.

Things are really looking up! I hope it stays that way!


Most Evil's picture

Hey hey! Its great you are catching some hard-earned breaks!! Hope it continues Smile
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

misfit's picture

Glad to hear things are going well!! It's so nice when you reach the moments where things fall into place. It makes all the bullshit irrelevant:)

Thanks for sharing something positive with us!

If you wish to give off light, you must endure the burning.