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I'm desperate, scared & feel so alone- Disengaging the answer?

Elaine's picture

I've been searching for advice on the internet for hours. And while alot of my questions are still unanswered, one thing is clear-- I can't go on like this.

Some facts about my life:

I am 22 yrs old and currently in grad school.

My FH is 24 and while he has not officially proposed yet, we are planning on getting married.

SS is 6 yrs old. My FH had him when he was a junior in high school.

FH & BM have never been close. They were only dating briefly when she became pregnant & the relationship was quickly dissolved. FH worked, saved & clawed his way back from what could've been financial ruin. (A 16 yr old paying child support & providing health insurance for his son, along with his own car payment!)

FH is doing good for himself now, but at the moment he is living with his mom. He moved out before but had to come back & expects to be gone for good by next summer.

FH and SS shared the same room before I came into the picture. When I began dating FH, SS temporarily moved into another room in the house. However, more family members moved into the house & SS was soon moved back into FH's room.

I enjoy spending time with FH & I practically live here now too. So yes- FH, me & SS now share a room.

SS only comes over every other week and sometimes he will come over on weekends that aren't usual visitations.

For the few first months we dated, I didn't mind the situation. But things have changed. Some where a long the line I began to assume responsibility for SS's well being. I spent as much time with him as I could bc I felt FH & BM didn't. I bought him nice new clothes bc I wanted him to have trendy clothes that fit him properly. I cooked him meals from scratch. Tried to instill values and manners in him.

For some reason I felt like now that things were getting serious with FH- my role in SS's life had to change.

I volunteered to do tons of things for SS that I never had before. And FH thanked me for awhile... and then slowly, it became expected of me. FH never thanked me & when SS said he was hungry FH didn't budge. I was expected to make the meal for SS.

I kinda figured that by being given so many responsibilities- I was also given the right to offer my opinion. While I don't interject when it comes to direct matters that I disagree with- without even realizing it I jump in to set rules or limitations without letting FH speak first.

I think the problem is that I never defined what my role as a SM is.I jumped in head first & did everything I could to help contribute to this family. And now I'm resentful for it. I don't feel appreciated by SS or FH. They never say Thank You. But I keep doing things bc I feel like I'll fail as a SM if I don't step in & do everything I can to make SS the best person possible.

I've come to the realization that... that idea is stupid. It's not my responsibility. The way he acts, the person he grows into- I have no control over it & I am not holding myself accountable for it.

FH loves SS but doesn't spend as much one on one time with him as I'd like. I spend more time with SS than he does. I set this bar so high for myself & am now too exhausted to reach it. I enjoyed things more when I left all the parenting up to him.

FH makes jokes about my co-parenting & I'm very sensitive that it really hurts. I went out of my way to make SS choc chip pancakes this morning.

Me to FH: I loaded SS's pancakes with choc chip so I don't think he should be getting any treats atleast until after lunch

FH: Well what if he's good? What if I want to give him a treat? (in a mocking tone)

Me: -embarassed by my own assumption- Well ok, I was just saying since he already had chocolate that maybe you didn't want him to have more candy

FH: -starts laughing- I was just kidding

But its not funny. It makes me feel insecure like I'm over stepping boundaries.

This whole situation is even more complicated by our living arrangements. I have no space of my own & often find myself fleeing the room when he's here. SS delegates when I go to sleep & when I wake up (as soon as he's awake he turns on his xbox- doesn't ask anyone for permission or even check to see if we're awake). On the weekends he stays here I am startled awake at 6 am by the sound of a video game & am exhausted bc I spent the entire previous night up until 12:30 am bc he has to fall asleep to his TV & he wasn't tired until then.

I tried to talk to FH about it before but FH just doesn't understand how being an instant-parent can be such a challenging task for me. FH was once a step-dad figure to an ex's son, but to me thats different bc he was already a dad at the time. He doesn't know what this is like.

I feel under appreciated and confused. I often day dream about living by myself- the peace & quiet. The freedom. This scares me bc I want to spend my life with FH and the majority of the time, I enjoy being with SS (albeit I enjoyed him more when I took a less involved role in his life). I am seriously considering some form of disengagement. Maybe just stepping back & letting things go back to the way they were before. Please if you have any advice, I'd love to hear it. I'm terrified & I feel so alone.


Elaine's picture

Thanks so much! I will def PM you! It feels so nice to have someone know where I'm coming from.

You really hit the nail on the head. I jump in to do everything so he just sits back & relaxes.

I am the kind of person who always puts other people first. I find a lot of joy in knowing that other people are happy. And so I give & give & give... and its never been too big of a problem bc other people have either given back or been appreciative of me. But It hasn't been like that with this situation.

And you're also right- I want to have a place, but I'm honestly unsure of where that place is. I think that giving back the responsibility of the decision making & care of SS to FH will help me find that place.

stepmom2one's picture

Yep I could have wrote this myself 5 or 6 years ago. You know how we handled this? We moved into a 2 bedroom townhouse as soon aas my lease was up. We certainly had our ups and downs but we made it through.

You should have a talk with BF now, it is never to late. Tell him you wonder if you are overstepping your boundries.

I bet he teased you this morning becuz he thought it was cute you are treating his son like your own. I am sure he is enjoying his new found "family".

Elaine's picture

I took me awhile to feel like I wasn't an evil person for thinking that. I think I've really taken to the idea "It takes a village to raise a child" & I kept holding myself to that standard. Sure it takes parents disciplining their children. But it also takes role models. Maybe I can just be a good example to him instead of disciplining him.

Elaine's picture

"We teach people how to treat us"

Ya know. I use to practice this all the time. Idk why I didn't follow through with SS and FH.

"so since him and BM created the mess it was his job to tend to it NOT MINE! If you don't step back you are setting yourself up for a marriage of servatude NOT FUN!! "

I will keep repeating this to myself over & over again. I will not set myself up to be the slave anymore. Thank you so much for reminding me of what my rights are as a person. Sometimes I get too wrapped up in what everyone else wants & I forget that I have wants & needs too.

Elaine's picture

Thanks so much everyone. I actually had a conversation with FH this morning. The xbox woke me up at around 6 am. I retreated to a room upstairs. A few hrs later FH came upstairs & laid in bed with me. He asked me if anything was wrong & I just let it all out.
He was surprisingly very understanding and agreed to take the decision making & main care out of my hands. I told him I would continue to play games with SS, spend time with him and help take care of SS when he really needed my assistance but that I will choose how involved I want to be. I explained it like this "If this were a classroom, instead of me & you both being teachers. I want you to be the teacher & I want to be the teacher's aide"
He seemed to be ok with that analogy.

Ladies & Gentleman, today is a new day Pardon

Thank you for all your support.

dsfsdjfn's picture

I was reading what you wrote, and I could have written the same is hard to have a place, youre not the mom, youre not the dad, and the kid has both parents, so you dont want to replace them, but you dont wanna be the evil stepmom from Cinderella...I dont know about you,I feel like I have to impress SS, DH and Dh's mama too! Because I wanted to be the best one for everyone (outshine BM and show that I could do it all but better) and turns out, DH does not appreciate, SS has enough love for everyone (and even if you do more for him, he will still love his parents more)and mama in law is a witch and nobody can please her all this aggravation for what? You do things and then people except it and when you tell them that youve done so much and expect recognition, they say : well who asked you to do all this? you did this your on own!

And my DH does not get it either :why it is not that easy to just wake up with Skids (as he too was a stepdad once---BM has an older daughter) but to him it was no big deal because he never did more than what he wanted...hence where it is harder for you (and I) Now I just do like peaceandquiet said--- honey it is your turn, and I smile! or when SS wants something, I say honey, SS wants some juice, be a dear and go get it please? and I just smile again! of course I still feel obliged to do alot (pressured into being better than BM, as if were in a competition for DH an SS's love which makes 0 sense...he married me not her and SS can love us all differently)so it made me smile to read your blog...but hang in there, you have your own place in everyone's heart I'm sure, and you don't have to be superwoman to earn that place...leave FH some place to take over his parental obligation, and enjoy your role as SM (which should be LESS responsabilities than BM and FH...) Take care

dsfsdjfn's picture


lovelife's picture

I know exactly how you feel. My SD has become my financial responsibility. The BM doesn't pay CS because she is on disability. Once you step in to "do the right thing" it is expected of you. (You make your bed and then you have to lie in it.) When you have a big heart and try to make a better life for those in your is hard to understand how that actually backfires on you.

I've spent my weekend thinking about my DH. He and I have a fantastic relationship...until you throw in the SD. I get to the point where I begin to ignore her existence. I know that is NOT good...but that is my way to survive in my own home. I'm looking forward to her completing the last 3 years of high school. I expect her to "move on" at that point. I'm preparing her to be independant. That is my way of staying sane! (2 years down, 3 years to go!)

lovin_my_life's picture

My best advice: he's not your child, it's not your responsibility. If your FH says, " Elaine, SS is hungry and I'm a little tied up atg the moment... can you help?"... Then I'd say yes, you should help. But when you do it too much it will become an expectation and soon it will be your job to bathe him, dress him, teach him, be the builder of his self esteem etc. Needless to say, I have a very big role in my DH's kids lives and because I stepped in and took over for a period of time it's now my "job" to do most of it. I've tried to back off several times but then nothing gets done and I just step in to get the problem solved.

He's not your husband yet, so I'd think about it long and hard before you become his wife.

If this is a situation you don't want to deal with for the next 12-20+ years, leave now; otherwise it will only get more complicated and messy to deal with.

"I aint no Carol Brady"