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Stick's picture

This is from Children of the Self-Absorbed by Nina Brown...

"The grandstanding parent can be described as "always on stage" , "playing to the crowd", "larger than life", and other such descriptors. Others in her world have to assume a subordinate role, and that role must support and highlight this parent's self-perception. Her children are perceived as extensions of her and exist to enhance and expand the areas where the parent can be admired, receive attention, be better than others, and so on. The child must never fail; and when the child succeeds, that success is perceived as due to the parent's efforts or contributions. The effects on her children can produce someone who is timid, cautious, and always seeking attention and admiration, or someone who acts out to get the same outcomes.

Behaviors and attitudes

flamboyant, dramatic
restless, moves from person to person, project to project, thought to thought
maniacal at times, talks fast, moves fat, and expects others to follow this lead
boasts and brags constantly
resents anyone who outshines her
exaggerates accomplishments and ailments
engages in considerable self-promotion
overestimates her abilities, capabilities, and talent
intrusive, ignores or fails to recognize others' psychological boundaries, possessions, or territory
assumes she is in charge"

This is also somewhat BM over here as she needs to be admired. We have often heard how the children at her job "love her" and "wish that she were their mom".... ugh

So... does any of these 4 fit your bios at all?


Conflicted's picture

THIS one sounds JUST LIKE my ex-dh (dick head)'s ex-wife.... bm to my former skids..... SERIOUSLY.... this is her to a T.

AllSmiles's picture

This is my BM. "assumes she is in charge" ..... until she met me!!!

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

Stick's picture

Kids of the Grandstanding Parent..... Does this fit your SKIDS?

"The complaint child of a grandstanding narcissistic parent will tend to be submissive, self-effacing, and self-deprecating. She is always on edge, trying to anticipate the unexpected and fearing and expecting the worst, and she is unable to protect her boundaries."

OR they could be the

"The rebellious child engages in risky behavior that can be self-destructive. She uses flattery as a tool and can appear cooperative, but may have quiet or hidden defiance. She has considerable resistance to others' ideas, thoughts, and so on but is adept at concealing true feelings."

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Shell97's picture

This describes the BM I deal with also. So, now that is 3 out of 4 that BM fits into. Okay, going to right now and gonna order this book.