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ot- on average how many months after getting married do people get pregnant...does the step drama effect this?

smnikki's picture

i wondering if any sm's here who recently got married have been getting pregnant? and about how many months did it take? I know its personal info, but im really struggling. DH and i have only been married two months but we tried, both months, (counted days and everything) and nothing. i was heart broken when i got my period on sunday, i feel like a failure, and its only two freaking months! dh does his best to comfort me and says that it takes time, and its hard to get pregnant, blah blah blah....

i feel like the stress of bm and mil are what is keeping my body feeling safe enough to get pregnant, DH tells me fuk mil we never have to see her again, and bm drama will be over soon since we got to court and she will be put in her place, (we all know it NEVER ends)

im glad he is able to be optimistic, but im still heartbroken, and i know its nuts because we only have tried 2 months!

any thoughts?


Squillion's picture

Each couple has a 20% chance of getting pregnant on any given cycle and most healthy couples (75%) under 35 will conceive within 6 months to a year.

I wouldn't stress until after that time... (easier said than done, I know)

Are you charting? Temping? Stress impacts ovulation but if you're ovulating you should still be able to get pregnant.

Do you belong to any ttc boards?

Squillion's picture

And after 30 your chances of getting pregnant decrease per cycle, not overall really... so it may just take you longer.

But, they do say if you're 35+ you should see a doc after you've been trying for 6 months.

Are you going to chart/temp?

smnikki's picture

and only see bm once or twice a year?! how did you get so lucky?!

smnikki's picture

but bm thinks she is the mom of the year! she doesnt get that she is now supposed to have a life with her bf and leave us alone. everytime she shows up at things ss acts like a complete fool and is badly behaved, he is an angel with us usually but he knows she lets him act up....ugh, its so annoying

Squillion's picture

If you WANT kids, I wouldn't let a POS mil spoil it for you, Minne.

The good thing about them being your children (at least while you're married to their father) is that you don't HAVE to bring them around anyone you don't want to.

Hugs to you.

Sia's picture

I wouldn't worry tooo much about it! Yes, stress DOES cause your body to do strange things.....just keep trying....that's the fun part!

smnikki's picture

counting the days after i start...the like 8-14 days in my cycle they say to do it every other day. i didnt really look into it much, which is why i know im just being a nut. We know that logically its not the best time to get pregnant because we are working less and moving in to a big new house in dec. and going to jamaica again in july for our 1 year.

i guess my weird emotions are just feeling like, ok, you fell in love, you got married, NOW time to make a baby, and my body is not cooperating!

reeny511's picture

not to make things worse... but when I got pregnant I had to go on blood pressure medication because of all the BM/SD drama. So be careful!!!

Squillion's picture

Well don't rush it, sweetie.

Your body IS cooperating from all accounts... since it takes most normal healthy couples an average of 6-12 months.

You have an 80% chance of NOT getting pregnant each month, despite what our parents and health class teachers told us.

There's a wealth of info out there. Try


smnikki's picture

im just an emotional wreck the last couple days....

Squillion's picture

Trying to conceive is VERY emotional.

You aren't alone. You should consider joining a community. They are very supportive.

BMJen's picture

and ended up having to have a D&C. It was terrible. Two months after the D&C, I was pregnant! Seven months later, shes a preemie, there came my baby girl.

Don't get frustrated. Don't give up hope. It will happen for you, I'm sure of it. ((hugs))

sweetSM's picture

and ended up miscarrying at 7 weeks, though I didn't know until I was nearly 12 weeks along (no heartbeat). I had a D&C, and it took 6 weeks for my period to come again. I got pregnant again right away, about 8 months after the wedding. I'm now 21 weeks exactly.

You know what really helped? I used the First Response Ovulation kit every day from the moment my period ended. It helps to pinpoint exactly when you ovulate. If you are regular, it's even easier. Make sure you have sex for the 5 days leading up to it, too. Good luck, and I'm sure it will happen for you. Don't let the BM and MIL take that joy away from you.

smnikki's picture

and it tells you which day you are ovulating?

i really just get depressed thinking if what if we still arent in like 16 months or something...i know a bride whos wedding i photographed and its been 17 months and she seriously goes on and on about how they cant get pregnant... her mom is so annoyed with her because she tells everyone, but i understand how heartbroken she must be!

im upset at two, ill be a complete nutcase at 17! The weird thing is, we talked about waiting a year, or until we were in a house, but it seems like just because we are not avoiding getting pregnant, some weird hormonal emotional cloud takes over me when i get my period, and i get so upset. dh is amazing and holds me and lets me cry, i just cant explain it to, i feel sorry for him that ive been so loony and he just takes it all in stride!

sweetSM's picture

evening, actually. Doesn't matter what time of the day, just make sure it's the same time every day. About two days before you actually ovulate, you get a LH surge (Luteinizing Hormone). That lets you know that an egg is about to exit the ovaries. The ovulation kit detects the hormone surge to signal to you that it's time to "get busy" within the next 24-48 hours. If you're regular then you most likely ovulate about 12-14 days after the first day of your last period. So make sure you have sex starting at day 10. Sperm can stay alive for up to 5 days inside of you and it helps to have them there to meet the egg.

I can totally relate to your feelings. After the wedding I was so gung-ho about having a baby. I got disappointed each month it didn't happen. After I had the miscarriage, those feelings came back with a vengence. I didn't want to wait at all. But it will happen when it's supposed to happen. That's easy for me to say NOW, but it was a painful lesson to learn. But you sound like you'd make a fabulous mom Smile

stepoff's picture

This is what I used and we're preggers now. Use the ovulation test. I used it after trying for 3 mos. and found out that I was actually ovulating later in my cycle, which is why we were having trouble.

Also, for lots of q&a regarding ttc, try There's tons of info on there to help you time it right and get pregnant.

Squillion's picture

So sorry to hear that sweet and jen... congrats on your pregnancy and baby girl respectively.

smnikki's picture

we know all these things, and thats why we had actually already talked about waiting! but we are just so weird, we want a baby together so badly that we forget that it really makes sense to wait!

justbdais's picture

Don't sweat it. Before H and I were married we decided to try having kids right away (married in May were gonna try in June). I went off the birth control in January and had a pretty normal period for the next 2 cycles. Then the week before I was married I stopped having a period. I figured I was stressed out and didn't think to much of it. The next month no period, and again in June no period. I called my doctor because for me this was not normal. I was seen 2 months later and she ran some blood work and gave me some hormones that help start your period. I had a period, counted the days and never got pregnant, or had another period which is really awful because no period generally gets my hopes up. So due to the stress and being uspet over it my husband suggested we wait a few months and see what happens. Well in Febrauary we decided to start the fertility treatments. I took 1 pill for 5 days on like on day 3 or 4 of my period and on day 10 we started having sex every other day for 2 weeks. Nothing happened and since the doctor didn't tell me anything I had no idea if I even ovulated. SO the next month I went in on day 6 to see if my body was producing an egg. Of course it wasn't and that was the problem the entire time. The next week I went back in for the check and the doctor told me there was no change and that I probably had PCOS(poly cystic ovarian syndrome) which doesn't always appear on blood tests. He upped my dose and when I went back in there was again no change, however he again upped my dose and i was able to start it that night. 1 week later my body was maturing an egg for ovulation and the doctor told me that in 3 days I needed to start having "relations" every other day for 2 weeks. And 3 weeks later I was pregnant and now I am 20 weeks pregnant. I was uspet that it was taking so long because it seemed to me that EVERYONE could get pregnant right away but I heard from the women who writes the what to expect books that it will normally take 6 months to 1 year to get pregnant. So don't stress about it just relax and know that it will come in time and that there are A LOT of options for you.