Cell phone curfew
We have a few rules in the house about cell phones/curfew.
We had all kids going to bed right around 8:30 on school nights.
The SS17 has just recently lobbied for a re-ruling on his part being 17 and currently getting all A’s in school.
I granted him to a 9:30 curfew that is under probation.
If grades or sleepiness are effected the rule goes back to 8:30.
Part of this rule is at 9:30 his cell phonies to be put in our room and we do not need to go get it from him. He has been good with this till last Monday. (HE FORGOT…)
Last night I had to get his phone from him, (strike 1) and what he did not know is this morning (I FORGOT) to leave it home and took it to work with me this morning.
(I knew he had a clue I was maybe plotting such a travesty.)
He knows I don’t let this stuff slide.
But this morning I get a call from my wife’s phone and lo and behold it’s my beloved SS17 asking if I had his phone.
I said good morning, to him and told him what a surprise I get a call from him today. This is a special day!
He was very serious if I knew where his phone was.
I said, “What phone?” (Being playful)
And then said, I have your phone. You did not return it to me on Monday.
He said, “But dad I didn't’t have school on Monday.”
I reminded him it was a school night and that I know he knows this. You know the rules you are responsible enough to not forget these rules.
If this continues to be a problem I will send the phone to your dad’s where he can deal with it. I said, you will get it when I get home. He will also get a speech before getting his phone that I saw him being tired last night at volleyball. And that his curfew is being looked at very closely right now.
This seems to be working fairly well with a little bit of issues to deal with. How do you folks handle this?
- Jon-Boy's blog
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Wow I thought I was the strict one!
I think it's great you have rules for your house to keep the kids in line. I think it was a little harsh to take his phone with you on the first offense though...
He sounds like he's doing good in school and at home...probably thanks to your rules
My son doesn't have a cell phone yet but my SD11 has one. We let her keep it in her room because she turns it off after she texts goodnite to her mother. She has been really trustworthy about the phone so we don't make a big deal about it mostly. I check on it every once in a while to make sure she's not sending inappropriate texts to boys or anything but she's a good girl and hasn't broken the rules about the phone yet. We pay for it on our plan so I can access her call log online to make sure she's not gabbing away all the time. So far so good though! Obviously, that will change when she's 15,16,etc...
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
He goes back and forth with
He goes back and forth with trust.
One time I took his phone away and found out he slipped his simms card out of it and put it into a borrowed friends phone.
So he was never grounded when I thought he was.
So with him it's got to be stricked. He works better with this format.
OH I see clearer now!
oooh..he's a slick one isn't he?? lol...pretty inventive! I would have been livid. Ok so I take it back...you were appropriately strict!!
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
ooohhhh!! I wouldn't have liked that slick stunt
No one knows your child better than you. Initially, I thought you were being too strict, but after that slick stunt he pulled, I would be all-over him, like white on rice. So good for you. . . children seem to believe that they're the only ones with sense; wow! And that parents are all-unknowing.
Don't want to be mean..
maybe I'm missing something but you sound overbearing. I hope he doesn't get to pick out your nursing home.
"We had all kids going to bed right around 8:30 on school nights." 17 year old in bed by 8:30? I have a 50 bucks that he's gonna end up screaming "FREEDOM" like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton
I agree. I am the last
I agree. I am the last person in the world that encourages indulging Skids but this sounds extreme to me. Different strokes I guess.
Ha! honestly he can pick my
Ha! honestly he can pick my nursing home. He loves me...no worrries there. (It's not like that at all.)
Ummmm yah...
17 and bedtime at 8:30? Wow! Perfectson17 sometimes doesn't even get home until after 9, sometimes pushing 10 on school nights when we've been to ballgames and other activities. So yah... wow! LOL... I can't imagine but whatever works I guess! Perfectson17 uses his phone until super late at night I know but as long as he gets himself up and goes running in the mornings he can keep doing whatever he's doing and I'm not saying a word. As long as he pulls his weight he gets tons of freedom with me, but that's just what works for us.
That is my theory on this. wicked-step-monster.
We see eye to eye on this subject.
His current freedom so to speak is due to his choices.
He requires lots of sleep. And is a master of getting away with as little as possible. So in turn I look pretty harsh.
I understand!
Perfectson17 has gotten to the point where DH and I even went away for 2 nights over the holiday weekend and left him home alone! He did a fantastic job too.... he's always been a really responsible kid but when I text him Sunday morning to check on things he said he couldn't talk cause he was walking into church! :jawdrop: I was just super proud!!!
Well let's add more info about SS17
For those that still think dad is too strict... this child barely passed his junior year and only did so because dad took away his cell phone and computer when he found out he was failing most of his classes with only 1-2 months left of school last year after continually lying about doing his homework and attending classes. Pulled the 'ol switching of the simms card as Jonboy said when he was supposed to be grounded. This boy uses the switching between parents home to get out of being assigned chores. He gets free reign on the internet.
The only thing pretty much this boy can't do is stay up late and go to questionable places which may lead to trouble (e.g., friends houses unsupervised, bedroom with girlfriend, etc.).
Also, in order to have enough credits to graduate this year, he chose 2 'Phys Ed' type classes this semester. So, he's running several miles every day between the two. We need to make sure he does not get worn out and unable to concentrate on the classes required to pass.
He's going to be 18 before he graduates and we'll have little say in his activities at that point so we are trying to make sure he starts off the school year with good habits to hopefully mitigate any screwing up he will do the second half because he's 18 and "can do whatever he wants then."
All in all, he's a good boy and the goal is to keep him that way.
You need a avatar. I am
You need a avatar.
I am being strict/stern and overbearing with this too.
You get but a few chances to trample on my post without a picture, and then I block you woman!
We take away SDs phone at
We take away SDs phone at about 8 o'clock, she is 10. We do this since she shouldn't be bother other people late at night, it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with being kind to others. She will call at 2 in the morning if I let her.
We have her give the phone to me and I hide ALL the phones. Once we caught her texting on Hs work phone.
We give her the phone back at 10:30 am in the morning since she shouldn't be waking anyone up either.
We don't let her take it to BMs either. She can have the phone when in our care, Wed and EOW.