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BM wrote FH a letter

MollyBee's picture

BM gave FH a letter, and the opening line is: "You havn't changed since you got busted with your best friends fat girlfriend. I begged you to stay but you swore you didn't love me, whatever." Keep in mind they have been divorced for 6 years, seperated for 8. I will continue with the letter: "I let you off so easily in the divorce I could have taken everything. I won't back down so easy this time. I won't let you beat me!" She is referring to FH taking her to court for full custody. "I thought you were finally stepping up to be a really good dad but its just a game that Molly is playing. I can't stand that bitch. She is not welcome at my home when you come to pick your daughter up for visits. You pay to take her daughter to a waterpark for her birthday and she isn't even your kid." No, my parents took all the kids to a water park for my daughters Birthday, not that its any of her business. She then went on to complain about us purchasing a motorcycle, and him playing paintball, which I still feel is none of her freaking business. Then, BM says that I am bipolar and mentally unstable. The letter goes on and on about her hate for me and my child.
We have given the letter to our attorney to enter as evidence in the court to show her unwillingness to cooperate with me. I get the feeling she is not over my FH. She calls him when he is at work and leaves him messages that she needs to tell him something or that they need to talk, but when he calls her back she has nothing to say. I know she is just trying to cause problems but I am sooo upset about the letter I want to smack her!! I have done nothing but play daycare for her and she is just crazy and so disrespectful!!


Amazed's picture

It was a blog from a BM about her exhusbands wife. It was so awesome but it made me green with envy that I wished I could have this sort of BM in our lives instead of what we all have...

Basically she is BEST FRIENDS with her exhusbands wife...*GASP* I know! She had such wonderful things to say about this woman that I just got all goosy reading it. She attributes her excellent relationship with the stepmom to the fact that she is completely over her exhusband. She went on to say how she would have hated this woman if she wasn't over her ex. She said there's no jealousy,no insecurity,etc...basically none of the stuff we have to deal with regularly in our lives.

Oh how I WISH these BMs could just get over their ex and move on...It really sounds like this is the type of BM you are dealing with right now. A woman hell bent on revenge for some imagined slight dealt to her by your husband. She still loves him so she can't take all her animosity out on him so that's where you come in. OF COURSE she's going to say anything she can to make you look bad. Her life obviously isn't full enough and she has oodles of room in her head and in her heart for hate and guess what honey...YOU are always going to be the preferred target of her hate. BUT in order to keep your sanity think of it this way: When BM is hating on you, instead of hating her back and giving yourself worry wrinkles and grey hair...feel sorry for her. Have pity on her hateful heart and just know if you didn't have what she wanted she wouldn't be acting this way...realize that your life is better and fuller than hers on all counts. Be content with that and just try to remember those things whenever she does something hateful or disrespectful. I know it's SO hard to feel sorry for these people but try it and I bet it makes you feel less frustrated and soon she'll just become a little angry flea on the body of your marriage...yeah she's annoying, yeah she's irritating but the more you scratch at her...the worse she's going to become.

Good luck sweets!

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

bioandstep2009's picture

Ok, so my BM isn't that bad but she has said and done things that have made me livid. While I get angry and bitch/vent to my friends, when I deal with her, I'm all smiles and nothing but nice. "Kill 'em with kindness"... Even if it doesn't improve the way BM views or deals with you, it'll make you feel GOOD as a person and make HER look like a jackass. It's not always easy. There are times when I'm just too pissed off to be nice so I don't put myself in a position to where I have to interact with her (make myself absent at the EOW exchange etc)

frustrated stepmom's picture

BMs have a wonderful ability to make themselves look like fools without any outside help!! It seems that your psycho BM thinks she knows the ins and outs of your household...I guess narcissism is a requirement to be an BM, it must be on the application!

The BM my husband and I have to put up with is ALWAYS lashing out when something doesn't go her way. She will send emails stating what she will/won't do only to have my husband point out that the situation has already been decided by the court and is in the divorce documentation. It's amazing how her attitude changes when he points out that she will be in contempt of court.

She thinks I'm a bad influence on my 2 step-kids but yet they have NEVER seen me lose my mind and start screaming and cussing in a parking lot (she's done that 4 times in the last year).