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Those Lazy SD Princesses

RB's picture

Well, Friday is the deadline for those Lazy SD Princesses (20 & 25) to move out of my house, but their Dad still "doesn't want a scene" and wants to talk to them about when they are planning on moving out. I hate to admit it, but to all of you who told me the SD's weren't planning on going anywhere, I think you were all correct. Those two SD's are planning on staying put. They know their Dad "doesn't want a scene" so they are going to force a scene in order to make me look like crap. Well, I hate to break the news to them, a scene is also going to make them look like crap. I just wish they would move no later than Friday, but since they are busy camping and playing and the rooms they inhabit in my home are still full of their shit I guess they are not planning on doing anything except for the same old way things have been going. Their Dad, my DH, told me today (yesterday and the day before as well) that he was going to find out from them what their plans were. I told him I was very clear that no later than the evening of August 21, 2009 they were to have their belongings out of my house including themselves. He told me he knew, but that he needed to find out what their plans were. I guess he doesn't get it either. I asked him if he remembered how he told them not to make a scene at our wedding and they went ahead and made many scenes at our wedding, but now he doesn't want a scene to get them out of the house? He said he knows, but he just needs to talk to them. I have that feeling of dread that lets me know that this isn't likely to go well....

On top of everything else the Lazy SD Princesses witch of a mother is in town stirring up her usual crap.


LizzieA's picture

I've read your blogs and it makes me sick to think about it. Those two grown women acting like little kids.

Please let us know how it goes!

Hanny's picture

You gave them plenty of warning. Let him discuss their plans with them, but let him know that whatever they say it makes no difference. They have been given a date to leave and you are standing by it. Maybe they can move in with Lazy SD Princesses witch of a mother. Maybe she's in town to help them move. Scene or no scene, they'd be out on time if it were me. And why should you care if they make a scene, there will be no one there to watch it except for you and your DH.

LONGTIME SM's picture

If it is your house you may want to consult an attorney about the steps you can take to actually evict these two if they are not out by Friday.

You really need to take a stand on this as both girls are able to work and have the training to find decent jobs. There is no excuse in them not working if they are not in school fulltime. I agree that you need to stand firm on this as BF is not really doing either girl a favor by allowing them to continue to behave as spoiled chidren while you and he work 60 to 80 hrs a week.

While there will be drama initially - one thing you can be sure of - if you continue to allow this there will always be drama....Good Luck.