I truly enjoy coming to this site, although I don't post alot. I come almost everyday and read, and just by reading what others go thru and how they deal with it,I get some good insight into ways of dealing with my personal situation. But I must say I am very discouraged to see the way people are becoming afraid to post and how people are lashing out at each other, we are all here for pretty much the same reasons.
I have been married for 2 1/2 years and the first 2 were hell for me, and many would say get out if you are that miserable, but you see for me it is not that easy. I made a life long commitment to the man I love, and yes I knew that when I married him he had children and they would become a part of my life as well, and this commitment doesn't come lightly. Through these years I must say I have learned alot and put to practice things I have learned.
It was sad to see that BBB doesn't feel as comfortable posting. I believe that she wants to make things work in her home, but she can't sit by and just let sd and her dh keep acting this way. At some point sd needs to come responsible for her actions and her dh needs to learn to come to a compromise. BBB not posting is a loss for me, because I must say by reading her ideas and feelings, I have learned and put somethings to practice in my own situation.
All of the bickering and lashing out is becoming really old and that is not what DAWN and her husband created this site for. Yes I agree we all are not always going to agree, but we need to understand that some people just vocalize in different ways, maybe not all are the best ways but at least we can put it here.
Each of us come from different backgrounds, different regions, and we all want to make our lives as stepparents better. What some believe is wrong and some belive is right. We should all remember that when respond to someones post.
I also changed my username from stepmommyevil. I thought yesican says more about how I feel now a days than I use to.
- yesican's blog
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I don't mean to roast anyone (or you in particular)
but if we keep posting new blogs saying how we should all stop the bickering/name calling etc...we are perpetuating that kind of thing.
Ever since the whole 'if you aren't happy just leave him' blog, new blogs keep popping up calling people out, crying injustice, I'm deleting everything cuz I don't feel safe, can't we all get along....on and on and on.
It starts getting a little better and ST goes back to normal until someone else posts a new blog and here we go again.
How 'bout we just call it over and get back to normal?
If we stop posting those kinds of blogs, maybe things'll calm the hell down and we can move on. If we keep posting those kind of blogs than the discussion is still open and it is ongoing.
I guess I should just keep
I guess I should just keep reading and not voice my opnion. I understand what you are saying but this site is losing the meaning of what it was intended for, we should not be blasted for what we feel. Or have fear for what someone is going to say. We should be able to blog what we feel.
...the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. - The Lion King
Absolutely! Agreed!
Just thought I'd point it out that by continually posting these types of blogs, we are in actuality perpetuating what we'd all love to stop...not necessarily to you, but to everyone that might want to post another 'can't we all just get along' blog 2 hours from now.
It's over...let's get back to venting!